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Everything posted by smally21
sweet looking gear. i like stuff too.
Importing a boat from the USA... some questions
smally21 replied to wask's topic in General Discussion
72 hours notice not reqd for boats. make sure manufacturers labels are clear and legible on trailer and boat. you coast right out of the states, pay a bunch of tax at the canadian border, on your way. trailer is a vehicle so enters the register of imported vehicles program costs 200 and needs inspection at canadian tire after you're home. check the RIV govt website for details. also check patsboating for some import stories. its no big deal. good luck. -
A Day of Trophy Toronto Northern Pike
smally21 replied to tdotfisherman's topic in General Discussion
nice fish. cant beleive im only an hour away and have never hit the islands. where do you fellas launch from to access the islands? -
the grand use to have a walleye and a sheephead. now you've caught the walleye.....
could one of you clarify the regs regarding giving away fish? you are allowed to share your catch provided it counts against your limit? can you just give this fish away to anyone? also - the post 'reply from kevin lavers' gives a real life example of the possession law at work. (sorry kl its just coincidence)
not sure is this applies to the original post but the co's were stopping vehicles and searching coolers up hwy 11 last year. some dudes were confused as they had each daily limit frozen in their cooler. 4 fish a day times 5 day trip yep there is 20 walleye in that there cooler officer....
you raise some good points regarding interpretations. my understanding is the 'possession' limit is just that. fish in your cooler, livewell, back at the camp, etc. all count. it would suggest you cant fish again until you eat. i know a guy that fishes every day in the fall and spring for perch, and limits every day. freezer is just jammed! however his daily limit is in his possession before his boat hits the water you know? it gets more complicated when you read that you really cant share your catch with more that your immediate family, meaning your well meaning gift to your host is actually a violation.... im no help here of course just kind of agreeing, good news is 50 guys are gonna explain it to us hopefully. ps bb smoked my first brisket today, a flat point around 3.5 lbs. just smearing the sauce over the keyboard now.
i used the humminbird from ct with the charger and such built in to the fancy nylon case and base before buying the boat. full featured fishfinder and portable to boot.
A question for people who fish with trolling motor.
smally21 replied to Steelcat's topic in General Discussion
i beleive proper protocols are written down. as well as maintaining safe distances, it is unlawful to interfere with other vessels engaged in the act of fishing. these are the rules of navigating your vessel - come on fellas! -
it sure does. the ribs cooled and the somewhat unpleasant appearance of the fatty areas faded. ribs were cooked thru, hadn't started pulling back from the rib ends yet. the ribs had only been dry rubbed at this point and the smoke flavor showed right thru. tasted like it smelled you know? smoke flavor was a little strong but that was a wood choice easily corrected. overall im very happy and the intoxicated yuks im serving wouldn't know the difference anyway.....
okay fellas broke out the new charcoal grill this am. using charcoal briquettes with well soaked maple chunks sitting on top. remarkably this bbq held a steady 220 after about 30 mins of playing around. so i sat some pork ribs in my homemade rack and tended to them lovingly for about 4 hours. my intention is to take the smoked/cooked ribs up north and finish them on the grill. so the question is this, it seems the meat part of the ribs is cooked quite well, obviously not quite done but that is what the grill will finish, but the untrimmed fat seems less finished shall we say. best description is like when a steak is cooked at too low a temp and the fat doesn't render. so if i continue to smoke the ribs, cooking over indirect heat, will the fat 'render' more or do i require more temp?? thanks fellas.
nice to hear about a good professional piece of work. nice looking yard. technical tree cutting and climbing is an art form.
i want to wear a disguise when i say this but ive caught more bass - more fish - on worms than anything else!
no better way to spoil your day than a flat tire. frustration, headaches, high blood pressure, getting creamed by passing traffic, kids screaming in car, expensive cottage rental going to waste, etc., all avoided by some good preperation. good reminder lew. if i stop to help a fellow boater and he has taken no precautions i have a mind to leave him there. its always the dude with the junkiest trailer and oldest car that doesn't carry a spare or jumper cables.....
a couple of guys have made some great posts about deer creek ca past simcoe. good largies apparently but i cant get my boat in there....sometimes the 12' can be an advantage!
