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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. I guess they came from Superior
  2. Nice Pics, never seen them things alive. Evil, Evil invasive Creatures
  3. Soon as I got to Big river I knew I was not going to get any Fishing Done on Friday. The Grass was like a Field, It took me about 2 hrs to put the Air conditioner in. Should of took 15 Minutes. Then I noticed my Satellite had no Signal. The trees in front of it now has Foliage blocking it. Friday was gone and it took me all Saturday to relocate the Satellite and get through to India, Yea Grin Dinh land to diagnose why I was only getting 4 Channels, Poker, Italian, Punjabi and the shopping network. The most frustrating part, is I pay by the minute on my cell phone. I throw in about 50 dollars till it runs out. So I'm in cyber never, never land till I finally get an Operator. AND I CANT UNDERSTAND HER during the conversations. So I figure Ill at least get a couple of hours of fishing in. Off to Hackett hopefully for some Pickerel. Ill Troll using my Baitcaster, and maybe try some still fishing using my Light outfits, the Mitchell 308 and Shakespeare spinning reels It took a little while but I got my first Hit around 14 ft. The water is quite Low as I was pretty far from Shore Spike at least amuses me. Sooner or later his nose is either going to get some teeth or treble hooks in it. I seen the weirdest thing. This boat Barely Moving, obviously over weighted, putter by me with three guys with White Helmets heading to the Far end On my Radio they were playing Well I figured maybe I better lay off the German stuff A couple of small ones trolling This one ain't Bad Bonus Ill Try some still Fishing, using frozen smelt. Nice little fight on the 6 lb Shakespeare Spinning. had to cut the Hook on this one. Stringer on some eaters but put back after the Pic This got me thinking. When I first put the boat in, I noticed a guy and his son with an unbelievable amount of fish that was taken out. Lets see, your allowed 6 Jack, and three Walleye ( That lake 3 others 6). There two of them. So, 12 Jack and six walleye. Incredible, what makes it worse is they're from our neighbor province. Also the guy that stays here all season for the past 20, tells me and points to 3 Vehicles that he says camps at another Lake, and fishes this one every night taking their limit. Its going to end like Alberta where the fisheries are collapsing.
  4. Jeremys was worse, and his Mother Tongue is English
  5. You know, if you have your Boat up there, Take me on the River and Ill take you to Big River. Boating on that river can leave me some more options. I hate to admit it, but I think I would be nervous trying it out alone for the first time. I have no Idea what that River is like, but I do know you got to know what your doing. Seen a couple of kids, the only Boat I ever saw out there come in with pictures of a Sturgeon and Pickerel that they had caught and released.
  6. All I remember is rusty old Tankers Passing by and taking a condom off my hook that I snagged. Although I seen my Buddie clean about a 20lb Pike with a two pound Brown Trout in his stomach, caught near the Lachine Rapids. Is there still trout in those waters?
  7. Hilarious as the Bad Guy in Police Academy. Loved when he robbed the grocery store and with his Marble Mouth Voice says how he loves shopping at that store.
  8. That is why he is a Buisnessman. Its all Buisness to him. Unfortunately he is changeing the game from what it used to be. canada always seem to want to do or compare themselves to the Europeans! Well Baby, Its being done in the NHL.
