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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Where does your consciousness reside?
  2. In a nutshell, preparation is the key to success. Always has and always will be.
  3. As someone who has trolled cranks from a canoe his entire life, the answer isn't overly complicated. As has been mentioned many cranks will dive to the depths you mentioned. Yes you can achieve these depths using paddle power. A small clamp on rod holder is nice to have in a canoe when you're doing a lot of trolling. If you want to troll lighter non diving baits deep, like floating Rapalas or small flutter spoons, use a Wolf River Rig. It's worked for me for years and years. You can vary the weight of the bell sinker anywhere from 1-3oz. I usually run a lead of about 4' to my lure off the 3-way swivel. http://www.fishwolfriver.com/pages/making-a-wolf-river-rig.php
  4. Stupid numbers of fish pic's will be posted later today. Not on this trip. That was made crystal clear to me before we left LOL! No kidding eh? Close, very close,Bruce Beach. Well to be truthful I believe dogs are supposed to be leashed on that beach. Everyone else walking on the beach with dogs had theirs leashed. But our dog never strays, always stays close. No way was I going to tie her up unless I was forced to. Went for an 8km run on the beach Saturday morning and she stayed right by my side the entire time. As a somewhat new dog owner I've found many of the dog related bylaws to be incredibly frustrating. My dog needs to run off leash every day, she's a high energy breed. If she doesn't, well let's just say she's a different dog. There's virtually nowhere close to where I live where she can run. Closest place is a 20 min drive and I'm bringing her there almost every day. Unfortunately responsible dog owners are paying the price for a few bad apples.
  5. Have a great trip Gord, wish I was joining you.
  6. I don't have one in my files, but I can get you one tomorrow.
  7. Joe you're alive! Looking forward to the fall season bud. Cheers
  8. A much more civilized drive than usual. Quiet country roads, pastoral vistas and little traffic made getting there very relaxing. Our first view of Huron brought some excited chatter from the back seat. The oasis for our weekend getaway was incredibly private, the driveway being a small preview. Old weathered plank floors, perfect for wet sandy feet and decor that matched. Right on the beach, it was perfect... The beach, private and dog friendly was amazing. Kids and pooch were in their glory. <iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/RGvO66rI3as" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Friends joined us and a perfect golden day blended seamlessly into a star filled night, campfire on the beach, and lots of sticky marshmallow covered faces. Everyone was beat, including the pooch. Saturday was special, it was my little girls 8th birthday. The kids took great pleasure in decorating the cake. My young daughter is growing up way too fast... <iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/DmHV0qqaTYk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Later that evening we trekked over to Kincardine. Every Saturday night during the summer the pipe band has a parade through town. Great fun. <iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3uhnN3IL0Dg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> It was a great way to end the summer for everyone and a perfect way to celebrate my girls birthday. (MUCH more appealing than taking 12-15 squealing 8 year olds to Chucky Cheese ) 'Till next year
  9. Rainfall is the last thing you want. They usually do start to stage off Bronte this time year. Give 'er a shot.
  10. You're way too healthy for your own good. FYI Sept 28-Oct 2 is set aside for a trip north!
  11. So I guess Michigan isn't part of the States then? The Salmon River in Pulaski is pretty incredible too... As far as the giant coffees go, bring 'em on!!
  12. Pretty good Julian. Ironically when at our camp in QC last year I was asked to pick up tampons while in town shopping. I totally forgot and made a quick stop at the last small grocery store enroute to our landing. So I grab the tampons then impulsively grab a magnum bottle of red wine which was right in front of me and head for the cashier, an attractive young female. She clucks her tongue, shakes her head sadly at me and in broken english says "Ahhh...it sucks to be you I guess?" People behind me started to laugh. Have to admit it was kind of funny.
  13. On a recent fly in trip with my family to the Chapleau Game Preserve I was disgusted to find piles of rotting fish carcasses all around the camp. In the water by the beach, on the shore and in the water in several other places near the cabin. Even a pile in the water near the water intake line for the shower/cabin. A veritable dumping ground. I spent a good 40 minutes filling 4 pails with rotting carcasses and hauling them over to a nearby island. The stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me.
  14. I walk my dog on the Tyneside trail almost every day. The trail is 2km long. Near the end there's a couple of spots where I always see TONS of carp dimpling and rolling. If you're into carp I'd say go for it.
  15. Well then why not notify the person you'll accept the offer then call the cops explain the situation and set up a sting?
  16. What you're saying makes sense Joe. But honestly I can't imagine anyone not asking for a quote. I mean seriously, no one calls a tradesman to do work on their house without asking for a quote.
  17. Just awesome! It's great to see that your boys had such a good trip. (Nice lookin' plate of walleye wings )
  18. Prayers sent your wifes way Kelvin. That wasn't a rant btw. People need to vent every once in awhile. Stay strong.
  19. Sad to hear this Mike. Lots of positive thoughts and energy sent your dads way.
  20. I guess the other 90% of the lakes aren't good enough for the poor and destitute.
  21. Just about every little gas station will sell licenses. You should be able to get one enroute.
  22. Well that's good to hear, was wondering where you ended up! Gorgeous brookies Billy. Frank looks happy.
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