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Everything posted by Fisherpete

  1. Andrew and I just returned from the land of giants, our third visit. It did not disappoint. Report will be up tonight. Day One - Getting the Kinks Out Day Two - Elation and Heartbreak Day Three - Rapid Retribution Nine muskies landed. Three monsters. Two that Andrew and I will never forget. Stay tuned... Pete
  2. No, sorry Bernie, that's how it came when my dad bought the boat. Rigged up for the steering wheel.
  3. Awesome to hear Bernie!!! Glad she fired up without too much fussin.
  4. Wow, incredible pike and walleye fishing and those forest fire smoke shots are scary! Grayling are pretty cool looking fish. Thanks for the report! Pete
  5. A few more pics of some July fish added above...
  6. Great report Cliff! Some nice buckets and family fun!
  7. TimRM - Basspro sells them
  8. Now even my wife thought that was funny lmao
  9. Cats fight with huge head shakes... Bulldogging... And I hear they run a bit in the summer too (not as much in the spring when the water is cold). They are a blast.
  10. Carp are runners. Big cats beat you up like a bully in the schoolyard.
  11. Wagoneer, when I first started muskie fishing 10+ years ago I had similar equipment (40 or 50lb braid, Ugly Stik, even some of the same lures you have pictured). I fished the Kawarthas, where the average fish size is not that big either. I thought it was heavy duty gear, which it was compared to the bass/walleye gear that I grew up using, but quickly realized that it was not adequate for muskie fishing. You need much heavier gear to fish muskies in a way that will not harm them. Lake St. Clair is a trophy muskie fishery, and the gear you have pictured is NOT up to par for what is needed there. On any given day you can hook into big fish that are 45"+ and as Greg mentioned even over 55" and 40lbs. As others have mentioned, muskies are very sensitive to long drawn out fights in hot summer water temperatures, which is exactly what will happen with that gear. You just can not horse a big muskie into the net with that gear, even if you tried. Muskies are not a species to enjoy long drawn out fights with.. Can you catch LSC muskies on that gear? Absolutely. Will they survive? Possibly. Not something I would do. Heavy or extra heavy rods 80+lb braid 100/130/150lb leaders - floro causes less harm to fish especially in the net Hook cutters (and I'm not talking about a pair of regular side cutters), 12" long pliers All sort of minimum equipment for fishing a trophy fishery I don't mean any of this as a lecture, just trying to help you out and protect the fishery. Pete
  12. I have a Coldwater - very nice reel, I've been happy with it. Andrew (Lunkerhunter) has the Komodo and loves it.
  13. I have also heard the Trent, but have never tried it myself. I know parts of Sparrow lake also has them. The Grand is where it's at though... that being said I have never tried it in the summer, only March-May. Pete
  14. Sweet gators! Congrats on the PB. Pete
  15. Wow, both beasts! The 54" is a mean looking creature, very dark colours.
  16. So. My season started off... horribly. Opening weekend on the tri-lakes - 20+ hours on the water... one follow was all I managed. At least it was a big fish, but that was little consolation for a lot of effort. At least the boys got into a few - Andrew landed the best of opening weekend at 43.75". Matt with a couple smaller ones Andrew with another just before dark Through the rest of June, Scott and Josh put a few nice fish in the boat as well... My next two outings were short evening fishes, the first time I hooked into a solid fish - only to lose her at boatside. In the 43-44" range. The second time was a skunking. Next time out - 9 hours on the water - finally put one in the boat - a runt that barely pushed 30 inches. Five trips so far, and not feeling very good about my muskie mojo... June 30th. Fisherpete gets his groove back. Out for a morning fish with Andrew, the two of us go 5/10. Andrew hooked into six fish, but only managed to land two, both low 30's. Just one of those days where they didn't want to stay pinned. One of the lost fish was a good one too. I managed to go 3/4. First thing in the morning hooked into a mid 30's fish on a Handlebarz, she jumped and shook it. Got my next one trolling, a solid 37" fish that fought hard. Now the real fun started... we headed to a casting area and shortly after I had a hot follower, which I led into an excellent figure 8. Once, twice around... hot on the bucktail... three, four - flashes of gold and green below showed she was still there... five, six turns and BAM! The rod loads! A great boatside battle ensued, and soon she was in the net. My first true figure 8 fish - ever! She measured in at a chunky 39.5". We resumed casting, and five minutes later my Handlebarz was absolutely crushed by a big fish - another great battle which I won. This big mama came in at 44" and with a nice girth as well. Maybe 5 minutes after that I had another mid-40's fish come in hot on my bucktail again - which was trailing a big wad of cabbage weeds - she did two turns on the 8 and snapped at my lure - and got nothing but a mouthful of salad!!! The fish were certainly aggressive on this day, it was fun. We both had family commitments in the evening, and packed it in just after lunch. 