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Everything posted by GreenCanada

  1. I recently visited my grand father in Gravenhurst and he has had issues with them over the past few years, but this year he found out how to prevent them from damaging his trees and shrubs. This is what the trap looks like. Google search "japanese bettle trap" and I'm sure you can find some in your area. http://kollegiatelawn.ca/siteimages/Japanese%20Beetle%20Trap.jpg It is a hormone trap and they can't escape from it. When it gets full you just drown the beetles and put it back up. When I was there, I saw at least 20 or so beetles flying around each one. This was in addition to about 50 in the trap. He empties it once every day or so (whenever it gets full). He has just over half an acre and I believe has 3 set up. He can't say enough good things about them. *edit* added link
  2. I'm embarrassed to say that this idea never even entered my mind... But now that it has, where is my girlfriends nailpolish!!!
  3. One tip he gave me and I will pass along as well. If you are travelling with it, leave an extra tip somewhere in the case with a small piece of glue stick. Better to have it and never use it, then to not have it and need it.
  4. Haha what a coincidence! I just got a package for my birthday from my brother in Calgary. In it was a Shimano Exage 4 piece 7' spinning rod. I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but it feels and looks great and the case is definitely a bonus. I have a few (ultralight, med-light, med) St. Croix which I love, but all my reels are Shimano. My brother told me after I opened it that he had been trying to get a Beastmaster for me, but was told they stopped making them and the Exage basically replaced it. He had taken the Beastmaster everywhere during his research trips searching for bees across the mountains and plains of Canada and South East Asia and the Palmirs. He is an insane fisherman as am I and I feel that this rod will continue to collect stories just as his did.
  5. I like Vibrax spinners, but don't waste your money on ones with painted/decalled blades. From my experience (easily 20+ vibrax spinners) painted/decalled blades ALWAYS have the paint chip off within a couple dozen casts. By this I mean casts that only encounter water. No rocks, no boat, no weeds, nothing, just water. Last year I emailed the President of Blue Fox, which is Normark, which is Rapala, etc to enquire about this constant problem with the quality of their product. The response I got was to mail the lure(s) to them at my expense and then they would ship me another. Why would I waste my money to ship it to them, when it costs about the same to buy a new one? My advice: try to find something similar but in a Panther Martin. I've never been disappointed with their products or service
  6. Those sure are some small walleye. I'm glad to see that people haven't given up on HH! Where is all this "sewage" coming from that people mentioned? The treated wastewater effluent from both the Skyway Wastewater treatment plant and Woodward Ave wastewater treatment plant both contain less suspended sediment and pathogens than many rivers that flow into the Great Lakes. Additionally, the combined sewers that discharged untreated storm and sanitary effluent during heavy rain events have had storage tanks added that prevent nearly all these infrequent events. So, I wouldn't necessarily say that Hamilton Harbour is the way it is because of sewage. I would say that it is the way it is partially because of the high density of industrial processes occurring on the banks of the bay. I could be wrong, but this is just my observation from years of research I've conducted on the subject. As part of my research I have also been developing a novel technology to address this very issue in collaboration with various government agencies and a NGO.
  7. I just wanted to add that you should buy a spare 2500 spool for line variety or as a back up. Worth the 20 bucks.
  8. I have a 2500 spooled with 10lb mono and it casts plenty far enough for salmon pier fishing with spoons, spinners, cranks, etc. Great reel for the price point!
  9. Interesting article, but based on the preliminary information above the results (6 positive tests) is not statistically significantly at a type 1 error rate of 5%, which is the usual test for significance in academic circles. This basically means that this could be a false positive, or a positive due to human error. Typically, a 5% error rate is used by academics to rule out natural variation, potential errors, cross contamination, etc. Since the article doesn't provide any level of significance or give an accuracy of the tests with a +/- percentage, it doesn't lend itself to be used as an indicator of the likelihood of asian carp presence. Interesting read, but we need more information (from the DNR) about how the tests were conducted and whether the resulting observations are accurate, which at this point I highly doubt.
