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Everything posted by Crazyhook

  1. Hey everyone, Everyone loves taking kids fishing, but let us remember those who introduced us to the sport. Please take a moment and help vote for a great project that , with you help, will help Bruyere take seniors fishing. Please share this with other anglers and let's give back to the community and to those that helped start our passion. Please vote and spread the word, Thank you Jamie http://www.avivacommunityfund.org/ideas/acf7859
  2. Jimmy Buffet, Hank3, Johnny Cash and when I want to drive fast - Testament, the Black Dahlia Murder, Lazarus A.D, Megadeth, Testament, Unearth, Slayer, Cannibal Corpse..
  3. Working fine here Wayne, you may need the latest version to view the clip
  4. Check out the trailer and let me know your thoughts Happy New year everyone! www.bigcityfishing.com Here is the Youtube link
  5. Might want to take down your original posts as well Dax
  6. With my experience landing musky on camera that should be a huge success !
  7. Let me know Lew! Off to Jacksonville next week but should be around Ottawa the rest of the Month
  8. beauty colors man!
  9. Good morning everyone! Its been a really busy fall filming our new show Big City Fishing. We have created a Fan page on Facebook come and check it out for updates and filming dates. If you are on a hot bite drop me a line, you may be a guest on the show! Cheers Jamie
  10. This is just aweful... breaking the law and putting it on film and then the film gets put on the news... http://www.justnews.com/video/21212068/index.html ( FYI all sharks caught and kept must be caught with hook and line.. not a gaff
  11. hey if you fin out who did it I have a few more spots to " cull"
  12. Nice work man! check your pms...
  13. Nice fish man!
  14. toasty warm! whats a little spray when its - 5 but worth it
  15. I hear you being 6 feet and 215 is really tough on my fishing pictures
  16. FIL, that would of been alot quicker! good call! I know for next time... Got to love that cold air... we going to do a snow filled, ice breaking trip again this fall?
  17. Classic! must be a really strong man to hold a 50 pound fish with one hand out like that!
  18. Check it out... http://www.wfn.tv/video/channel.php?channel=77
  19. That is an unreal Fish! Congrats to the Angler on the new state record... A true 50 pounder, love it!
  20. Hey I did the walk a few weeks ago and trust me its a long walk... well worth it though!
  21. We filmed in the Soo 2 weeks ago.. got pinks, chinooks and a Pinook! great fishery you have there.
  22. Joey, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts are going out to you
  23. BRN we fished the Soo last week- what a blast! you have one healthy fishery there... I will be back!
  24. you just never know! thanks everyone- its been a blast so far... many more cities and many more fish!
  25. :) :) will be on the Kayak fishing show in Jan...
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