  9. Well I decided to spend a couple hours fishing the North Saskatchewan River 5 minutes from my House. This River Flows West to East passing through Edmonton, close to LLoydminster AB then into Saskatchewan through North Battleford, Prince Albert hooks up to the South Saskatchewan River and ends up in Lake Winnipeg. I figured Id try some relaxing Shore fishing using Bait quit like the carpers. There are Big Pickerel, Pike, Goldeneye, Burbot and Sturgeon as well as other Species I don't know about. Ive only ever seen one Boat on this River since moving here. Driving through Downtown. I will cross the Bridge and fish the South Side where the Town of Battleford is located. When I fish I will look directly towards North Battleford. Lots of trucking Jobs. Anybody wants to haul Grain Any type of Freight. Hes heading West towards LLoydminster then Edmonton Have no fear Ontario. We Love our trucks which is a hot market out here Time to Fuel up at the Coop What a Panoramic view Looking towards Battleford Crossing the River On Shore looking at the Southbound Bridge I just came from Now Ive found my fishing spot IM comfortable in my chair enjoying the Scenery. Its between 2100 and 2300Hrs and its hot This is my Rig, 12 ft Browning Rod Light action and an old Mitchell 300 I found in the Garbage. A Pickerel rig with Frozen minnows. How can the fish resist. Due to current about 5 Bell sinkers at the Snap end of the Rig Only thing missing is some Southern Comfort. But I don't drink the day before work. Not ever. Kind of got used to the eight hour rule in the Army. No Drink 8 hours before Duty otherwise you will be charged. Its too bad. The local Radio station is playing good Classic Rock Tunes. Yea WEEPING WIDOW DONT YOU CRY..NA, NA, NA, _____NAAA YEA Gorgeous Scenery. Sure Beats looking across the St Lawrence R towards Mtl from the South shore in St. Lambert. Check out the Sand Bars. Kind of reminds me of the Fraser River. Sturgeon Territory. You Know if I was ever stuck here on the weekend Id probably do what those Guys are doing on the North Battleford side of the River. A Fire and some night fishing. Its the weekend so Id have my wife drop me off and pick me up. Had a few Bites, but no fish. But a Bonus was the Biggest beaver I ever seen in my life Gnawing away maybe 15 meters from me. Ahh Food, I can hear him gnawing away Getting Dark so its time to go Home Home sweet home Yea I caught nothing but I'm starting to figure this River out. I'm going to try something different next week. Less Weight, Smaller Hooks, no Pickerel rig, just a hook and sinker above the minnow. let you know how it turns out.
  10. Caught you. You must be Danbos Twin Brother.
  11. Any Luck with the drag?
  12. Hey I just noticed you avater. No wonder you found it Boring, there was no FI FI awards.
  13. Actually as a Hockey Fan I rather enjoyed the Show. I know it ain't the Academy's ( Actually I had more chuckles at the NHL Awards), but its got to be less boring than say Soccer. I liked the award for the person that gives to the community. Good on you Ethan Morrow.
  14. My three picks are examples of your 3 variables. Here are the reasons for my picks. 1) Boer War-The Boer War was a first in many ways for Canada. It was the first time we sent troops abroad. It was the first time French and English Canada fought over sending troops overseas. http://www.lermuseum.org/ler/mh/boerwar/index.html 2) Vimy Ridge because-Ever since confederation in 1867, Canada was still fighting wars as part of the British Army; this was the first time Canada fought its own battle as its own independent and organized unit. This proved to the world that Canada could function on its own, on a global scale, without aid from Britain. The most important proof of this is how the triumph at Vimy earned Canada a separate signature from Britain on the Versailles Peace Treaty. This meant that the world truly did recognize and respect the fact that Canada was its own independent country. http://www.socyberty.com/History/Vimy-Ridge.464881 3) The battle of the Scheldt Estuary. this I really had to dig deep and as I read the more interesting and Historic this Battle truly was. Lieutenant-General Guy Simonds Commanded the largest Canadian led campaign to this day. It was the first time and the last time that a Canadian had a British Division under his Command. He also had a Polish Division also under his command. Under Canadian Command an entire European Country (Netherlands was Liberated) Also Canada reached the German Border first and were halted by Allied Command. http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/remembers/sub.cfm...erlands/scheldt
  15. Thats because they were Pink.
  16. Joko or anybody. To get my Warrants I had to go on a Course called a Senior Leadership Course in St Jean Quebec.. Before going we had to complete a home study Package Facilitated from the College. It was History, Wrting skills and General Knowledge rolled into one. Anyways we had to write a paper with quotes and references and the theme was. How did the Canadian Military change or influence Canadian Society? The examples they gave us was. 1). Women in the Military. 2). The United Nations 3). The French or Quebec. We had to have 3 examples. I chose my own and wanted it to work, so I chose winning our Independence from Britain to become a Nation. I decided 3 different Wars. The first two were easy for me. So I took the Boar War as one. World War two would be Vimy Ridge. But the Third I spent almost a week just to figure it out and I had to dig deep and I found one which was a Battle in World War Two. My question is. What would be your Example. And if you used an example from World War Two, What would it be. I'm not being a smart arse just wondering for those interested an nothing to do, what would you pick if there was one.
