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Everything posted by holdfast
Just to Prove a Point Big Boy. Watch who you Mock. You should hope that if you have a son, you should be proud that he gives to his Country. I hope you at least instill some attributes in him like Honor and Integrity as well as Sense of Duty. Each medal ( Including the one with the 2/Tours) to me is a Sacrifice that I did for at least Six months away from my wife and kids if you think doing it for your country is to Candy AAss a thing to do I am taking the fuses out of a TMA 3 Antitank mine. They have 3 fuses as you can see. If one doesn't work, surly the others will. All these mines which I helped unbury and Pile as well as rig to explode, will no longer hurt anyone including innocent kids. This is the fun part as long as nothing has happened up to this point. Its to rig them up with C4 to blast them so No Croat or Bosnian or Serbian will ever use them again. We called our selves the Lost Boys. As no one in Canada had a clue that we were in Iraq Clearing Mines and unexploded Ordnance. These guys are my section of young Canadian Kids that would spit on you if you ever mocked what they did or that they were serving their Country. I'm the guy with the shirt on. We are all Combat Soldiers. The Hardest physically and mentally job in the Military. Everything we do is dangerous. We Clear Mines Booby traps, IEDs, Build and explode Roads, Bridges, Buildings etc etc And a cool story I had posted way back. The RCMP were approached in Serbia claiming to be a sister of a Canadian Combat Engineer World War 2 vet. This guy fought for Canada during the 2nd war and decided to stay and fight for his motherland Yugoslavia. she wanted to know if he was entitled to anything. My RSM Contacted the legion and sure enough the found his records and here we are pinning Canadian War medals owing to him. We did this under the Guise as doing humanitarian work to get into the Serb side. On Remembrance day we invited him to our camp to see the ceremony on the Croat side. He Spoke absolutely no English. is that cool or what
Your right in a few ways. Not right in Canada I totally agree. Canada is probably Half new comers that were running from war in the First place now. ( don't expect them to fight for this Country) We have a province that would rather separate than fight for this Country and its growing. Yes you are right as mandatory Service would ruin our Forces. We seen it with the french Army. Their conscripts and professional Soldiers (Volunteers) night and day but they separate them. It would only work in Canada if they did it on the Week Ends. The Reserves do this all the time and they still find time to study. The young men of Canada will learn discipline both military and social, Team work, Esprit De Corps, Navigation, Social Skills and of course the Trade that they are assigned as well as History. And of course they could be used for the aid to Civil Power like the next time Toronto gets into a snow storm.
See theres the difference between you and me. -You would rather go to Jail then do time for your Country- Its a Free Country Sweet-ums have at-er. I rather serve to be Free. - I would never-ever ask the public should I take a job or stay on Social Assistance. To me its a no Brainer- Get off the Social assistance. Anyways I grew up that is a last resort and not to be proud of - I did take unemployment as a young feller in Quebec, but I also moved to work/ Calgary/ worked/ then joined the Military in Calgary. I was not proud to be on Social assistance but I did take the first job offered./ Bagging Patatoes for min Wage. - Good for you my young friend, glad to see you sacrafice yourself to work for a prick employer than maybe do time for your country. But I bet given the choice, Military weeknds with social assistance, you would not be asking your embarrising question on a public forum where some of us have dealt with a heluv alot more stress than your decision to stay on social assistance or work for an Idiot boss that you assume to be. Next time use your head besides seperating your ears. Good luck on your job and after a week PM me and tell me how your Boss is, maybe I can help you deal with it. Ive dealt with alot worse. Tidbit Hows this for stress-- You are tasked to make sure a road is clear of mines outside a village in Serbia. You know there are mines there as the fields are left un-cultivated. You have the mine record from the Serbians that says they layed seven mines. You look and look but only find six. You and your Section even look farther than what the recorder tells ya. Still only six of seven found. You go back to your Commander and he asks. IS THE ROAD CLEAR. You say well we only found six of seven mines. Commander is pissed and asks you IS THE ROAD CLEAR. I say yes knowingly OUR Infantry will use that same road that night to patrol ensuring there is no military operations going on between the warring factions. DID I SLEEP you think. This goes on everyday in Afghanistan. Dr. HOLDIE
The only thing I can say is underneath the Spool there is probaly a spring with a lever which you may have to adjust. That is if its a front Drag system. If not you may have to buy another spool.
Obviously our Social programs need some rethinking and Overhauling ( Stricter). By the way he is assuming that he is an Idiot Employer. Unless you cannot find a job, you are abusing the System. An abuser of the System is a parasite for those of us that are working and paying into it.
