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Everything posted by GreenCanada

  1. Surprisingly, the bugs were not bad at all. 0-5 degree mornings helped with that, though, the blackflies started to emerge by Sunday afternoon. Not many biters, but maybe they are waiting for someone a bit sweeter!
  2. So a few days before this past weekend, I was asked if I wanted to come along on the traditional May fishing weekend. Two days on two special lakes, with specks on our minds. Over the years these spots have been great and hair pulling at times. lol. I went 8/9, averaging 14-15" but landed two over 17" http://img51.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=img1516fh.jpg Enjoy! I know I did
  3. Another asinine comment, and the last one from you I'm going to waste my time on. You should probably consider trolling another site since you obviously haven't figured out how to review previous threads with epic hauls, with either kept or released fish, of multiple species. I'd write a more thorough reply to try and appeal to your sense of humility and duty to help protect our natural resources, but I could care less what you think.
  4. Ignorance is bliss I guess. You do realize that these "foreigners" are no longer foreigners when they obtain their legal status? Just because some people do not speak English, does not mean that they are "foreigners" and that the rules do not apply to them. The only way for new fishermen and people new to Canada or the Province will learn what they can and can not do is by being informed, either by the Regulations, the CO's, or by fellow fishing enthusiasts. You should probably reread your posts a few days after writing them, to critically review your public comments.
  5. I have used Teksavvy for the past 6 months and although the price is definitely cheaper, the speed of the internet is EXTREMELY SLOW! The big boys who own the infrastructure, throttle the living heck out of it. I can barely stream anything on Youtube unless it is before 7am or after 11pm. If you expect to use the internet at all during peak times, don't expect much, from my experience. I'm moving at the end of this month, but I will definitely not be using Teksavvy in the future unless they can find a way to keep my speed similar during peak periods.
  6. Yea, I'm just hoping they keep their promise of transparency and accountability. Doesn't look good thus far, well, they've actually already broken that one numerous times. It was nice to see Trudeau trying to knock a little sense into them.
  7. Is it wrong that I found that both funny and intriguing? I actually tried to picture it. haha
  8. About five years back I bought a pair of Hi-Tek's mid's (about $60). They were so good, I went back and bought a second pair for when the first pair wore out. Turns out, it was 3-4 years before I broke out the second pair. They were full polished leather, sealed tongue, and amazing. The only reason the first pair kicked the bucket is I made the mistake of helping a friend shingle on short notice, and the sole melted off the boot. Long story short, I now own a pair of Merrell's (low cut) ($100+) with a Vibram sole and I am very disappointed with them. I untie my hikers when taking them off and the inside of the heel is still mangled after only 6 months! The treads are doing well, but the inside of the shoe is falling apart. I was very surprised by this, so my recommendation is to attempt to get a hiking book that has a full leather trim on the inside to prevent this from happening. I don't have anything against Merrell's and may very well buy another model in the future. Just my two cents!
  9. Nice haul! My brother has landed a few monster Ling's out near Calgary in the past few months. They definitely are the poor man's lobster, but I don't hear anyone complaining!
  10. Nice powder! ... ... ... NOPE!
  11. Thanks for the suggestions folks! My tentative plan is to head out Saturday morning. Since I have received some excellent advice, I'll make sure to post some photos of the adventure and hopefully a fish or two will make the cut! Cheers!
  12. I have a request that hopefully someone can help me with. If you don't feel comfortable posting a response, feel free to PM me instead. I spin fish, typically quite a bit, but I haven't had the opportunity this winter to get out and get my line wet. What I am looking for is a place to go river fishing (preferably for trout) within about an hour or so of Guelph. Basically, I'm pretty stressed out right now and feel that even just tossing a line would help alleviate some of it. I'm a pretty experienced fisherman but I haven't done much winter river fishing and figure since it has been really mild that most rivers will still be ice free, for the most part. I'm not looking for your honey holes (but if you want to provide some spots I promise to keep my lips sealed), but just a place to have a chance at hooking into something. I just need to feel the rush that comes with the territory. Any advice would be more than appreciated. GreenCanada P.s. I am cross referencing the reg's and google maps, but I would rely on your experience any day of the week.
  13. I agree to some extent with your comment. I wouldn't necessarily trade, but I definitely believe that these cougars should not be shot. They have a right to live and just because someone may not follow the suggestions to increase their safety does not mean that they should be able to kill it. Ie. if someone lets their dog out to go to the bathroom at 1am and does not keep an eye on them and a cougar attacks the dog, then unfortunately the owner is to blame. The cougar should not be killed. We as responsible individuals should heed the warnings and take the necessary action to ensure the safety of our family. Great article, thanks for sharing!
