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Everything posted by smally21

  1. you mean, like, cowboys vs. aliens?
  2. of course you are ticked off. and rightly so. what i can't see is the rookie, or foolish, move of the dealer to agree to hold something with no paperwork..they should know that's gonna bite them where it hurts. tying up a motor,and likely boat and trailer, on a pre approval and trade in evaluation? obviously you have represented yourself as much more than a tirekicker... can you get a dealer runaround from a dealer you haven't bought anything from? 'A' dealer doesn't become 'your' dealer til you buy something... are you mad at the dealer for selling it, or yourself for not buying it... its a tough call i think the dealer could have handled it better, maybe by zipping it! unfortunate as obviously you were serious, both parties are affected..no one wins..maybe have to make a compromise to get something quick. hopefully you can put it behind you and have a better shopping experience! good luck!
  3. romania? that would explain the occasional gothic castle in the background... i heard it cost 47 million lei$ to make , to give you an idea that is like 47 billion bani$!!!!
  4. mine only secures to the boat with more generous support..hard to lay a 290lb outboard flat on the floor of the boat..lol.
  5. nice! leave it to BB to bring up the gun-totin' score settlin' kentucky west virginia fueds!! where did the concept of 'vengeance' go.. any real history buffs that can vouch for the accuracy of the show so far? has it been glamorized/adapted for tv or has it been fairly true to the events???
  6. started with st johns and red cross years ago. taken the first responder about 5 times. BTLS a few times, Pre Hospital Trauma Care, Defib, Oxygen Therapy, Advanced Airways, a few others i can't recall and about a dozen different versions of CPR..changes in a big circle it seems. as mentioned previously i see the heimlich and other choking relief methods (particularly for infants and childeren) to be some of the most likely events one might come across - and the most easily remedied if you have an idea what you are doing. I've used this training countless times but limited times "in the bush". did call in an air ambulance for a guy found on a houseboat on a back lake...lots of first aid stuff for minor injuries (including hooks!)..several hypothermia incidents... cardiac incident at a neighbouring cottage...found 3 guys after a raceboat crashed into a rock wall (not much help to give there) so i guess a few. the more you know about first aid, and the more experienced you become..the greater one can see the need to start the emergency process as soon as possible and get the injured/ill to a hospital!! all the training in the world can be ineffective without some basic equipment and the ability to transport. pays to be careful out there! good to hear that people are gettting trained and taking their first aid kits. oh and as for gear i have a really simple first aid kit in the boat..when we travel somewhere serious or with lots of people i have an inhalator kit with O2 bottle, airways, bag-valve mask, rebreathers, etc. the oxygen bottle has come in handy many times to releive certain symptoms associated with late nights and excessive drinking...
  7. its up here and its pretty good! they sure knew how to settle a score back then. can't say too much about the genius hatfield boy...and his excellent decision making when it comes to women. good tv but its no game of thrones.. ill be in front of it next monday!
  8. is there another option? fisherman speaks wisely on this issue..investing any kind of money or taking any kind of chance to go from a 33 year old motor to a 29 year old motor..i certainly wouldn't modify my boat to accomodate this change.. not aware of the circumstances of course just first impression
  9. Apparently the other guy was serious too.
  10. of course 4WD has more pulling power in 4LO. so would a 35hp tractor. either option limits top speed to next to nothing. the 2 vehicles out on the highway in 2WD are the same. one doesn't have more power than the other. a simple statement hardly needs dissecting. the statement is not false. no one said anything about pulling stumps...
  11. i think the dealer was in error to tell you he would hold something without paperwork..should know better. the bigger error would be to not sell your product to the first guy thru the door with MONEY. what if it took 6 months to sell your boat? is he supposed to hold the motor on good faith til it snows? on another forum i sell alot of products under a feedback system. #1 feedback rule is if no money changes hands there was no deal..so you can't bash a guy for behaviour (buyer or seller) because no transaction occurrs until money changes hands. you weren't serious enough to leave deposit or sign anything..when you find your next boat dont miss out! best of luck.
  12. if the flexible fish tape doesn't work you could try the fiberglass push pull rods...you could use flexible conduit instead of rigid.. are the trolling batteries all at the stern? just talking i know nothing about the alaskan
  13. we used to always use beaded worm harness with blades for trolling. trick is weighting them properly to match speed and depth. found it cumbersome so led to crankbaits. i would definitely troll under 2mph, more like 1.2 - 1.4 walleye aren't speed demons, of course a little extra speed might fire them up...
