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Everything posted by AzuluSpookd

  1. I've tried price matching with Trombly's and they just won't do it.....I haven't been there since two years ago when they wouldn't price match my fish finder...sure they have good customer service...but why go there when you can shop online or order over the phone with Lebarons and Cabela's... Don't forget Elwood Epps...they will price match and they have a selection that is unbelievable check out their prices online...they have some amazing deals....I bought my last gun off them...a Savage XP10ProHunter in .223 and they beat Trombly's by 200.00 and Cabelas by 100.00 !! That was just their price...great store to deal with, IMHO.
  2. 569.00 ! I've never found a good deal at Trombly's....always seem overpriced, especially hunting gear. http://www.lebaron.ca/pdffiles/web_spec/rem_870expresstrio_web.pdf
  3. Got mine too Brian....but more importantly....got my second bull tag in two years....come on Sept 18th
  4. Nice report Joey, thanks for the pics. That dog just looks like a big meanie! What a glare he has... Wayne certainly looks like he's in his happy place!
  5. Brian...government policies and procedures have little weight in my world....however...it has long been known that one of the most powerful acts is the Health and Safety Act....MOL decisions have major impacts across the province and have alot of weight, particularly in government run buildings....this is why Bill 168 was created and placed strategically into the HSA under two components WDHP and WVP...It really is a good thing, but like many good things can be abused...but if they can filter out the abuse, it will be a good thing for employers and employees....threats, intimidation, bullying from Manager v Manager, Manager v Employee, Employee v Employee, coworker to coworker, although there were some policies that covered this, by placing this into the H & S Act will certainly carry alot of weight allowing employers able to deal with these occurences efficiently and effectively, resulting in strict discipline to possibly being terminated. We all know that stuff (discipline)rarely happens in a unionized environment, but Bill 168 under the H & S Act will make all employees accountable for their actions. I've seen it already, an incident that occured 3 weeks ago, probably would have been swept under the rug pre Bill 168...however..thanks to Bill 168 and the obligation to notify the JOHSC....7 day suspension.... I think we should all look at it as a positive thing, for everyone.
  6. Launch out of honey harbour. It only took my 40 minutes, with a full load in the boat on the way to a cottage on bone last week...make sure you have maps if you're not familiar with the area...
  7. Henry, if you're looking for some nice smallies...when you come out of Longuissa, use your charts...there's two monster shoales that come up from 95 FOW....there...you will find big smallies...with Tubes...
  8. Does anyone have a link to a TSN online feed? I'm trying to watch the rematch for the heavyweights, not realizing I don't have TSN anymore on Sat.... It's the rumble at rama tonight....
  9. Just went through midland....heavy heavy rain and high winds...radar says were okay now
  10. It was crazy. I was sitting on my front porch with my daughter, my other daughter was at her friends on the north side of town. We watched the storm build, then the clouds looked real strange...so I started taking pictures on my phone...then the sound of a freight train...that sound was unbelievable..we looked up and saw all of the debris flying in circles...it was unbelievable...by that point, my daughter had already ran down to the basement....shortly after my wife and i were called out to assist and didn't get home until 4am. Crazy day....felt an earthquake and witnessed a tornado..how many people can say that?!!
  11. Highway 60 going into Algonquin.
  12. That's a great report Dan...thanks. I've always wanted to visit red lake....
  13. Thanks guys, she is an absolutely amazing person. She's in great health and just gets pleasure helping others out. I'm glad you all liked it....I wanted to go and visit her, but the cost to Edmonton wasn't bad....it was the cost to Inuvik from Edmonton that was a killer.... I think her next adventure is to Labrador to help out there...crazy stuff!
  14. Just thought I would share these pictures with all of you....and a little story behind it..... My mom is 69 years old and loves helping people...she's been involved in the Out of the Cold program here in Midland for many many years and is a Social Worker. She decided at 40 years of age, to go to University with 4 kids and got her BA then BSW then MSW. My father passed away a few years ago and since then she's had this itch to go to remote places and help people. Well, last year she shocked us and informed us that she would be heading to Inuvik, North West Territories! I had an opportunity to suprise her when she took a vacation in December to Las Vegas, my wife and I almost gave her a heart attack when she saw as at Bally's, it was great seeing her for four days prior to her heading back.... Her town is where the Tropicana TV Commercial was filmed and plays every day on CITY TV on Breakfast television. They have almost complete darkness for a month in the winter and complete sunlight for a month during the summer. Crazy stuff. Ice Road Truckers was there to film the past few years. She's as strong as an OX and just loves it out there. She is set to return on September 2nd and were looking forward to having her back. She's already planning her next trip....to Labrador...I love my mom! Hope you enjoy.... Below is the map of where Inuvik actually is...top left corner...she flies weekly to a place called Sach's Harbour...directly across the Arctic Ocean.. Below is the DC3 that takes her and 2000lbs of gear to Sach's Harbour... Here she is inside... Below are pictures of the Beaufort Sea... This is her friend, a Doctor from Vancouver that helps out....she is actually touching the Arctic Ocean.... Here's a picture of Sach's Harbour from the plane.... Waterproof Sealskin boots... Bowhead Whale remnants... Current Fishing Gear.... Funny looking Christmas Tree.... This is as low as the sun currently sets...it's 3 AM !!! Muskox hide hanging off a house in Sach's... Muskox.....after her and her friend got back from this walk, they were told by the locals never to go out again alone. A Polar Bear was shot 4 days before and when they gutted it, there was no food in its stomach.... Pelts at a local grocery store... Look who's coming for a visit? TOO TOO....check out the menu!!! This is back in Inuvik.... I'm extremely proud of what my mom has accomplished in her life, with alot more to come. She's a great woman and I can't wait to see her in September!
  15. It is sad, this happened a few years ago as well. The young one found yesterday is my neighbours nephew. Lifejackets WERE a factor and the one that survived, swam with the waves into Cedar Point, the other two tried to swim back into the waves to the Island. Sad day indeed.
  16. Their called Giant Hard Back Turtles.....watch out fer those buggers
  17. http://www.hamilton.ca/NR/rdonlyres/6B512F07-8535-4A14-AC46-D24735E4AD6F/0/05114.pdf Looks like your toast. Although the CCC states a minimum velocity/sec, the municipalities create their own and include specific definitions such as Longbow, Xbow, etc...Pellet guns..etc. Take a look at Section # 2, subsection # 5 under definitions... Unless your part of the exemptions in Section # 5, I think you outta luck.
  18. Did you just say "Pulse Width Modulation"??? I'm impressed Mr. Terry
  19. Bingo! You got it Cudz. Harris sux
  20. Ouch! That hurt Don't forget though...I tagged out in a week...
  21. For someone who claims to be working so hard for the past 2.5 months non-stop, you sure spend alot of time on the computer... I'm just sayin' is all...... lol
  22. Nice pics! Is that Round Lake?
  23. Tom, don't worry what the others think. Thanks for posting. I picked up my girls from Monsignor yesterday and it was spotted on the tree line and went into the bush behind GBGH.... 200 kids in the yard and a bear around and people here think its a joke. Get a grip people.
  24. Looks like eyes, nose and a mouth! Great report SP, wow!
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