  14. All I can say is, thank you.
  15. Why bother asking the OP if they would have posted something about browns and bows, when they never even mentioned the river they fished on that night? Can we no longer post, "hey, I went fishing last night for a couple hours and got into a big run of bows and browns"? The OP didn't even make mention or hint to any possible water body. So, instead of commending the OP for not naming the river they were speaking of their thread gets flamed because of other peoples posts, from the past. It's posts like this that make other users, both new and old, rethink sharing their experiences on the water. Do I enjoy sharing my stories with others? Hell yea, but I don't need harassment like the OP received. THEY NEVER MENTIONED A RIVER OR WATER BODY SO GET OVER IT! (Disclaimer: If the OP's original post was edited to remove any specifics, it is not alluded to in the thread)
  16. I wouldn't care about a power outage, I'd just go fishing.
  17. I'm heading to Copps for Pearl Jam tonight!
  18. I fish almost completely barbless, for whatever species I am targeting. Less damage to the fish and no reduction in landing ratio. I also find it strange that in Ontario there are few restrictions on barbed hooks. Obviously there are a variety of barbless only regulations across Ontario, but I think this needs to be revisited and possibly changed to all barbless. After having travelled West last month and having the opportunity to fish countless locations, one regulation that I found in Alberta (Bow River) that I feel should be implemented for the Credit River and all other heavily pressured Salmonidae habitats in Ontario is a barbless only catch and release program for anything over 30cm. This would ensure a productive fishery that produces quality fish, encourages recreational fishing, and protects our environment for decades to come.
  19. Nice catch Lionized! Great to hear of the release as well, it is always good to hear of people respecting the sensitive fishery! Since you mentioned you are still learning the ways of the river I do have one suggestion for the future. Try not to handle the inner jaws and gills of fish to be released. Any handling of those areas significantly reduces the chances of survival and also increases the risk of infection to the released fish. To try and get our glamour shots I would suggest lying the fish down as you did if you're alone, not holding it as in the other photo. Either way, great catch! Congrats!!
  20. Wow, really a shame... I grew up going there for the summers and that is really a shame.
  21. I've found several well populated streams, with many 9-10" long brookies. Like others have said, use the tips here and check out some maps of watersheds. Google Earth is your friend. When the season opens in the spring look me up. I'll give you a glimpse. Rob
  22. Natural News is one of, if not the most fear mongering and misinformation spreading websites I have seen. The problem isn't that it's ridiculously biased, it is that the people who believe their drivel REALLY believe it.
  23. Sure the industry is regulated, just like the cod industry was regulated. If I'm not mistaken, the moratorium that was implemented was actually a few years too late. The cod fishery is just barely making a comeback and that is because it got to the point where there were nearly none left. A five year old link is actually not that old. If anything we should realize that in the five years that have passed not much has changed as far as decreasing the number and size of bluefin caught and killed. I'm not a tree hugging hippie, just a concerned environmental microbiologist that uses sound science to form opinions. Just because the government doesn't choose to listen to reason sometimes, doesn't mean the population needs to follow their lead with blinders on. Unless we want another blowup like what occurred July 1st and 2nd 1992. Just ask John Crosbie what he thinks... A more updated source for you kickingfrog: Title: Collapse of Bluefin Tuna in the Western Atlantic, from 2008 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1523-1739.2008.00901.x/full Or even another peer reviewed scientific publication that was published Aug 2011, which indicates that catch and release mortality can still be upwards of 12.6%. Title: Estimating mortality of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in an experimental recreational catch-and-release fishery http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320711002928 It's funny that you mention p e t a, never once did I say that I'm vegetarian or vegan or an animal rights activist. I do believe in the fair treatment of other living things and that animals shouldn't suffer needlessly if they are destined for a dinner plate. I'm sure you also hope that what you eat was kept in a clean environment. P3TA is an organization I do not support and shows the weakness or lack of thought that you put into your comment. Greenpeace may have been a more appropriate jab, though I form my own opinions and don't subscribe to a group mentality. I critically think and observe and form my own opinions from there. Good try though Dan
  24. Congrats on the muski Matt! It's always a rush catching a new species
  25. I couldn't agree more castgame. Wow... class act. I disagree with to each their own when it concerns a species in such dire need of conservation. Hey TroutnMuskieHunter, don't forget to recant the story to your children (if you have any) of how you helped support the decline of bluefins and to make you feel better you went out and planted a tree. I'm sure they will be really proud. On a side note, I wasn't going to bother commenting until I read your ignorant response to castgame.
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