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Everything posted by GreenCanada

  1. It hasn't happened to me very often, but if I get a bug like what Terry has mentioned, quite often changing your password and then running a quality anti-virus/spyware program does the trick.
  2. Congratulations to your niece and new NIL! It looks like it was a one of a kind experience! The even bigger question... Did you catch anything!!!
  3. Aikmans A Sporting Goods Repair 3010 Novar, Mississauga (905) 277-3595 They have always had what I needed, without having to order it. Give them a call first, to make sure they have what you need. No website, but they are the best reel shop I know of.
  4. Just got my new one in the mail today. Bought it last Thursday.
  5. Everyone who is in the neighbourhood should drop in and check out their showroom. Easily the best quality products I've seen.
  6. Hey All I don't typically hit the hard water all that much but was invited out tomorrow morning. I don't have a lot of ice specific gear, so I was thinking of jigging smaller spoons if I'm unable to grab something at crappy tire in the morning. If I were to use spoons, what pattern or type would you recommend? I have a variety of cleos and other lighter spoons to try. Thanks for your help! Tight lines GC
  7. I saw this video a couple weeks ago and from the discussion that was had (on Reddit) the concensus was that the pilot was likely trying to scare the idiots, because they were on a runway that they shouldn't have been on. There were discussions about the physics involved and the lack of an approach and the style of plane. I'm not an expert, but I'd have to throw out my undies if I was the camera man.
  8. This isn't the first police beating without cause and won't be the last. There are many honest, respectful, and hardworking police officers, but unfortunately there are also a large number of bullies who just want a badge and a gun.
  9. Hi Dwayne Welcome to the community! I look forward to hearing about your adventures on and near the water. Cheers!
  10. Yea, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people in the GTA that care about fishing. Soooo, I'm not really sure where you're going with that.
  11. You've been a member for 2 months and have 20 comments. I'm pretty sure we want an active community, which often hinges on folks who have differing opinions. So personally, I welcome views that differ from mine, because it gives me the chance to reestablish or reconsider why I think or act a certain way. Insulting others isn't a great way to start off participating in this forum. Oh, and it's "site".
  12. I couldn't agree more. I can't wait to see how much they were fined for the rescue, hopefully it is the majority of what the total effort cost. Just because we pay taxes, etc does not mean that you get freebies on making extremely poor decisions. Well, they did get a freebie, they get to live to see another day. They should be thankful for that and pay up. I'm glad they were recused, but now they need to pay for their own stupidity, by paying the rescue bill. I don't pay taxes to let people make what are obviously poor decisions, especially when they were (or would have been if they checked the conditions through various sources) informed through numerous outlets. You are correct, we pay taxes for them to be ready. I for one am glad they were rescued, but they should be made to pay for their poor decisions or others may act just as selfish and unnecessarily put other rescuers at risk. I think their mulligan should be that they can be thankful they were rescued. They made an extremely poor decision and should be held responsible. If they are that impatient to fish on obviously unsafe ice, they should head further North to take advantage of the hard water.
  13. I agree with Terry. When/if I catch a fish that I am going to keep, I will kill it right away and then gut it within the ~hour. Just IMO it is the most ethical way to keep a fish, if you don't have access to a live well.
  14. Great catch!! Congrats!
  15. Great read as always Mike. Here's to more adventures in the new year!
  16. I also considered the palomino, but thought I saw the characteristic red eye. Maybe it's just my eyes though, it could be red-eye from a camera flash.
  17. Just came across this photo and was wondering if anyone has caught an albino before? I know it isn't very common, but if you have caught one before, what type of fish was it? http://www.fishingscout.com/blerts/gIpNP0 Happy Holidays and be safe on the ice! GC
  18. Looks like a good day on the ice, even with the freezing rain!
  19. Can't wait to see everyones favourites! Best: Mike's Sutton River Journal. I haven't seen that many amazing photos in one place ever before. What a joy it was to read and view. (Thanks again for sharing Mike) Worst: I'll have to sleep on that. edit: spelling mistake
  20. Couldn't agree more! Thanks for the info Ron
  21. Glad to see that they are starting somewhere. Will this change in regulation save the population? Not likely, but at least they are starting to address the issue by modifying the harvesting per angler. I expect that the change was directed at sport fishing first because it was easier to do from a legal standpoint. I could be wrong, but making changes to aboriginal fishing rights would be a longer and more drawn out process. I can't wait to head up North for Christmas to do some visiting with family. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to get out on the hardwater too.
  22. The lowest natural temperature ever recorded on Earth was in 1983 at the Soviet Vostok Station in Antarctica, where it reached −89.2 °C or −128.6 °F. But I hear it didn't feel that cold, because it was a dry cold
  23. I just came across this short album (4 pics) of a smallmouth bass someone caught recently in the United States. I was intrigued by the size and colouration of the spots, but came across an article that talks about what the spots might be. Hopefully, this is of some interest to folks here, so I wonder, have any of you come across something similar? Care to share some pictures of other weird/unique occurrences? Photos http://imgur.com/a/Zs04G#mLJQN Article http://blog.pennlive.com/pa-sportsman/2012/04/susquehanna_river_anglers_worry_about_black_spots_on_bass.html Cheers GC
  24. Thanks for sharing your adventure. I hope to one day be able to experience something similarly epic.
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