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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. Yep that is freaky when it happend to me the lightning hit the EC 10 bouy in LPB which I was 25 feet from I couldn't hear a thing for 5 mins after took our breath away and I tossed my camera in the bay in our panic to get the heck out of there.
  2. WOW your a lucky dude great report.
  3. Had a dude high hole me LOL on friday after I landed the one in my october chrome post and lost 1 the next drift after, heard him swearing and then he started fishing the whole right beside me I actually had to move over he was so close LOL I was done anyways so I left a happy dude going 3/4 in a couple hours.
  4. Nice that would be fun catchin them through the ice I know the regs for my area pretty good but saw he's from Ottawa which I have no clue about the reg. nice stocker brown.
  5. Ouch that looks bad hope ya get her fixed all up for spring
  6. Judging from the olmost new motor hangin off the back I'd say pretty good.
  7. nice rig good job on the resto I'm sure that Dan guy drank lots of your beer and didn't help much at all
  8. I would check the regulations for your area first I know in S Ont any pond would be closed right now. Now that being said if they are fair game try spinners out as far as you can get them I would think there out deeper suspended this time of year.
  9. Yep thats why I spend all my free time walking the creeks and rivers in the fall I love catching steelhead even a 1lb chromer is fun on a 13' rod and centerpin
  10. this one came out of the water instantly when I set the hook and flew across the hole river landed right infront of a logjam, I thought I was done but it turned and went the other way and proceeded to jump 5 more times wasn't very big but no one told it that.
  11. The only way to catch steelhead legitimitly is with a float LOL. Seriously there are plenty of ways to catch them and I use almost the same rig mentioned beach fishing and have caught all kinds of bows and browns this way I have also caught a tonne of steelhead on a simple split shot and roe bag set up no float just drifted in the main current. I have been float fishing with the pin for the last 5-6 years and don't use the other techniques anymore because the pin is way more fun but I might bust out the 10 footer and head to the beach soon its always fun to hook a good one in the big water from shore. Float fishing isn't the only way to catch a steelhead
  12. Just thought this was a nice lookin chromer and thought I would share the pic it's a wild lake Erie fish.
  13. Hey Splash fished from 7-10:30 and went 3/4 on lake erie steelhead
  14. I can only fish friday and its Erie trib steel I will be chasin.
  15. I saw a pic of 1 that jumped off a over pass on the 401 and landed inside a car ripped the roof right off the car on the passenger side no one but the deer got hurt. Yours would be a weird to witness that's a long drop.
  16. I think the main problem is the north shore launches on LPB are trailer parks first marina's second they make more off of seasonal trailer/slip renters than the weekend warrior so they raise the price if you still come and pay than it's a bonus for them if you choose to drive around the point to the $10 launches it doesn't effect there business all that much.
  17. (Beating a dead horse emoticon) we really need this emoticon in the list hear on OFC LOL nice fish MOEMOE!
  18. What he said
  19. The OFC sign ,and if you lived closer I have the same box in my basement that I don't use a bit busted up but on the top of 1 of the trays but good otherwise if your ever down this way PM me and it's yours.
  20. Go to the cleaning station at long point PP on opening day you are deffinately not 1 of the "few" that like the taste I have seen guys cleaning $1000 fish and have no clue they could have won if they bought a ticket .they pretty much fill a small size dumpster ever year of carcasses it's nuts .But the small ones are very good eating
  21. Dude you have a sweet job and nice first musky !!!
  22. Good job dude some nice size perch there !!!
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