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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. Yes Canadian Grant Coppers is from niagara region I don't know were they are made but the owner is Canadian
  2. Personally if a bass boat is headed in my direction I would rather they stay on the power and go right on by if they slow down the wake is way bigger as long as they stay 50+ feet away I have no problem with them buzzing by .I can't understand why people enjoy trolling for walley on the great lakes it's like reeling in a garbage bag but I would never say they aren't fisherman because they choose to fish this way .I would think bass is likely the most pressured fish in most lakes because the smaller ones are almost suicidal and will hit just about anything but the big ones are hard to come by and to consitantly catch big bass takes a lot of skill and knowledge just like catching any fish of above average size not everyone can do it .
  3. that would be awesome if this became more common.
  4. awesome report Drew
  5. I just had a really good customer service experiance with Livetarget lures . Over the winter I purchased a new lure and I was really looking forward to trying it well a couple weeks ago on bass opener I pulled it out and tried it an I knew right away something wasn't right so I put it back in the package and contacted a company rep that I know of and explained the situation he asked for my address and with in days I had a new lure in hand and I will be putting it trhough it's paces this weekend .Anyways I just wanted to pass along my good dealings with this Canadian company I didn't expect it and was pleasantly suprised by thier service .
  6. Your GF is most certainly welcome to accompany you in the boat the tournament aspect of this event is very laid back .
  7. Yep the P up is this sunday
  8. these are definately not new people have been dumping them into lakes for years and they can survive our winters the one I caught was on corn carp fishing and they fight really good there were 2 more caught after mine and none since so it was probably 1 person dumping their aquarium .here's a pic
  9. I use a old tylenol bottle one of the big ones real tough and a nice wide opening to get them out from but I pretty much only use drennan slip floats so they are fairly small
  10. LOL it's more fun on the greatlakes
  11. https://maps.google.ca/maps?q=Old+Cut+Boat+Livery,+Rogers+Avenue,+Long+Point,+ON&hl=en&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=32.570943,86.572266&oq=Old+Cut+&t=h&hq=Old+Cut+Boat+Livery,+Rogers+Avenue,+Long+Point,+ON&radius=15000&z=13 parking can be a issue but it's a good launch
  12. I don't get it that looked like a nice smooth ride what was violent about that ?
  13. I have a seasons pass at the PP only time I ever wait is when a inexperienced boater decides to load their boat on the ramp or someone decides to drive their brand new RAM down the ramp to boost their dead battery (saw that this weekend ) its usually pretty slow I find not much traffic
  14. Yeah they likely use the same harnesses on several different models I have several unused connectors on mine it looks like who ever rigged yours took more time than they did on mine everything works on mine it just looks sloppy .
  15. Gotta luv the central basin of Lake Erie perch all season long and some of the best steelhead and walleye fishing availible for much of the summer
  16. If the weather permits head east to Normandale it's not very far perch are usually in the weedbeds out from the small pier there in 10-15 fow best to go with a offshore wind though it is the outter bay and can get nasty quick
  17. I know of a few guys that do really well out of burwell/bruce drifting the only problem is with erie to get a good drift means it's rough and they can be hard to find without covering water most of these guys troll until they find a school and then jig right on top of them
  18. There's huge Bass in Lake O smallies and largies and I would think they are spread throughout the lake
  19. less than a month away we have 60+ regestered particapants this year if you want to come out and help us raise money for Cancer research go to http://www.fish-a-thon.com/ and sign up this is a great day on the water and lots of fun for the kids with a free BBQ afterwards and lots of prizes for the particapants . Just a bump
  20. This one always gets me pumped just wish the quality was better if your sensitive to poor quality video don't watch this one LOL
  21. Sorry to hear of your loss Dan .
  22. They new exactly what they were doing was wrong and if you read any of the comments you would have seen that, I also reported it and may have a copy if the MNR needs it
  23. WOW you guys all use ML eh, I use MH fast action for all my dropshot rods but I have never been a fan of light rods and the MH have been working great for me .
  24. I will be there ,had fun last year
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