Big Smallies - Monday Action *PICS*
smally21 replied to steverowbotham's topic in General Discussion
talk about consistent. it seems like every time you hit the lake your firing up the camera. great fishing stories and pics. i wish i could spend more time in your area. -
Has anybody ever done this before??
smally21 replied to lookinforwalleye's topic in General Discussion
no names mentioned (FATHER IN LAW) is constantly sending jigheads and rapalas at the boat with startling speed. i suppose if he took a 3/4 ounce jighead in the pills at 90mmph he'd be more careful with snags and hooksets. great warning for everybody the video would have won you tons of money.... -
i replied but they wont let me show my johnson on tv.
thanks for the lecture. i'll check my tire pressure twice a day from now on. if you check the original post and the replies no one did ask you. you're comments about lame excuses, lacking common sense, and endangering others on the road are offensive. the post was about an experience with tpms and you turned it into a sermon on tire pressure, passing judgement on people you know absolutely nothing about. by the way checked my tires like i always do they are exactly the same as they have been for years. if you need to adjust your tire pressure every week maybe you should take a look at your own vehicle....
of course you are responsibloe for the vehicle you drive (i drive a heavy D class vehicle at work and of course have to check/log everything daily). but the busy driver of today takes his vehicle in every three months for lube oil filters etc. every garage claims to check/adjust tire pressures at this time. a good question for the mechanic is 'did you check my tire pressure?' of course he says he did. the next question might be 'then how did you do this if the valve caps are hopelessly seized?' or 'how did they get this seized if you are removing them every 10-12 weeks?' now before every mechanic on the site climbs up my back for saying this my comment is just that the toyota dealer wants to be my 'full service no worries guy' but they obviously never did what they said they did, they are full of it either way you know? but ultimately you are responsible for your own vehicle its funny my 5$ air guage never cost me any money and my tires were always fine...... hey dunner there are rumors of a repair kit for this problem but ive never been able to find one any ideas?
i had this problem on my toyota tacoma. the actual corrosion occurs on the exterior of the valve stem as soon as a tire cap of a different metal is put ont. basically anything other than oem plastic. so it takes a pair of pliers to remove the seized cap, and the valve stem breaks. all four tires in similar condition. basically four flats. so the genius's at toyota have built the 3$ valve stem into a 120$ sensor, so replacemt is 480$ + tax + dismounting and remounting the tires. about 650$ because the 10$ aluminum valve caps looked nice. so in ontario you just say to hell with it put in regular valve stems but now your air pressure warning light is on full time. so either short out that sensor in the wiring harness - ground it where it goes into the ecm that is to disable it, or store the sensors under pressure inside the vehicle. some ideas include inside a 3" pvc or abs tube with a valve on it you can inflate to standard tire pressure and store under the back seat. or get a cheap pneumatic tire like from an appliance dolly, put the sensors inside the tire and inflate. stash somewhere on the vehicle. the lamest part of this is the tire pressure system sucks in the first place. it can take weeks of low pressure before it activates, it actually never activated when the spare was removed and left in the garage for three weeks! so all this trouble and cost for a system that i never wanted in the first place. now assuming the truck goes 400k, and tires last 80k, this truck will see 5 sets of tires. i replace valve stems everytime i do tires, cause its only 15$. so to replace valve stems in my toyota over its life span will cost an extra 3500$ above the cost of the rubber. freakin ridiculous. so i feel your pain brother, i guess you could be happy they are under 50$ if you were in canada they would charge you 150$. my toyota is awesome but id like to meet the guy who came up with the tire pressure sensor and slap him around for a while.
id say the bigger problem is finding the 50" muskie!!!! (its funnier if you dont see the monster in your avatar)
not personal but buddies fishing stories giant pelican in florida, hoodked thru the lips alaska river fishing my friends dad snags 900 lbs of fresh dead bear, its giant pelt is under his pool table now.
guys im fishing with think im full of you know what when i say i can see something like a fish in the water. then it bites. im a huge fan of oakley half jackets in polarized.
they are hit and miss. the grca policy states no gas motors, some let you some dont. same with hamilton and niagara. binbrook allows the boat as long as they can see the motor in the upright position. i email or phone a human to get an answer (and take a name and print it out) before dragging the boat there. by now you cant canoe through the slop at half of these places, and the fish are only on their websites. still beats working!