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Everything posted by Crazyhook

  1. So sorry to hear this terrible news. Thinking of you Paul and everyone that Joey's life touched. RIP Joey
  2. Christine is a great person and am so happy she got to smile with this great fish
  3. Sorry for your loss Chris- not an easy thing to have to do.
  4. bonne Peche!!! call me dude... giant time is here!
  5. 5th year running of my salary cap pool. If you have not played its alot of fun and makes those Sundays you are not on the water a lot more fun. Each week you pick your starting line up with 100 to spend. Each week the values of the players will go up or down depending on how your players did the week before. Entry is 3 fishing lures to be sent to the winner at the end of the season. If you want to join sign up through yahoo fantasy and go to salary cap football League is called Fishing and Football you will need the league number Group ID# 4868 the Password is football KIck off is tonight ! you can make your picks until Sunday Good luck to all Jamie
  6. Congrats to Bob!
  7. Had a great family trip to the Kawathas. Have not been back to Pigeon in a few years and was happy I did. Landed my first 50" fish in a few years at good old DSI! Great time for sure!
  8. About to make the deck, cranking some Lazarus A.D Early morning metal! http://youtu.be/17dUpEP9e6A
  9. Nice fish man! great surprise for sure
  10. Can't wait to toss some big baits! Good luck everyone
  11. My Condolances to you and your family during this tough time.
  12. Well got out a few times with the kids in the last few days... fishing and creatures. We caught one snake, one frog and two turtles... Fishing has been great, loads of bullheads on the lake and Bella got her first carp of the season today in downtown Ottawa. Hope all is well with everyone, sorry its been a while since my last report. Jamie
  13. Nice fish Steve!!
  14. Show we shot last spring, for those without WFN we are now uploading the shows to Youtube. Here is the carp show I hope you enjoy it http://www.youtube.com/bigcityfishing
  15. What a busy year, was not online as much as I have been in the past. It was a great year- got to see many new places while filming and spent alot of my free fishing time doing alot more fly fishing. Got out my with my daughter, she caught her second pike while we were camping near Tweed What a busy year, was not online as much as I have been in the past. It was a great year- got to see many new places while filming and spent alot of my free fishing time doing alot more fly fishing. Got out my with my daughter, she caught her second pike while we were camping near Tweed caught alot of speckeled and rainbow trout last season and had a ball using fly gear and ultralite set-ups Kept a few for the table Highlights were my first Altantic Salmon a 17 pounder ...and one a bit bigger Walleye from Edmonton Fly caught smallmouth bass Kingston Pike My first American shad and caught a few carp as well Can't wait for the soft water!
  16. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Rick
  17. I enjoy Lunkerville! I know WFN is always changing the line up so keep checking the listings for updates.
  18. You can catch cudas and jacks around the pier where the xruiseships dock. White bucktail HHS worked quickly and white with red head minnow baits will do the trick.
  19. Hey Kerr, Just got back from Edmonton, great city and some amazing fishing. Check out John Kokotilo http://www.northernspiritfishing.com . Loads of pike and walleye- I was amazing by the average size of the walleye while down there. Just wrote a blog about my trip http://www.wfn.tv/blog/Jamie/ , In january you will have to drill.. getting cold there! have fun. Looking forward to your report Jamie
  20. If we get 500 votes by Friday I will support the worlds dirtiest mustache for the last week of November! Thanks everyone for the votes!!
  21. Thanks to everyone who voted for Catch a smile, we are in round three and really need the support ! Does not cost a thing just a few minutes of your time. Once you are registered you can vote once a day for 10 days. Please help a great cause! If you have any problems please pm me. Please take a moment to sign up and vote for Catch a smile! Oce you are registered ( takes 2 minutes!) you can vote once a day for 10 days. Round 3! please help this great project http://www.avivacommunityfund.org/ideas/acf7859
  22. I will look like an even dirtier Dan Carcillo in a few more weeks!
  23. What a great fish Aaron! Congrats
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