37" 39.5" on the figure 8 44" Canada Day was my next time out - this time with Scott. We hit the water around 7:30am, and immediately began raising fish. 13 muskies showed themselves to us in the short time we were out! I hooked into two, both on Handlebarz and landed one, a 35". Around 11am, the skies opened up, with plenty of thunder and lightening, so we were forced to pack up and head out. Sitting at home that afternoon, the skies now clear, I made a last minute decision to make the drive up solo (Scott had afternoon plans) for a second time and see if any of the fish we raised in the morning were hungry yet. It turned out to be a good call... In the first three hours I was there, I raised seven more fish, and two of them actually blew up on my lures but missed. 8pm rolled around - and the next hour was spectacular. I hooked and landed four muskies, all in spots where we had raised fish in the morning. 35,36,37 and then capped off with a 42". The 42" was something special... I was casting to the end of a long weedbed, when the water absolutely exploded around my twin ten. It was the most violent strike - and miss - of my muskie fishing career. I cast right back to the same spot - and another massive explosion - but this time the hooks found there way home. This fish was absolutely savage, and fought the same way. I could have fished another half hour, but I actually felt content with my day of fishing at this point and headed out before total darkness set in. 5/6 with 20+ fish raised and a half dozen bumps/blow-ups - great day in anyone's books! 35" from the morning First of 4 landed between 8 and 9pm Savage 42" that capped off a great day This day also broke a streak of 4 consecutive skunkings since I started fishing this lake last year! Next up - July 3rd - a quick after work fish with John (cowanjo) to show him around one of my favourite lakes - heavy winds made it a tough go, but I managed to get a great fish on a trolling pass - my best so far this year... but the pics and details will have to wait on this one until I get them from John's camera July 5th - exploring some new waters with Andrew, this time guided by John - crazy windy again, raised a few nice fish but nothing hooked or landed by anyone on this day. No matter, learned some great new spots that I'm sure will produce a big fish at some point, and picked up a few pointers from John that would pay off the very next day... July 6th - after getting caught up around the house, decided to do another evening fish. On the water around 5pm. Immediately raised a good fish, then nothing for a few hours. Around 7pm, hooked into a solid fish - around 40" - which I lost at boatside. A few casts later, I hooked into a heavy fish - which fought hard and gave me a hard time netting by myself. The first glance I had at her my heart went into my throat - it was a tiger, and a really big one! What a beautiful fish, with just ridiculous girth and a massive head. She measured in at 43.5", a new personal best for me (previous was 41"). It may even be the same fish - it was caught at the exact same waypoint two years ago - haven't compared the pics yet to confirm. Either way, I was pumped! Tigers may just be the most beautiful freshwater fish out there, and with all the best predatory attributes of both pike and muskies, they are truly at the top of the food chain. It is my 13th tiger overall. That's all for now... I'll update the post after getting the pics from John. Teaser for later this month - Andrew and I are returning to LOTW... Esoxfully yours, Pete Here's a couple more from the past few weeks... Josh with a nice one Andrew with a girthy beauty - 43" no tail pinch And my best so far this season, 44.25" no tail pinch. Good girth too. The boys have a few more beauties that I will post once they send them. Andrew and I leave tomorrow for LOTW... stay tuned Esox fans! Pete
  17. Ok, ok... I'll get the post up tonight lol... The pics of my biggest fish so far will be added after the weekend, John's camera is at his cottage haha!
  18. Wow, nice week you had - 21 muskies is great! Pete
  19. Brian, if you can rig me up a worm harness with twin 13 blades that has a pounder bulldawg incorporated I'll be happy to giv'er a go!
  20. Bass? Oh yes I remember now, it's a greenish coloured baitfish!
  21. Thanks John! You should post with the impressive specimens you have been landing! I figured out the camera... It was indeed the battery in backwards lol!
  22. There has been a lack of toothy critters posted here so far this season... Thought I would change that... Once I get the last pic from John's camera Suspense... Borger style hahaha!! Here's one tease - PB tiger is in the mix...
  23. Very happy with my BPS Pro Qualifier set.
  24. 3 more muskies hooked, two landed on your blades yesterday Mike - no bigguns, but solid fish (36" and 37") Had a good day yesterday - went 5/6 overall, biggest was 41". I'll send you the pic of the 44" from Saturday.
  25. I know another guy who would love to field test a top water... me! I've yet to catch a muskie on either a topwater or glide bait! Seriously though - you make great lures Mike. Caught my best fish so far this season (44") on one of your twin tens. Pete
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