One thing I hate is Barrack Room Lawyers. Stop comparing Social Assistance to car Insurance. Me and my working neighbor Pays for you to get Welfare or Unemployment. SOCIAL ASSISTANCE
I resent what you say. Like everything else ther name changed for the Kinder Gentler you. Canadian ARMED Forces to Canadian Forces. Unemployment Insurance should be used if you cannot Get a Job. I REPEAT cannot get a Job. Not a crutch to get a better job or more comfortable Quality of Life. Welfare or whatever you call it now. Should only be used if you have no other avenues for income ie.. your Retarded, Disabled, and I mean Disabled. Not as a crutch to Pop Kids, Runaway from home, Quit School, Drink Beers, Wait for a better job, turn down jobs you don't like. As for my thoughts, Take the job sniffles, suck it up, get off social assistance as I'm not paying you to choose jobs. Get off your ASS Last thing-- I think you should be on UnEmployment say 4 months, Then your Drafted into the Army to do weeknds as during the week your looking for a job.. See how many guys end up at Timmies or working two jobs at minimum Wage.
OK so you got those two Fanatical Guys in the Lunchroom (Canada) that think nothing but Hockey. Only Two, WHAT? So you think the rest are talking about the NBA, Football, NasCar, Soccer. Na, they're probably just complaining about work. How about if you just compare sports fans only instead of commoners. Lots of Buz during Olympic Hockey, JR International, and Say Stanley Cup if there is a Canadian Team or underdog Team playing.
Snap Swivel is all I use. My Baits are Long enough anyways. Hey you got to give the fish and yourself some sport.
Ill probably catch Walleye next week.
Agreed, Hockey is everything out here in every City, Town, Village and Hamlet. Whats soccer anyways. Oh and Saskatchewan Loves their Football. Best Football Fans in all Canada, but still Hockey Rules here.
Second Ugliest man in NATO. On The upside, Theres gots to be one Uglier.
Friday I got to the Trailer expecting to fish but once I seen that there was grass to be cut, I figured Id do it right away. Unfortunately it took me about two hours including the First two Periods of the Stanley Cup Game. So Fishing was on hold till Saturday. Saturday I spent the Second Half of the Day trying to get a Bite on the unnamed Lake that I had good success with last week. It was the Hottest Day of the year and the place was just loaded with Dragon Flies. It was a good outing anyways and I did indeed sweat a few pounds of pulling that canoe up hill. So I spent a rare Sunday on Cowan Lake. This time instead of launching in town, I decided to Drive 25 Kms North and try the waters out there. Less Traffic as there is only an outfitter that is in the Area. I decided to go with the Light Boat and the 9.9. Water was nice and Calm and I knew of a great launch just past the Provincial Boreal Forestry Border. Yea, I know there are fish in this Lake. So I decided on using my Great Lakes Perch outfit to entice some Pike. As usual the baitcaster would be used for trolling thanks to the Line capacity it holds. The deepest that I found was about eight feet of water. But the entire area seemed to be eight feet. Its not a deep lake so I wonder about winter Kill. Maybe thats why all the pike seem to be the same size. It was getting late so I decided to try some Smelt that I bought at the Grocery store. So I set up my light Shakespeare spinning for some Bait-casting. I would keep three fish to Bring Home that I had caught on the Frozen Smelt. Nothing Huge, but enough bites to keep things on the up side. I think that this week I might try the North Saskatchewan River that divides the Battlefords this week after work. You never know what I might pull out of there. Maybe even a Sturgeon.
Yup I can see how you can use it for a Canoe. Loop around Bow and the Ball in the Trunk. Nice.
Me Too DR me arse unless its DO LITTLE
So what the Heck is a mud Trout. It must nbe a newfie term as I only heard of it from Newfies
Beautiful just Beautiful what you told her. Atta Boy. Would of loved to hear what she would of came back with, if you used MUSKY OR SPECKS statement.
LOL And Situps and Pushups are no good for you according to the latest Carleton University study. I guess us old (over University Age) timers were all stupid so they had to change things.
Just so you Know where Im coming from Raf. I will never ever trust a financial advisor again, especially Banks. Look what its done to the USA Economy and some say caused the World Recession. Like the Oil and Car Executives. They used our money to gain for themselves and got away with murder.
A Pickerel actually looks like a small pike.. As far as I know there is the Chain and Grass Pickerel and probably other species. I used to catch them all the time in Lake Champlain Vermont. A 5lber would be considered a monster. A Walleye ( Perch Family) is what Canadians ie Ontarians and Albertans are calling a Pickerel. Its wrong but we know what they mean. Without going into too much detail, hopefully it clears things. Why do we call Walleye a pickerel. I HAVE NO IDEA. My dad who grew up in Quebec called them a Dore.
On behalf of pers on Fixed Incomes or Jobs requiring use of your vehical, PM sent.
Thanks, Good on the NHL putting it on Friday. Too Bad I wont help the Ratings.
Correct me if Im right. Apparently this reel requires no eyelet so it lets you cast further and without Backlash. Good Concept, Ill guess Ill throw out my ABU Garcia Mag that has a floating eyelet when you cast so that I can buy this well advertised product once I Rob the Bank.
Yea I wouldnt mind seeing that setup. Thanks.
Oh Boy. Im going to watch TV. Ah Shucks, this is a good Question. Might be interesting