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Everything posted by jaydub

  1. Was a good weekend forsure but I'm really looking forward to this weekend...nothin but fishing! LOL Ya, I read your post about 10 minutes after posting this and had a good laugh. At least I still got my lure! Hopefully, I know one of the neighbours caught a 45"er in that same spot in the middle of August...maybe the same one...
  2. Well, I decided to head up to Buckhorn on Saturday and Sunday with the fam to help out my father-in-law on his cottage again. Saturday evening, after a beautiful sunset, bonfire and all the kiddos went to bed I decided to throw some topwater off the dock. There's a small island just out of casting range with a nice big rocky shoal off the point...I'm thinking Musky! I know there in this lake but so far all I have been able to get are buckets, smallies, perch, pumpkins and a few rocks. It's about 10:30pm, no moon, tons of stars and very dark. I put on my favorite wake bate and start casting. I get about 4 bites in the first 10 casts but just can't seem to set the hook Then wammo, I hear the blowup...wait...set the hook and YES! I start reeling, pulling, reeling, pulling, tighten the drag as this thing is getting farther away instead of closer. My heart is justa pounding and all I can think is I FINALLY got my musky and...I can't wait to show Cudz. lol I yell to my father-in-law (still sitting around the fire) to get his camera cuz I got a big one! Then it hits me...I didn't put a leader on (I guess I didn't really expect to get the musky) . I keep fighting it for about 15 seconds but then...I lose it . I reel in my line expecting to have lost one of my favorite lures, but nope it's still there! My father-in-law arrives with the camera only to find me pissed, but still shaking from excitement but with no Musky. I keep fishing for an hour or so hoping there's another big one out there but knowing there ain't no way the same one's gonna bite again. I end up catching a few nice buckets and one smallie (sorry, no pics as everything was disappointing at that point). I call it a night at about 11:30 to try and get some sleep and give it another shot in the morning. I get up at 5:30, on the water at 6:00 but don't go too far off shore as the fog is crazy thick and I got no GPS in the 14' tin. I decide to cast the same point only from the water this time. Second cast I get another nice smallie and I'm thinking it's going to be a good few hours....NOT. The fog lets up around 7:45 so I decide to go across to another island for some bucket action on the scum frog. Somebody takes a picture of me. 8:30 rolls around and that smallie at 6:05 was still the only bite of the morning. I decide to head in and get back to taping the drywall...yeah!! We decide to quit working around 5pm so I can fish with the kids off the dock for a while before heading home. They definitely had better luck than me! Well, at the end of this weekend all I could think about was "the one that got away". I'm heading up near Perry Sound this coming weekend for a fishing trip with some buddies! Won't get any Muskys but maybe, just maybe a 40" Pike...oh ya and my first nickle!
  3. Congrates on the fish and the boat Tony That's awesome! Been following this post for the last few days. It really sucks when someone makes up some stupid story to try come out a hero . I'm guessing he's regreting it at this point now that 5000+ fishin dudes think he's an idiot.
  4. That's great! Think that first one caught the catcher by surprise...dude shoulda had that. That attendance is sad though...ya'll (thats for Glen) gotta get out to a least one game a year boys.
  5. Those are some great lookin Smallies Can't beat the GPS when the fog rolls in! I went out for a few hours yesterday morning at my in-laws cottage and the fog was brutal as well.
  6. That's one angry lookin Walleye! Nicely done, perserverence pays off....usually.
  7. Nice fish once again guys!
  8. Sorry, can't help with any great shore fishing spots but here's my advice. As far as I know it costs about $50-150 per day to rent a boat. You can easily find a 12'er with a 9.9 for less than $1500 in good shape. You do the math. Now's the time of year to look!
  9. Been there, done that & puked all over the T-shirt. Went out on Lake Ontario on a Salmon charter when I was about 14 or 15 and boy was it choppy (in my story anyways). I spent first few hours puking over the side of the boat and laying on the floor. Almost got stepped on a few times as the other guys were fighting fish around me. Took some gravol and felt great for the last few hours! Never had it again since that day.
  10. Nice report Glen! Interesting about the fish finder for sure. Nice double double header We Canuktiuks (or whatever you call us) can't get those double headers on our own unless we're ice fishing. How many rods are you allowed per person in Rednec...I mean Alabama? P.S. I know it's been said, but I think that your scale needs some calibrating...that things gotta be at least 9lbs 6oz.
  11. Ignorance From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ignorance is the state in which one lacks knowledge, is unaware of something or chooses to subjectively ignore information. This should not be confused with being unintelligent, as one's level of intelligence and level of education or general awareness are not the same. The word "Ignorant" is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware. I'm not claiming to be an expert on this subject as I'm definitely NOT. What I do know is several people that choose to study up on this subject unbiasly (if that's a word) and all tend to come to the same conclusion that Monsterman seems to have come to. It's ALL about the almighty $$$$$$ folks.
  12. No flu shot for me...and it's nothing to do with a stupid little needle, I'd give blood in a heart beat. Of the people I know it seems that way more that get these shots get sick than those that don't.
  13. Nice report! You're a lucky guy when your girl likes fishing too!
  14. Top water is lots of fun for sure and even better at night! I love hearing the hit before even feeling it! I can see that night fishing with a scum frog would be tougher as setting the hook is so much harder than on a treble hook lure. Me and a buddy did some night time scum frog fishing a few weeks back but didn't get so much as a nibble so I can't relate to landing the night bite on a scum frog...but do look forward to trying it again! I hear ya
  15. Very nice bucket for sure! My guess, for what it's worth is 5 - 5.5lbs and a great PB regardless. I say grab a digital scale for 20 bucks if you like tracking PB's by wieght...gives you something to go by next time you get one you think is close.
  16. Some nice fish again Jacques! Man you guys got some great places for bucket fishing there eh?
  17. Ok, that's definitely one of the best fishing stories I've heard ...and I'm sure you and Jacques think so to now that it's all said and done! I was wondering how many posts before Jacques came to his own defense with "the real" story. Hope the car's ok Paul! BTW, get a truck already! lol
  18. That fish is sick Cudz! Wish I could'a come...might of got a new PB smallie by the looks of it. Maybe a 5.35lber!
  19. LOL, learned that one earlier this summer , lucky I had alergies so I had brought some kleenex (just not quite the same though). Don't think anyone's said it but a Camera is an absolute...without it there just "fishing stories".
  20. My PB smallie, caught mid summer on simcoe. 4.45lb on the digital...hope to beat it sometime this fall though!
  21. Gotta love those topwater frogs! That's some impressive 4 days of fishing and only 2 misses on that many hits with a frog...nicely done! Great report!
  22. Awesome bucket dude! That first pic is great, makes it look massive! I know there's been some discussion about weighing fish and scales being inaccurate on OFC today but I'm curious if you did weigh that baby? If so can you post it just for kicks?
  23. Nicely done! Great report.
  24. Great report, lots of fun to read! That was one perfect day of bassin! Contrats on the PB ... that's gonna be a tough one to beat.
  25. Congrats to your son on his PB, sounds like a great way to end the summer together!
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