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Everything posted by smally21

  1. congrats to all involved!
  2. short term the best tongue lock ive come across is the Gorilla lock @ around 40$. the chain thru the wheels is good, but from personal experience i can tell ya its quite easy to pull a boat and trailer with the chain on you would be able to catch the thief by following the thick trail of rubber down the road. longer term remove the coupling or wheels as mentioned earlier. a moat and sharks with lasers are also a possiblility, check local bylaws first.
  3. elevate the trailer and push/pull on the tire like you were checking ball joints. tire shouldn't wobble much at all. spin it and see if it runs true. id guess a bearing issue for lack of any other idea. all axles are bent, it makes the camber on the tire proper and run straight. marathons are good tires, and no matter where they are made, the wheel was balanced. ived installed hundreds of the offshore rims you are talking about, but never had a wobbly wheel. now, how much were you drinking before all the wobbling started....
  4. ive had alot of sport bikes, RZs, GSXRs, ZXs, CBRs, Katanas, from 350 to 1400ccs. personally i like big bikes but a reasonable modern 600 is an absolute weapon performance wise. i cant say any manufacturer was better or more reliable than another. wouldn't ride a 2 stroke again, but had a blast on the RZs. as a starter i always thought the 500 suzuki would be a good bet, or a katana 600. soemthing like an R6 or a ZX6 might be a little jumpy for new rider. they are only as fast as you ride them but they can get away on you. as for insurance you might want to look at state farm, for only this reason, they dont discriminate betweeen styles of bike, just size. so my 200HP R1 was the same price as a 1000cc Goldwing. i got rid of my last sport bike after realizing it is super uncomfortable, next to useless for commuting anywhere, no fun to ride alone but insane to ride with other guys. checked out how fast it would go and sold it. when you are riding a bike that does 130knh/hr in 1st gear you are in huge jeapordy of kissing your licence goodbyye, particularly with the new street racing laws. bought a nice boat instead. another thing i noticed? my bikes used to turn a lot of heads and gathered a lot of comments, now no one seems to give a second look to a sport bike. just sayin. if i buy another bike its going to be a sport tourer with some character like a BMW, or a Ducati monster or something. used bikes are cheap and reliable. have fun and stay safe get some leathers they have a bad habit of falling over....
  5. took me 6 months. all idiots at one time!
  6. ya they were load binders, and the comment was these are made in c and they are no good. haven't heard anything about them going after safety chain the same way. it would seem regardless of quality or orign the stamp means everything.
  7. kudos for keeping your bills. and your absolutely right, buy a non current model and the warranty is shorted by months? good on ya for standing your ground.
  8. is the rating stamped on the link or other wise identified? that is what they would be looking for. a landscaper i know got tromped on by the MTO recently. his tie down chains on a machine had links identifed at the beginning and end of the chain. as the chains did not have every fourth link stamped with its rating, the chain was considered inadequate for the job, and fines ensued. he had also used cargo straps with nylon webbing, and the webbing had several twists over the load. the straps were rated properly, but he was fined 100$ for each twist in the strap! i dont really know the answer to your question, i think everyone would be speculating. just because your boss has it on his truck doesn't make it legal. if you get pulled over, then you'll know for sure! tell us how it turns out
  9. i would also suggest binbrook over anything else in the area. its sheer size and depth (up to 28feet!) makes it feel like big lake fishing. loaded with crappie. extensive trail system surrounds. i see alot of guys fish it off their bikes as it is so big to walk around. after a couple of emails to confirm, binbrook doesn't, of course, allow gas motors but you can drop your full size boat in there and fish with the trolling motor. most places wont let the gas motor in at all. the boat ramp and dock are pretty good, so i slam my boat in there and fish in comfort all day, i think for around 12$. its nowhere near as good as the website says, but if time doesn't allow for a trip to erie or something, off i go.
  10. earlier in the year they seem okay to fish, halfway thru the summer they are a solid mass of weeds from one side to the other. haven't fished in a few years but i have found all of the hamilton area conservation to be lacking in fish of any size. just my experience, but it seemed like if you wanted to go fishing they were good local spots, if you wanted to catch fish you may need to look elsewhere. still better than sitting in the office.....
