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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. WTH you fall off the wagon already
  2. and I wish they would quit photoshoping my face out I'm WAY better looking than that guy LOL WHO really cares anyways it's obvious some people are really jelous of that fish and wish Dave would hold them like that LOL my spelling and comments are meant to be terrible just like the comments in this thread .Hey Dave mabye next time you can hold your big pike like a guitar
  3. Pretty sure he was talking about the perch
  4. I don't think to many make to the freezer Roy
  5. Now that's funny not sure I would have shared that story here but thanks for the laugh
  6. Included and FREE are 2 different things
  7. I would rather get a HDS 10 than pay $2500 + for a umbrella
  8. Awesome smallies Chonger good luck at the Lake S open you'd have a good start with those 3 piggers
  9. Great report Buddy it was a beautiful weekend and it looks like the weather for next weekend is pretty crappy so ya picked the right one hope the weather is decent on the 23rd.
  10. Yeah it was a fun day, it's not often that I get out and just fish for fun like this .the hunt for trophy fish or tourney wins often takes the fun factor out of fishing and feeding the LPB perch and catching a few was alot of fun. Kaleb caught lots of small ones and I got us enough for a feed and a hammer handle pike to toss into the mix for a good fish fry and Kaleb had a blast .Looking forward to hanging out again in search of some toothy critters in a couple weeks I never got the camera out while we were fishing so here's a pic from when we got home and the first time Kaleb has held a fish on his own he will kiss them but would never hold them
  11. Cool I have some of them to I will text you guys when I go out
  12. I'm only giving you the secret bait cough*slammers*cough after I get that 8lber Paul Castellano released which should be pushing 10lbs by now LOL should be fun out there anyways I'm taking Kaleb out perching saturday morning you gonna get out at all ?
  13. That's the problem Dan I don't want to winterize it and the garage I am going to keep it in is insulated and heated most of the time so it won't go below freezing unless they go away and then I will throw in a little electric heater for a couple days .I always store the boat in the driveway with the motor covered and tilted down to keep the water out .Thanks for the link some really great tips in Irish's thread
  14. Ok folks I want to keep the boat at home until I can't use it anymore and then it's going in my Uncles garage for the rest of the winter or atleast till the icebergs in the niagara stop floating down .My ??? is what do you guys do to keep your boats ready to go without suffering any damage from the frigid winter temps and still be reliable when I go out I think I may be able to get it into the garage late november but until then it's in the driveway with the cover on it .I have never had a big outboard before so I'm not sure whats the best way to do it I used to just put the 25hp in the basement thats not gonna work with the 90hp.
  15. Yeah it is starboard that I sent Merc but unfortunately we are back to full bore and the scrap peices are hard to come by when nobody is doing make work projects.
  16. Hey Mike check around your area for trout hatcheries if you have one close enough they will usually sell you loose roe .
  17. Thanks for the info RC. I have a appointment with the local newspaper this afternoon and I am going to suggest they run the story as a enviromental awareness peice rather than rather than bashing the service group. their intentions were innocent, they just wanted to paint their gazebo. unfortunately they didn't consider the damage they were doing until it was brought to there attention. they did make an atempt to clean it even if it was to little to late. thanks for all the responces. I would love to see them get a eye opener but I don't think the MOE did anything so mabye the newspaper article will make them think twice next time they do something with paint and chemicals near water.
  18. I bought some minnows they are white with silver and black fleck and some crawfish that were in regular plastic bags like most plastics come in the crawfish I haven't really tried yet (chucked it around for 15 mins) but every time I have fished those minnows on a dropshot or a jighead I have caught smallies so far I'm a big fan of the minnows can't remember what there called but their 4-5" with a recess for texas rigging them.
  19. most tourny anglers care very much for the well being of there fish and fewer fish actually die than most people think I have seen tourneys were it looks like a fish die off afterwards but that isn't the norm in tournaments any more
  20. Skinny when you overpower a boat some work just fine and some are immposible to drive and dangerous .The max hp ratings are kinda all over the place my boat is rated max 125hp but lund makes several 17'6" that are rated for 150hp my boats longer and the same width but lower HP rating and some 16'ers are rated for 75hp so 80 isn't that insane but I definately wouldn't put a 250hp on my boat
  21. Here's the can they were using paint out of
  22. Yeah it was definately in a metal can with a huge WHIMIS label on the side I took pics with my phone but don't have it on the comp yet gonna post in a min
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