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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Thanks everyone, much appreciated. Some very kind words Roy, thank you. And yes Brendan took a whole bunch of pic's on that trip including at least one, maybe two that were published. I never even thought of that! Also I have to say this is far from "the big leagues", but it's pretty cool nonetheless.
  2. Thanks lads! Ah yes the video, that turned out pretty well I thought. At first I was surprised when OOD asked for a video clip, but it's really a stroke of genius I think. It's the best way to show what a destination is truly like.
  3. Thanks Bill, it's been tough on everyone. Hey from what I can see it looks great, thanks for the sneak peak!
  4. Hey don't feel bad, I havn't even seen it myself yet. Guess it's time to subscribe. On a somewhat related and more serious note my uncle who joined us on that trip is now in pallative care. It seems all but certain that particular trip will have been his last. He was the one who planted the angling bug in me over 40 years ago now and a true passion for brook trout as well. He's always been proud of my accomplishments and I'm very glad he'll get the chance to see this story in print. I did make mention of him in the story as well, he'll get a kick out of that. I'll be seeing him later this week to show him the magazine.
  5. Splendid, an online version of The Bridge Of Death! Wrong! It's actually 12. You're dead. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pWS8Mg-JWSg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure corvette1 on the board has been to Wollaston and wasn't overly impressed. I'd shoot him a pm.
  7. Because it was like watching an episode of Trailer Park Boys. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Ox3lqBkFuJ4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  8. That's the bottom line. However you're not fishing nearly as effectively as you could be if you're using mono exclusively. This coming from someone who's been fishing mono on a centrepin since 1978. I scoffed at the idea myself then I actually tried the stuff. The advantages this line offers as a mainline on a float reel are so huge they dwarf any possible negatives. But hey each to their own. This thread wasn't meant to be a discussion on the merits of superline vs mono. The OP asked a question and it was answered.
  9. I disagree strongly, but then what do I know?
  10. 10lb Nanofil is by far the best line I've ever used as a mainline for floatfishing. As well as having no stretch and being round like mono it floats like a cork. The only downside, and it's a big one, it cannot be used in sub zero temps. It gets literally shredded by any little piece of ice stuck on the inner ring of your guides. Many people hate Nanofil because it's not very abrasion resistant and that's true. But used strictly as a mainline for floatfishing in above zero temps it's the best. Below zero 8lb or even 6lb Fireline Crystal is the next best thing imo. Not quite as slick and castable as the Nanofil, but stands up well in sub zero temps and also floats.
  11. It amazes me the gross and utter misinformation that occasionally gets posted on this board.
  12. Same to you and yours Lew, and Merry Christmas to the rest of my OFC friends as well.
  13. If he's smart he's sitting in front of a crackling fire right now with a stiff drink.
  14. Nice job Brady!! Are you willing to pick up the slack when Spiel gets swamped?
  15. In another story 10,000lb's of Canadian Back Bacon was stolen recently from a meat packing facility north of Montreal. Police suspect the two heists may be related.
  16. This quote from the Explore article hit home: “His intention was to brave the elements and have the sort of experience that broke him or made him different,” says Poukhlov. “He wanted to bring some justification to his life—something different from working as a roofer or hanging out in bars.” I lived a very similar lifestyle in my 20's and early 30's. Mostly working menial jobs to simply finance my next expedition into the bush. Often I'd leave for months at a time with no word to anyone what my route was. My longest excursion was 4 months, mid May to Mid Sept by myself. After reading the Explore article I could only think my God that's me. Then thought my God how could I have ever subjected my parents to that torture? The thing is young men sometimes can have a selfish viewpoint on life. I know I sure did back then. It doesn't mean that I didn't care for and love my parents... For what it's worth those solo trips were life changing. Eat when you're hungry, sleep when you're tired, and travel wherever you please. Food, clothing, shelter, transportation, everything one needs to live and survive happily is carried on your back. A true testament to how little one really needs to be happy. Eventually there is no lonliness only incredible peace as you truly become one with your environment. A confidence is instilled that if one can accomplish this, nothing is impossible. There's not much doubt in my mind...regardless of what happened...that Daniel was doing what he loved. My thoughts and prayers to you and yours Maureen.
  17. So will this addition be a permanent one Craig? Very cute, just in time for Christmas.
  18. Apparantly he had four kids. This is from his book Tight Lines And Tall Tales: " It was the closest thing to what all four of the kids felt when we lived in Morton Grove, Illinois and I was in the den, sitting in my favorite rocker recliner, trying to relieve a head crushing hangover, that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. All of them had cap guns at the time, courtesy of their dear mother. I was just starting to feel like I was going to live, when all four kids came bursting in, shooting off their cap guns like they were in the battle of the bulge. Well rather than try to plead with them to knock it off, I quietly went back to room, loaded my six shot 357 magnum with extra loud blanks, and went back to the den yelling, "So you like to shoot guns, well I got one too." With that I pulled the trigger six times, which was useless, because all four kids had scattered out the back door by the third shot, and was telling their mother, that daddy had gone berserk, and was shooting up the house. I, on the other hand, sat back in my rocker recliner, and after the calling down their mother gave me, enjoyed peace and quiet for the rest of the day, as did my poor aching head."
  19. That's not a very good anology. I highly doubt the kid in Conneticut could have walked into that school and murdered 26 people with a Bic pen.
  20. This is exactly right. It's the first thing that popped into my head when I heard the details. Again I agree completely. This is an inarguable fact. That's just it in a nutshell isn't it? There is no real need for anyone to own these types of weapons. Revisiting their gun laws needs to be done. Obama talked about making some tough decisions regardless of politics in response to this tragedy. Let's see if he really will step up to the plate.
  21. Reducing the limit on rainbows from 5 to 2 in the lake is HUGE news!
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