  10. Wow, lots of information here that's for sure! I was looking at these after I posed the question to everyone, http://www.flyfishingoutfitters.com/sunglasses-leland_s_favorite_sunglasses-leland_oakley_all_day_polarized_sunglasses but I'm thinking it will be hard to find them in the GTA or from a Canadian website, as I don't want to be hit with ridiculous duties. What colour of lenses do those of you that have a single pair of sunglasses prefer? I fish in all conditions, so I'm curious as to what you find to be a good "all-day" colours.
  11. I gotta say they do look tasty! 8-10" are perfect for breakfast
  12. I'm in the market to replace my polarized sunglasses. I have a higher end pair with replaceable lenses that are coming to the end of their useable life. I would like a pair to double as everyday sunglasses as well because I don't tend to lose sunglasses. I really don't know where to start when it comes to brands, style, lens type, etc. Any info people could provide would be useful and appreciated!
  13. I was thinking the same thing...
  14. I have always found it to be so full of weeds it was almost not worth fishing from a canoe. That being said, I have caught both bass and pike in there (on the small side). Not worth it IMO, lots of better options in that area.
  15. If you check out google maps, just look for lakes that are beside Hwy 60. Lots of them are stocked with splake, which are pretty good eating and fight nicely as well. Once you see a lake that you might want to try just look up the stocking for the lake by searching google. It will give you an idea of which ones are more heavily stocked. You might get lucky with a few cruising the shoreline in the morning or evening, but during the day I find being on the water is best. You will be hard pressed to find good spots from shore on a public forum, but just look on google maps for rivers close to hwy 60. I'm sure you'll hook into something! Tight lines!
  16. Nice donation! haha
  17. Truly surprised it doesn't happen more often. Sad to see this happen to anyone.
  18. I'll just leave this here, have a good night everyone.
  19. I've been a registered user here for over 3 years (1/2 the time this forum has been opened) and used to frequent the board to read fishing reports for awhile before I had registered. Sorry I'm not part of the club of users who opened this forum, if that's what you are referring to. I wasn't aware that those are the only people with relevant things to say. Typically, I relish the opportunity to learn from and absorb a lot of the knowledge the users with >10,000 posts offer, free of charge. But, I'm sure you and many others realize that other users with less abundant posts also have vast knowledge banks of fishing and life experiences. I don't own and high horse and never will, but I do own a sense of what's right and wrong. I accept that not all people will agree with me and I'm sure many people on here know Terry personally, I don't, or I would have addressed it more privately. But GbayGiant, please, explain these ambiguous "a lot more things" to me that I would have understood if I had been here longer than my 3 years so far, mainly so I can better understand your perspective.
  20. I was merely making a point that jokes of that type are not publicly acceptable and I won't condone them by keeping silent. Nor should they be something joked about in private, but I'm not about to tell anyone what they should do behind closed doors. This is a public forum, which I hope is accepting of all people. If we can't curse all we like because it alienates people, then how can we make light of rape when tens of thousands of Canadian women experience that truth every year. If you look through the history of repression there have been many jokes aimed at particular races, which if said outloud in public nowadays could border on hate speech. Just because no one stepped up in the past to speak against a joke in bad taste, doesn't mean it was ok then or even now. I am by no means the "PC Police" as you pointed out. I am just sick and tired of standing by listening to crap like this. That's probably a better analogy. I do understand the manner in which it was presented (as a joke) and I can appreciate that neither yourself or your wife were offended by his comment, but that doesn't necessarily mean that others were not. I understand that Terry most likely meant nothing malicious with his analogy, but I am merely stating that what he chose to use was in poor taste and in future that should be taken into consideration. This was not meant to flame the OPs thread, but it needed to be said.
  21. Wow... going a bit overboard there Terry. Rape in no way should be used in jest or to make your point, nor should it be used to make light of a situation. That comment was in very poor taste.
  22. Not impressed what so ever with this new Dart. It just looks like a carbon copy of many previous models of Dodge sedans. Wouldn't touch the new Dart, let alone many other vehicles offered by North American brands. They just haven't been comparable to the quality of overseas vehicle brands I've looked at over the past few years. Just my opinion. The whole "support our economy" argument holds little weight as other typically oversea brands now have factories in the US or Canada.
  23. Let's hope that this was in fact a wild cougar! I'd be happy to share the land with them again.
  24. Nice try landowner dave!
  25. Nice haul! It never gets old seeing the beasts of Nipigon
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