  11. well the latest answer is neither, the open hook is frowned upon and the MTO officer wants to see a snap closure on the hook. and the open portion of the hook should point down from my conversations with them. however i beleive the regs say "should" have a snap closure so im not sure that is a finable offence. i have a feeling i just added fuel to the fire.....
  12. my thoughts exactly terry. something to think about for sure.
  13. FC check the office of boating safety for a list that applies to your pleasure craft size. pay special attention to the and/or sections! because they can be sticky points. there are several versions of the list but the office of boating safety is your best bet. for example flares and or waterproof flashlight paddle, anchor, bouyant heaving line are some others not on your list. get 'er in the water!
  14. no one is saying they are doing anything but their jobs. no one is saying there is an abuse of power. talking about experiences with boat safety checks is not an attack on the police. just saying that we dont live in a place where we are subject to random searches of our property 7 times in one weekend. getting stopped 3 times in a 2 hour fishing trip, boarded, searched , questioned, boarded, searched again, questioned again. PRODUCE YOUR PAPERS PLEASE. show me the contents of your bag, cooler, compartment, whatever. all without any evidence of any wrongdoing. im not hiding anything, i just dont like my fishing, boating to be interrupted by invasive, uncalled for stops.
  15. ?????? i dont think ive ever caught a bass after 9pm, maybe the occasional rockie. the bite on temagami shuts off at 9pm like someone slammed the door. sounds like a good time.
  16. what does your ownership look like? you don't register a pleasure craft, you license it - identified by numbers on the bow. registration applies to non pleasure and commercial craft, and would be by name. i should not have used the word register to be exact, and then neither should you. from transport canada, as suggested... "Registration (Canadian Register of Vessels) is a title system for ownership of vessels. It is similar in nature to title systems used for land registry. Registration allows for name approval, mortgage registration and proof of ownership except in the case of a vessel registered in the Small Vessel Register. Every vessel other than pleasure craft must be registered." 2 totally different things. keep quoting though.
  17. there is no such thing as an ownership for a boat. the bill of sale is the closest qualifying document. if you are unable to register the boat due to lack of docs you need the notary declaration mentioned earlier. but, as stated earlier, you are just registering a tin boat. if there are no numbers on it now should be no biggie.
  18. i get stopped alot and it is annoying. i chalk it up to the cost fo doing business. what i find odd about the live stop in the boat is that it is, by def'n, unconstitutional. a police officer is not supposed to interfere with a law abiding citizen going about their business. a random stop of a vehicle to check your docs is not viewed as accepatable in this country - you know, the probable cause they always talk about on tv. nor are we stopped on the street and asked to produce our papers. but as soon as we step on a boat we are subject to a random stop and search that would be unlawful were you in your car. RIDE programs are unconstitutional stops as well, pulling over people for no reason, however the courts deemed it OK as it was 'for the greater good" i just dont recall anyone ever saying that about police checks of boats. in the bay down at hamilton ive been stopped 3 times on the same outing, 2X by the same boat!
  19. did he....tell you where the perch were????
  20. mother nature screamed in horror the whole time, but i quite enjoyed the video. i could see this boat being good for ice break up, and maybe emacerating less stream fauna along the way. great pics on the blog craig.
  21. id say jedi master has a winner here, raccoon story wise.
  22. my father in law did the orange paint thing for critters clearing out his fish pond night after night. a live release in the country at a distance of several kilos - resulted in the orange striped raccoon back in less than 24 hours. must have taken a bus to get back that fast.............
  23. almost any similar key, and sometimes a cabinet size slot screwdriver might well do the job. most boat keys ive seen are very simple and have such low profile you might be able to fool it....
  24. if 'your' tree is creating a nuisance or a hazard on your neighbours property it is your responsibility. just like the old west if a tree branch is in your yard its "get off my land" regardless of the effect. a tree company walked into your backyard on your neighbours request and wanted to limb to the trunk without your ok??? wrong in about 100 ways. good for you to send them packing. a tree guy should know all about property law, local bylaws, tree removal and cutting permits, access and private property issues, etc., not just how to cut a branch.
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