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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Pretty much how I feel as well. Regarding environment one interesting theory is that lakes that have had intense angling pressure for years, where generations of trophy fish have been harvested, have developed a population of smaller fish. Fish that in a nut shell have changed genetically to only grow to a certain size because otherwise they'll be harvested. There's tons of info on this floating around out there, here's one study: http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/article/7802
  2. Well, if you're looking to buy local you might want to consider a Naden boat. There's a reason why most outfitters in Ontario use them, they're incredibly durable. They're made in Temagami now I believe and Irishfield on the board is involved. He'd be a good guy to talk to.
  3. It appears as though the extreme cold has dulled your ability to detect humour. This area of the brain is located in the lower frontal lobe. I suggest you start wearing a really warm toque.
  4. The earlier the better. March is one of the best months of the year for steelheading.
  5. Here's one for you Brian, Merry Christmas. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BfeSt225x-Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. What a great year Chris! You did well.
  7. It's primarily the washing machine Dan. Like I said I speak from experience, everyone here can take the advice or leave it.
  8. A couple of viable theories. One it's possible the blotches may be associated with catch and release fishing. They may be affected negatively where they were touched when out of the water and it's part of a skin or slime repairing process. Second, increased pigmentation in animal tissue is a natural defense mechanism against heavy metals and other contaminants.
  9. There's one thing I really hate about the Cabelas Guidewear. The zipper is covered with a flap that's held down with velcro. This will wear down over time, I know from experience. It will also curl back and get mishapen when washed over time. I much prefer a suit with a waterproof zipper and no flap. There's plenty like that on the market (BPS 100MPH, Simms, Fabril). If there has to be a flap covering the zipper brass snaps are 1000 better than velcro. It's a cheap design that will wear out and if I'm shelling out good coin there's no way I'd buy another Cabelas suit for this reason alone.
  10. I think that was Flaming Gorge, pretty sure it was the hot fishery way back when.
  11. I'm at home this morning, no fishing today. The kids are in school, Joanne is at work and the dog is currently watching me intently to see whether I'll rise and grab the leash. With winter on the doorstep I find myself in a contemplative mood. It's been a good fall fishing wise, maybe even a great one. That however has been offset by my uncles health. He was my angling mentor as a child and has always been my hero. Even now. Just before thanksgiving he was diagnosed with liver cancer and frankly is not doing very well. We each deal with these situations as best we can. I find myself finding solace through the eyes of my children and their unabashed, untarnished view of life in general. I've had my son out several times this fall and at 6 years old he's becoming an angler in his own right. Seeing him succeed and laughing at his excitement does my heart good. I've had my share of success as well, fishing all corners of the map. Racking up several thousand kilometers on the truck and fishing all over Ontario and three different States in pursuit of steelhead. Of course fishing with good friends has made the experience even better. Hope, as always, springs eternal. I think I'm going to take the dog out for a walk now.
  12. I've seen this video before, it's pretty cool. I didn't see anything conclusive in that video that points to the fish being snagged.
  13. I didn't any aspect of that video funny at all. Different strokes I guess.
  14. Agreed. The fact I have to run a shot line is a negative, but the advantages of this line outweigh that aspect. Also true. It gets shredded once the temps get below zero. I'll be switching over to mono this week.
  15. Was just informed my wife will be away that weekend. She's heading down to Grove City on a Christmas shopping spree with the girls. So...I'm at home with the kids that weekend. We were originally going to drop the kids off at my sister in laws then head to Bronte, but my sister in law is joining my wife. If I can find someone to watch the kids I'll be there guys, otherwise I'm pooched.
  16. Thanks for the laugh Cliff. Glad to see you boys had a good time.
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