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Everything posted by LucG

  1. Nice shooting and good eats! I'm an avid grouse hunter, but I havent tried waterfowl YET. Thanks for sharing!
  2. That first pic is awesome!!! Simply amazing! I've been after them several times this summer with only an 18 incher to show for it! Anyone in the North Bay area want to show me the ropes? lol I've got a boat!
  3. It goes a lot further than simply releasing fish. If we want to promote catch and release properly, we need to educate people on how to do so. This post is an excellent start!
  4. I'd highly recommend it! I'm sure not everyone would enjoy it as some go fishing for the comradery, but I go fish to catch fish! Just make sure you let someone know your plans! But I think that goes without saying.
  5. I hear ya! As much as I enjoy fishing with friends, its nice to have the whole boat to myself! But the best part about it is that when your fishing alone, you can't be out-fished by your partner!
  6. Thats a nice walleye! Its been a while since I've had a feast of walleye...I'm jealous!
  7. Nice catch!
  8. Thanks! I actually though about NipFisher's post a while back. Was going to see if I could get an OFNer to join me, but I didnt have time for that. Was actually just a sweater and rain coat, but yes, its amazing how fall temps change throughout the day. I've been fishing alot lately and most days I'm too cold in the morning, but too hot in the afternoon. lol
  9. Well its been a while since I’ve written a decent report, so I hope you enjoy! Woke up Friday morning ready to fish. I knew it was going to be a cold one so I put on the layers and headed off to pick up my partner. Turns out it was too cold for him so he changed his mind. Having already packed all my gear, made a lunch and hooked up the boat, there was no way I was going to go back home and unload everything. So I decided to head out on my own. On the way to the launch I began thinking that this was going to be the first time I had ever gone fishing in my boat alone. I wasn’t sure if I’d enjoy it or not, though maybe I’d go crazy if I had no one to talk too…lol Not to mention the though of something going wrong, but wasn’t to worried about that as I am a fairly safe minded guy. I made sure to tell someone where I was going, and what time I’d be back. Was also sure to wear my PFD and kill switch tether. Anyways, launched the boat on my own just fine, I was actually complimented on the method I used as well as how speedy I was. I decided to break down the lake and work one small area that I had never fished (I was targeting smallmouth bass). I was surprised at how much good water I found! Lately on this lake I found the smallies were relating to rocks that were surrounded or near submerged cabbage. Having deep water close by seem to make or break these locations. Having noticed fish breaking the surface almost immediately, I started the day with a top water popper, keeping my wacky rigged senko close by for any that would boil and short strike, or follow up. This technique worked wonders for me all morning. Although I did not land anything with any size, there were a lot of these to be had. Wanting to make my friend regret bailing on me at the last minute, I sent him a few of these pics. Within an hour he was calling me from the boat launch, waiting to be picked up. Haha. By that time it had warmed up quite a bit, and surprisingly the fishing slowed down a lot. We were managing a few fish here and there, but nothing to brag about. I had noticed the surface temp had risen almost 6 degrees from what it was in the morning. I’m assuming this had something to do with it, but then again, I’m not a pro so it really is just a guess…lol After deciding to call it a day, we made one last stop at a mid lake rock shoal that is usually always good for a fish. Once again, it would not disappoint, cause this beautiful bruiser nailed my jerk bait, and fought for its life. Little did he know he was being released anyways. It was the perfect way to end the day! At a time of year I usually switch over to walleye, pike and musky, I’m glad I went out after some smallies. If you can get on them, they are extremely fun to fish in the fall. Fishing alone for part of the day was very relaxing. No noise other then loons calling and fish jumping. I will definitely not let the fact that I couldn’t find anyone to fish with stop me from going! Thanks for reading!
  10. Great topic and good tips!
  11. I plan on going out tomorrow morning. I found that the bass are allready schooling in the lake I plan on fishing. It is a colder water system than most though. I'm hoping after a cold night, like we're suposed to have tonight, the smallmouth will be actively feeding near rock humps and shoals. They are definitly relating to warm rock.
  12. Could have been any predatory fish. But it defenitly sounds like they were fleeing from something. Usually the bass will bust the surface as well, so it may just be a laker or pike.
  13. Probably bass chasing the bait. Saw this the other day, casted right at where the bait fish were surfacing and caught bass. Jerk baits and senko style worms work good in this situations, not to mention top water.
  14. I'm EXACLTY the same way! lol Except the list of whats in the fridge, I may use that one!
  15. If I plan on gettng up fairly early, I prepare everything I'll need and pile it at the door. Then in the morning when I'm in a rush after sleeping in, its easy to get up and go. Just don't forget the lunch in the fridge.
  16. Thanks again Ugly! It was my first qualifier as well. I managed to finish 36th, what about yourself? I was fishing as a non-boater, and both my partners made the team. I definetly had a shot at it. Missed the cut by only a couple pounds, that's one fish...lol Overall I had a great weekend, both my partners were good guys, and I can't wait to do it again next year.
  17. Thanks ugly, I was just curious as to where I placed myself. I watch that big bag get weight in, was def. a nice smallie for that area. I had a poor first day, but had a pretty good second day, I knew I still didn't have a chance.
  18. Thanks, what site did you find this? I'm looking for the complete breakdown.
  19. Does anyone one where I can find the results from the 2011 OBFN Qualifier in Petawawa this weekend?
  20. I use this exact technique even on calm days!
  21. A could tip to fishing senkos or other weightless baits in the wind, is to keep the wind directly at your back. This helps alot when trying to watch your line as well as feel the bite.
  22. I was thinking of yous as I was driving down Nosbonsing Park Rd last night, glad to hear you managed to make it succesfull. In regards to the launch. The problem is one of the cement slabs has been moved and has left a large hole. As long as you stay nice and tight to the dock, you can avoid it.
  23. Great store! Just registered! Will be making an order soon!
  24. Ive had excellent results with Wacky Rigged 4" Senkos. I use a 1/0 Eagle Claw Lazer Sharp Wacky hook. Get'em everytime
  25. What kind of line are you using. When I first bough my citica, I spooled it with 50 lbs power pro for the slop. Experienced the same thing, lack of casting distance. But now I have it spooled with 20 lb power pro and it casts like a dream!
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