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Everything posted by Fisherpete

  1. I think that is the sexiest fishing rod I have ever seen. Incredible work!
  2. Very nice looking rod!
  3. LMAO Brian!!! Never mess with a man who sticks TIG sticks into his brain... just for fun!!! Tuesday is the only day that won't work for me.
  4. Sounds good Bernie! Brian and Wayne - either of you heading to Whitby or the GTA any time soon? I am working near Parklawn/Lakeshore, could make a run up the 400 and meet at BPS or somewhere in that area.
  5. Dave - that's a great idea, thanks for the link. I will send them an email today. I'm sure my dad would love to see her properly restored to her former glory! Bernie - I would be happy to sell the motor and controls on their own, if we can make arrangements via the Brian or Wayne express for delivery that would be perfect. Let me know! Thanks Pete
  6. We water skied behind her with no problems too... I think she did close to 28mph!
  7. Hey guys and gals. This is my Dad's boat, and has not seen water for at least 15 years. He does not have the time or interest in restoring her. It definitely needs a lot of work, and I know very little about mahogany boats - but there are some bad spots in the wood for sure as the pictures will show. I have no idea if these can even be repaired - maybe some of the experts on the site can help me out here! From what I know, the boat is from 1958 - that is the date stamped on some of the cleats. Also from memory, I think the 25hp Johnson is a 1954 or 1955 - the serial number can be seen in a few of the pics so maybe someone can help me figure that out. This boat was an absolute blast when she was running - and pretty fast too. Again, I have no idea what state the motor is in - but I do know the last year we had the boat in the water she was running. For sure needs a tuneup. There are a couple of the original metal fuel tanks available as well, and the red vinyl bench seats from the boat are stored in my parents basement - in good shape. I can not make any claims to the road worthiness of the trailer either, it has sat in the same spot for years as well. So, all that being said - the boat is available, free to anyone who wants to take on the project. You just have to pick it up (Toronto, Beaches area) - most likely with your own trailer and a few guys to help lift the boat onto it. The motor, which includes the metal stand, fuel tanks as well as all the controls in the boat is available for $100. It is an electric start by the way. If the boat is a write-off, I will remove all the motor rigging from the boat to include in the sale. Here's some pictures of Naomi - that was her name
  8. Yup, they are rock solid. A few friends of mine use them for muskies and salmon, and after seeing how good they were last year I picked up 2 sets for my boat this summer.
  9. Yup, been getting them pretty good for about a week and a half now... tonight should be pretty good too with today's rain and mild temps.
  10. If you guys like those colours you should see that spot in the fall lol Beauty slab Mike!
  11. Likewise Steve! If we could have just culled that little one pounder we would have been in the money!!!
  12. Slabtastic!
  13. How many do you need? I have a good supply that my son picked the other night - you can have some if you like. I'm in Whitby - just send me a PM. Pete
  14. Thanks for hosting again Steve - it was lots of fun! Andrew and I just missed the overall weight payout (we finished 4th @ 36.4lbs) but took the big fish calcutta - gotta say it's pretty cool to get paid to go fishing!!!
  15. Sweet... I hope to catch my first brown this year.
  16. The first time a tyee screams off a few hundred feet of drag on a run you will be glad you had the 30
  17. If you go bring lots of weight - the river is flowing faster than I have ever seen it - I was using two 3oz weights on Friday night and still getting pulled downstream in a hurry. Lots of debris being pulled along the bottom as well - weeds, sticks, leaves - covers your weight and cutbait pretty quick.
  18. Downrigger rods and dipsey rods are quite different. I have not heard good things about the Rapala linecounter reels, but their rods are OK. Okuma Convector linecounter reels are probably the best bang for your buck at around $85 Okuma Coldwater linecounter reels are a bit nicer but also a bit more at around $130 Shimano Tekota linecounters are awesome but pricey at around $200 Shimano TDR rods are also a good deal for the money and perform well, think they are around $35 Shimano Talora rods are sweet but cost more at between $90 to $105 There are many other rods to choose from out there that are good performers and not that expensive including the Okuma line. My setup for this year: 2 Talora rods paired with an Okuma Convector 30 and an Okuma Coldwater 30 for dipseys 2 Ugly Stik Tiger downrigger rods paired with Okuma Convector 30s (I also have a couple other downrigger rods if these prove to be too light of an action) If you are going for a big purchase (ie 6 combos) I would go to LeBaron and buy the membership card for $35 - it will save you 10% on all purchases for a year and will pay for itself immediately with the savings. (ie $80 off a $800 purchase) LeBaron has some of the best prices out there on Convectors and many of the other items I have mentioned above. Good luck with your search - and welcome to the big water club! It's a blast out there. Pete
  19. I tried to post pictures of all my tackle and I crashed Photobucket
  20. Very nice Steve! Lots of quality lakers there.
  21. Beauty Rich! I was out for them myself today for a few hours, saw a few but they were very sluggish. I don't doubt the weight at all, there are 40's out there and probably even 50's... I have seen some giants in Lake Ontario.
  22. Andrew (Lunkerhunter) had a pair of perch done at Advanced last year, they really wouldn't do one for you? Strange... and unfortunate. . Maybe they are just super busy with big orders or something. His perch look awesome.
  23. I bought a few things from American Legacy last year when they had free shipping on all orders - and they had some really great specials. But now they only offer the free shipping on orders over $200. Still good, but I haven't seen anything spectacular lately to pull the trigger on.
  24. Incredible. The the trip, the fish, the photography and your writing and storytelling skills. Thanks Bunk!
  25. Great season Henry! Pete
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