  14. i think the bilgewater led to the wd40 use. or the myth anyway is lures dropped in the bottom of the boat did a better job, the assumption being the oily water in the bilge must be the attractant..wd40 had the same properties as the oily bilge water and voila..wd40 fish attractant... perhaps urban legend. if you see the 'rainbow gasoline oil water slick' that comes of gas, oil, wd40, bilgewater, suntan lotion, baby oil, fish attractant you name it when they mix with water you start thinking how similar they may be..
  15. 4wd vehicles dont have any more power than their 2wd counterparts. i think the minivans GCWR was listed at 6000# not its actual weight.. 7km/litre sounds like a great number for towing a small boat, 100L tank on a full size truck getting 700kms/tank sounds great to me! Its an unusual way to list a mileage factoid but a quick conversion gives me only about 5km/litre in my tacoma pulling 3000lbs. As mentionied, you are within the specified weight limits - keep things well maintained and everything should be fine. Hardly the first guy towing with a minivan, enjoy.
  16. awesome. oil treatment. i stand corrected!
  17. One hardly needs to provide the applied mechanics drawing and mathematics to have opinions based on years of experience and common sense. that is what was asked for. While im not convinced for the need of a transom saver on a solid, well maintained boat myself, the suggestion they are "useless" and a "cash grab" suggests that the thousands of boaters who use them, including hundreds of members of this forum, are suckers who fell for the hype and wasted their money. Seems unlikely a whole industry would exist just to rip-off the ignorant. I failed to see any force and amplitude calculations in your post whiskywizard, nor did you provide any empirical evidence of your own. So by your logic your post is just as invalid as all the other experienced and knowledgable boat owners that have added their input to this thread. Except, of course, for the big words. They lend enormous credibility. as a matter of fact, in general i agree with all your comments. and i particularly like the reference to proper hoisting technique
  18. i would have to agree the wear pattern fits under inflation. it could also be an alignment issue is the wear is excessive either on the inside or the outside, one more pronounced than the other,and matching on both tires..if you get my meaning. improper camber of the axle can cause this, and also, if the axles are adjustable are they square to the frame? measure from the rear cross member to the axle tube on each side, make sure the same...have come across (and mistakenly installed) axles out of square to the frame.
  19. my 115 johnson (evinrude really) has the transom saver/towing support built in. so i use it. never owned one before. an ounce of prevetion they say..can't cause any harm, hardly a waste of money to look after your kit wether a life saver or not.. on the comparison between smashing thru waves and being towed..not sure what to add but your boat was designed around being in the water with the motor in a certain (most likely down) trim position, not to be suspended at a great angle bouncing down the highway. customers used to comment about the amount of bunk support under their boat..my reply was usually how do you feel about it hammering waves at 50mph? not sure they are connected...or a fair comparison. as to the comparison to a fishes gills and the transom saver..????????????????????????? they are not related. interesting segway for sure.
  20. just because they are 'unprotected' doesn't mean you can just start shooting. "technically" you need a snall game licencse to hunt these speices, and all associated permits. its unlikely with a burlington address you live in a neighborhood that allows discharge of firearms of any kind. of course, its unlikely you'd be the first young fella with a pellet gun to settle a score in this fashion. lots goes on when no one is looking. your neighbours have cars too..
  21. if you aren't fishing the lake launch in dunville at the arena/marina for 10$, try the dam, if not too busy, then troll the river out towards the lake. its a nice boat ride and a very deep part of the grand no real hazards.. if you want to hit the lake its only about 8-10kms from the dam...
  22. Your dealer should prostrate himself before you, begging your forgiveness. Be paraded thru the streets with rotten vegetables hurled at him. If the offer for the motor upgrade is unacceptable, demand he commit ritual suicide...its the right thing for him to do. Its not like he is the only dealer, nor Princecraft the only manufacturer, having troubles with motor suppliers right now. Neither the dealer nor Princecraft builds motors..
  23. licensing cost a couple hundred dollars? only pay GST on the trailer? what are you telling this guy?
  24. in poker they call it 'spending good money after bad money'. a 12 yrold motor with a 3000$ rebuild is still a 12 yrold motor, resale wise.. get the new one and enjoy your fishing!!
  25. you guys post way more private information on this forum than the US government will ever learn from your fishing and hunting license.
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