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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. There's so many choices for an off the rack rod these days. As far as stock rods go I'll agree with Loomis. If it was me I'd likely have one built though. Worth looking at is the Rainshadow XST 111/2' steelhead blank. First choice by far, J.C. has a new 12' 2pc CTS blank that's unreal.
  2. Not a resident, definitely a steelhead. Nice catch btw.
  3. Last year early on Christmas eve I took the family on a hike in some nearby woods. (Actually I carried my 2 year old, my 5 yr old walked. ) We made a small campfire, roasted some marshmallows and sang some Christmas songs. It was great. All the best to you and your family Ryan, hope you have a great holliday!
  4. The biggest hurdle is finding open water. Much of the notty will most likely have a lot of shelf ice and could be dangerous to fish. You may be better off shooting over to the huron side. The saugeen is big and fast enough that there should be fishable water from the dam down to the graveyard. The sauble may be an option as well, it takes longer to freeze. If you're using roe try hot pink. For whatever reason in ice water the bright colour seems to ilicit hits. Jigs tipped with maggots or waxworms would be a good choice as well. Good luck.
  5. John if it wasn't for my kids I'd have a hard time enjoying the season. Seeing it through their eyes has rekindled the magic for me. Hope you find the magic yourself my friend, best wishes to you and yours. Was at my daughter Riley's grade 1 Christmas play recently. The vid isn't the greatest, but here's a short clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52syi7x0xMQ
  6. Watching The Polar Express has become a yearly tradition with my little ones. Great movie.
  7. If you're a lefty I know where you can get a smokin' deal on a Quantum tour edition pt (TE101SPT). $175 tax in.
  8. The car theft ring is rampant in our area, that's a fact. Both my dad and a friend had their trucks stolen out of Costco parking lots. Both vehicles were recovered stripped and trashed on the res. We had an elightening conversation with one of the investigating officers. It's been a problem locally for a long, long time. I believe the officers do their best, but in many ways their hands are tied. Sorry to hear you were targetted 3 times, that's crazy!
  9. So by your logic a young man who has been characterized by people who knew him as being generally good and well liked deserved the fate that befell him? You feel sorry for the other driver and her family but not for the young man and his family? You're a hard man. Obviously perfect in every way, never having made a mistake or used poor judgement in your entire life. Oh that we could all be as perfect as you. Yes the young man made a mistake. But...the fact remains that the spike strip laid on the hwy to stop him resulted in the unfortunate fatal accident. Does he deserve to be smeared in death? I don't think so. My sympathies go out to both families involved.
  10. But..he didn't kill anyone. He lost control of the vehicle as a result of the spike belt. Very sorry to hear about this. Both so young with their whole lives in front of them. It's way beyond tragic.
  11. Excellent write up grasshopper. It appears as though you have indeed become one with the fish. Pic #2 is a classic portrayal of the "crouching tiger - leaping steelhead" pose.
  12. Wow, congrat's to the both of you, what a great place!
  13. If I had to pick one it'd be a #2 or #3 E.G.B. spinner with a hammered copper blade.
  14. Great to hear, you two have yourselves a great Christmas!
  15. Sorry to hear. I'm not too surprised though. The water temp dropped so far so fast I think it shocked them. Sun, Mon, Tues should be good I think.
  16. Amazing. Have you read "The Mist" by Stephen King? That's what came to mind.
  17. I already told them Santas angry brother Dave was gonna visit us over christmas from the north pole. That he's gonna be checking up on 'em.. They weren't impressed.
  18. Frogwater is a descriptive term used to describe water that's teeming with frogs. The fish are attracted to and excited by the frogs and that usually means good fishing. (I'm in a sassy mood. Frogwater=slow moving water with little or no visible current)
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