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Everything posted by GreenCanada

  1. I went fishing again in Guelph, and caught a bit of a surprise! 34 1/2" Pike! Put up a monster of a fight, and nearly snapped my line running through some trees... I did release it, but had to tie it first because it swallowed my lure P.s. It was from a river inside the city... but that's the only hint!!
  2. Oh, and I went for a short walk up an old river I know of which is flooded in the spring but extremely low in the summer. When I mean low, there is about 2" in a creek almost, which leads into a series of deep holes (about 2-3 feet deep). So I took my ultralight, barbless hooks, and dew's. I caught about a dozen of these, this was the biggest rainbow (5") and I didn't keep any from here. Hope you enjoyed those, as I enjoyed my birthday weekend greatly... Cheers
  3. Then I headed out to another little secret location... and caught some more rainbows!! This one here is about 11-12"
  4. Here's the first rainbow
  5. Hey all So I decided to leave Guelph this past weekend to do a little birthday fishing. While I was waiting for the bus I decided to take a few casts in the Speed River downtown. This is what I got on my 3rd cast. After heading out to Caledon, I rested up and left bright and early Saturday morning hunting for brown's at a secret location (can't post a pic sorry) Had a 20" brown on, got it close to shore then it spit the rap.. go figure. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. Same spot, I cast out under a cedar tree and BLAM fish on... though it turned out to be a nice sized pike. Once again spitting the lure as I get it close to shore... not a real loss like the brown though! Anyways... As I'm walking back up from another hit and miss from another monster brown. I caught this little guy Great little 10" rainbow (but very surprising to find them up this far) I'll post a pic in a reply
  6. Wow, huge response on both sides of the spectrum! (sorry i'm a little late replying damn papers and exams...) I would be looking mainly for a spinning reel or rod as those are what I currently use. I'm not looking to get into baitcasters yet, but it's good to hear about them too. So I guess I have some thinking to do. I'm not likely to use it for trolling, mainly just shore fishing as a spare/backup reel. Bronze back, I'd love to hear what model combo it was and maybe more specifically where you caught those largemouth if they were in guelph haha Either way, thanks everyone for chiming in with your input, very valuable reviews/thoughts!!
  7. I've been looking around lately and have been seeing lots of okuma rods and reels. What is your personal thoughts on Okuma? Are they good quality, do they compare to other products well? I had been looking at an ultra light 5' spinning rod, and ultralight to light reel. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
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