  17. Thanks for setting me up straight on a Zombie. Found this and very interesting read of my former home province http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Was_conscription...d_War_2_and_why http://wwii.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=575...ght=hong%20kong http://warwriting.blogspot.com/2005/08/zombies.html
  18. The only thing I could think of is maybe it meant MINDLESS. I wish my Dad was still alive because I think he would argue with you to what a Zombie is/was. I cant say anything except what it meant to him. All I know is he grew up during the War and his favorite Uncle had died 3 Days after the Normandy landings. Yes your right about the Quebec Units were mostly English Quebecers including the VanDoos. ( Montreal was the second largest English speaking City in Canada at one time) With all Politics aside, can you Imagine that your in Battle with two languages going at one time. Pure KAOS. As it was, when my guys were attached to the Vandoos ( Combat Engineers Support the Infantry) I would go to Orders and the Major would speak both languages although I was the only English person there. There was one time that a Major gave his orders in French only, dismissed everyone then gave me his Orders in English. That particular Operation me and my Section were screwed up so his task Bombed. He left half of the crucial timings and tasks out.
  19. Good choice on the Kia ( Remember its not a Honda) Cliff. I remember maybe a little over a year ago watching Driving TV and them testing the Sedona. They stated a Best Buy, and also stated that why would anyone buy an SUV when the Sedona is Cheaper, Roomier, and just as powerful. Ground clearance is on par with most SUVs.
  20. Did I read it right? Your saying Conscripts were called Zombies. Shouldn't it read that those that Opposed Conscription were called Zombies. A term that an English Quebecer/Canadian would call a French Canadian that Opposed Conscription. Also My departed Dear old Dad would tell me how he and his buddies would fight the Frenchies on the Boardwalk in Verdun Quebec because of the War. He felt that his Fishing buddy( His Uncle) that Died on the beaches of Normandy died in Vain thanks to these so called Zombies. Also why the term Zombie. can anyone tell me why that word. thanks for the Link. I love Canadian History. cant get enough especially what they don't teach in school because of Politics. Just so you know. The Vandoos are respected around the world for their Soldier Skills when it comes to Battle. Ask any Korean Vet. Theyll tell you that the Chinese would never ever confront the Vandoos.
  21. If you cant get a job there MOVE. Saskatchewan is calling for 300 more Fire Fighters to Combat the Forest Fires throughout the province burning presently. Cities and Towns are also getting Bigger. Oh, I also Hope you have a stong Heart. Number 1 Killer for Firefighters.
  22. Because that Kid is a protector of your Nation where you have the right to speak and vote for your leaders without getting shot. His only mistake is that he happened to be doing his duty for Canada when your Nation ( Canada) told him to go overseas as a representative and protector of this Nation when called upon. He did not ask to go, but he also did not refuse when called upon. We do have some courageous selfless Canadians. HE DID NOT EVER HIDE BEHIND THE CANADIAN FLAG. DO YOU.
  23. See.....Isn't it better than Watching Soap Operas and collecting Po-guy. AKA Social Assistance, formally unemployment benefit, currently called Employment Insurance. Basically getting paid doing nothing.
  24. Coming from You. Id Jail you in a heartbeat if Canada asked for your services ( Yes it would be because of War) and you refused. Actually Id volunteer to be your Friendly Jailer.
  25. My Dad did five years in the Navy before I was Borne and you would think he did twenty. he loved it , Regretted getting out and it seemed like the Happiest time of his life. He had great stories that i loved to hear as a kid and understood it even more as an adult. The poor guy was born with a birthmark covering half his face. He used to joke that the Army didnt accept him because he wasn't pretty enough. So he jumped the trains from Montreal to Winnipeg and joined the Navy. Love ya Dad ..RIP
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