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Everything posted by jaydub

  1. It was great to get out one more time...even if you spent half the morning fixing engine problems. If you're going to drop engine parts in the water you sure know how to pickem. lol Thanks for a great season of bassin, June 2010 can't come soon enough!!
  2. Awesome fish! Congrates
  3. That is cool! Animals are smarter that we give them credit that's for sure.
  4. Read Rick's report this morning Jewel...way to call that one! LOL At least you have proof if you say "I told ya so"! Congrates again on the beauty walleye!
  5. Awesome fish, Congrates!
  6. Congrates on the win Cudz, I guess this time J.T. and I are buying the wings although with you guys being so close and me so far behind I almost think I should be buying for the both of you...NOT...somebody had to net those fish cuz you guys sure didn't have time. Awesome day on the water!!
  7. Congrates Jewel on a beauty Walleye I haven't been fishing that long but I've seen a lot of pics of eyes and I think that one takes the prize for biggest. Nicely done! BTW Rick, I hear ya about the net thing, we went out for smallies yesterday and I was netting Cudz's and JT's fish left right and centre while only landing 2 of my own.
  8. Congrates to your buddy!! That's gonna be a tough one to beat.
  9. Sounds great to me! Sounds like a lot of work for the organizers though if your talking about 4 or 5 tourney's with weigh in stations. One idea to try and appeal to people that enjoy targeting certain species is to have a prize for the largest fish of several species instead of having species specific tourneys. I was in a tournament this fall that ran like that and it works great providing you get good participation. This would also facilitate having each tourney in a different geographical location so that most people that want to participate can without having to travel too far.
  10. That's one heck of fish Dave! Can't wait to see the show!!
  11. Happy Birthday Rick...what's left of it that is!
  12. Congrates on the musky Steve, awesome fish! I sometimes fish on Buckhorn and definitely plan on going for those baby's next year. They look like a ton of fun to catch! Welcome to OFC!
  13. Good attempt at getting us psyched up for the hard water fishing but for me it didn't work....I'm still longing for those warm summer nights of top water fishing for smallies to return. Good try though....Thanks! P.S. You are right about one thing though...that is a super-cool hat!
  14. Awesome report man! You guys have some great small mouth lakes out your way! I'm hoping to target smallies once more this year as well...still looking for my first nickel!
  15. You may want to check this place out, it's on lake Manitouwabing about 2 hours north of Toronto. A buddy of mine rented a cottage there this summer with his family and did some pretty good fishing and then a group of us rented one for a fishing weekend in late September. We caught a few pike, bass and walleye but he said the fishing was better in August. http://www.glenwoodresort.ca/facilities/index.php
  16. Great report & nice fish ! That musky would make all the nasty weather worth while I'm sure
  17. I'm gonna step out on a limb and say....Liberal??? lol.
  18. Great recap on a great season ...for you anyways. lol That largemount was awesome man. Always enjoy your reading your posts! Good luck hunting!! Jon
  19. WOW, those are increadible! Your wife is one talented lady and it looks like your daughters are following close in her footsteps. Thanks for sharing those with us!
  20. Looks like a good time T.J. Some great scenery pics, I especially like that one of the rocks reflected in the "glass like" water!! Congrates on the little buck and the wolf skin.
  21. Awesome Musky! Congrates on the PB
  22. I'm pretty sure there is one of those for sale on Kijjiji Barrie for $50 maybe still in the package. I have seen it on there for months and my guess is the guy is probably open to offers. It maybe worth doing a quick search?
  23. Wow, very nice Musky! Congrates to the guy who reeled that baby in I'm sure he didn't care about the rods after that.
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