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Everything posted by Crazyhook

  1. holy! thats crazy... had a great time out there today and did not PVR the game .. doh! thanks for the heads up Jedi! PS did they get my good side?
  2. Beauty musky and nice to see it go back! As for the world record you have to follow the rules for the IGFA and there are many. I broke a line class fly record 2 years ago and it did not count. here is the list of rules http://www.igfa.org/BookRule2004.pdf everyone is whining about no pics of the fish with a tape, well too many pics can stress and kill a fish. The angler did a great job in releasing that fish.
  3. I am wondering hiow much you guys with the 6500's fish muskies. They are not the most reliable reels and do break down. I have had a few over the eyars and they usually have to be repaired after 1 season. Good for the money but there are way better options out there especially for trolling. I have a Shimano Calcutta TE and love it, for trolling its hard to beat a big Penn
  4. IS anyone here a member of the IGFA? First of all, if all the proper measurements were taken and the fish was weighed on a certified scale it CAN be a world record. A scale can be submitted to the IGFA even after the fact to be certified. The fact is a big fish was caught and every fall this happens. Lets all wait for the photos . The St Lawrence has traditionally produced the longest muskies in the world. In the fall these long fish do beef up. If a record is to be broken the Larry has my vote Signed, IGFA member Jamie
  5. haha! just got off the phone with Mike... Saturday will be fun. Hope to get another biggun for this thread
  6. FIL- those fish are greaqt... mike P's fish is a true beauty! congrats on those...
  7. nice muskies man.... hopefully the first one can get a belly
  8. great tips GCD... I was attached to a musky in Sept and my thumb is still sore at times... she did some damage. I had no first aid supplies so I had to do suvival man disinfectant nice tips, hope nobody has to use them!
  9. Corey , she is a beauty!!!! congrats mang
  10. threw one that day for a few hours!
  11. Happy birthday Chris!
  12. I had the pleasure of filming with the gang from the Heliconia press this summer. Musky was out target . 12 hours of casting a few pike finally I caught this musky right before dark. She ate a topwater on a figure 8- had 2 feet of line out! Everything was fine until she jumped boatside putting the first 5/0 treble through my thumb. After a few choice words for the camera, we cut the hook out and took a quick pic and back she went... caught some bass as well... Just got some pics from the crew down in Baja Mexico. They hooked a 300 pound blue marlin which they battled for 4.5 hours . The line broke and the might fish swam away. Later on Ken Whiting hooked and landed this beautiful 110 pound striped Marlin The film has taken the crew to Boca Grande, Florida for tarpon. Alaska for Halibut, California and in the Ottawa area. ONe last segment to film for striped bass out of the east coast. DVD will be released this coming spring www.kayakfishingmovie.com ( more photos and video trailer available!)
  13. great event ... very happy to be able to be there for the Big Guy! great time had by all Everyone raised 48000 for Jim and his family!!! Thanks to all the organising crew who worked really hard to make everything come together
  14. OK I will bite... Most investors are like highway drivers during traffic. You see the lane beside you moving forward and try to change lanes. When you get there that lane stops and the one you were in before moves. Think of the long term, if you buy mutual funds on a biweekly or monthly basis DO NOT stop investing during times like these. You will get more units of your investment and with dollar cost averaging you will be ahead in the long run.
  15. Nice bass, should take BBR long to throw out the pizza boxes and empty cans of Busch !
  16. Bull like half the other emails that come through
  17. great fish Lew! the smile says it all nice work man!
  18. To Matt and everyone involved at MCI, so nice of everybody to give back to someone who has done so much for the sport. Jim is such a great person and I am sure that knowing there are so many people that care for him will give him the strength I know he has. He has made for many kids ( of all ages) smile and appreciate the sport of fishing. Thoughts are with you big guy... you are still in my spot!
  19. two great guys, same day! enjoy it!!
  20. TTT for Jim!
  21. Jim, Hope all is well with you! have not spoke with you since your return from Kingston ( once again helping out kids). You are often in my thoughts man talk soon Jamie
  22. do a search you can get them online before you go
  23. beauty bass Steve!
  24. Joey awesome pics! great report
  25. thanks for the update Matt!
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