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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. They sure are. You wouldn't believe our grocery bill and they're only 3 and 5. Wish I would have thought of that. Get my 3 year old on his kneees holding the fish with the ice rod laid across the back of his neck.
  2. Very very tough nut to crack through the ice. Unless you're mobile and have a depth map my guess is you're in for some tough fishing. The lodge and lake are nice though.
  3. You need to get just a bit further north to find lakes that aren't hammered by locals. Any of the fly in outfitters in Hawk Junction, White River and Folyet are good. Obviously even further north is better. I've flown out of both Nakina and Armstrong multiple times with great success.
  4. We Arrived We Fished We Ate A great time was had by all!
  5. You had me there for a second. Congrat's on the catch.
  6. Never considered Sudbury for a fly in because they're not remote enough for my liking. Most of their lakes are accessable either through portage or atv. Indian is a decent walleye lake. I fished it once years ago via portage from Bisco. The only advantage Sudbury has is the short drive from southern ON, makes it a pretty easy trip.
  7. Funny 'cause it's true. Kind of Andy Rooney-esque.
  8. As I said in the other thread incredible, just incredible! Very realistic. (That said you might want to mix in some maribou to give the fly some movement)
  9. Beauty fish guys. Man are those bass ever infested with black spot!
  10. Amazing Chris, just amazing. Now that I've finally seen them how about some black and white maribou muddlers tied on 1/8oz jig heads?
  11. If you like the low profile check out the Abu Revo Toro 61 HS.
  12. Not "exactly" what you're asking for but this popped to mind. I remember back when I was 16 about 2 weeks after I got my drivers license. Around 8am on a perfect March morning my mother asked if I'd shoot over to the corner store for some milk. She was throwing me a bone, allowing me to drive the car and get some practice. Great no problem I said. I had already stashed my fishing gear in the trunk hoping I'd be able to make a getaway somehow. I hopped in the car and drove to Port Hope for some steelhead fishing. (About a 21/2 hour drive away). I fished for about 5 hours and absolutely hammered them. Back then I was still in the "keep everything" phase so I had 5 large rainbows in the cooler on the ride home. Arrived home around 6:30-7pm with both of my parents waiting for me when I pulled in the driveway. I knew I was gonna catch hell, but figured no matter what it was worth it. My mother laid into me with a full frontal verbal assault. While this was happening I popped the trunk and said "Dad, check this out!" All traces of anger left his face when he saw the fish. "Where'd you catch 'em?" he panted. "What'd you get 'em on?" He hauled the cooler out of the trunk and spilled the fish out on the grass. "Wow" he breathed. "We really have to talk". My mother rolled her eyes and gave up the ghost. My dad and I walked in the house chattering away about my day and my mom hopped in the car to shoot down the road and finally get her milk. About 15 mins later there's a phone call from my mom. She'd run out of gas halfway to town (about a 2km drive). Had to walk to a friends house to call and wasn't too thrilled LOL! I'd driven out to Port Hope without a dime in my pocket. Fortunately for me there was an almost full tank of gas, although the warning light was on for the last 45 mins of my drive. Ahh..memories.
  13. Used to fish there all the time back when Ross owned it, always had a good time. Just had a quick peak at their website out of curiosity and there's a bunch of pic's of Ben Beattie in their ice fishing photo gallery from Jan/07. (Must still be good. )
  14. Wish I could have made it out with you. Must have been a comfortable day out there with the temps.
  15. Ever heard the expression "the pot calling the kettle black"?
  16. Never say never Doug. You spent the better part of a week with me up north so you know how fussy I am about my coffee. Already harped on this, but I agree with you and everyone else who's chimed in about real coffee. It's for canoeing and backpacking when space and weight is at a premium. I can only surmise that a lot of you guys never go on extended trips where you're carrying everything on your back.
  17. I don't think so, we'll be in there before you. On the plus side all the fish will be stung before you get there. (My attempt at increasing the challenge for you. ) NEVER! True, my custom Gucci waders are a dead giveaway. To everyone else who pooh poohed the idea in favour of regular camp coffee I agree. There's nothing better. For me at least there's plenty of times when weight and especially space are at a premium in my pack, and this stuff is really good.
  18. I'm as innocent as the driven snow. You on the other hand have a filthy mind. (Excuse me, I have a lightning bolt to dodge) Yech! It's disgusting. Which trip? There's like 18 different coffee makers in the Kichen at the Attawapiskat camp. If we do a May Speck trip I'll be bringing the Starbucks instant.
  19. Starbucks introduced an instant coffee that's really quite amazing. It tastes exactly like fresh brewed, and I'm pretty fussy about my coffee. I'd never use it on a regular basis, but for canoeing and backpacking where every single ounce of weight and space is at a premium it's a fantastic product. This was the first year ever I didn't bring either a percolator or a french press into the bush with me and I didn't miss either one. If you're a coffee drinker and are anal about the weight of your pack you should try it. http://www.starbucks.com/via
  20. I've been using a Coghlans folding swede saw for years, they're bulletproof: http://www.coghlanscampinggear.com/cofosaw.html
  21. Me neither. I didn't discover girls until I was 30. Seriously, I've been obsessed with the sport since a very young age. I distincly remember walking into a variety store with my mother in 1973 at the age of 8 and being amazed and excited to discover there were actual magazines devoted to fishing. Garry that was an excellent read, thanks so much for posting.
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