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Everything posted by LucG

  1. Hey Guys, I'm in the market for a good 20 ga. shotgun. Can anybody recommend a gun shop in the North Bay area that has good prices. I'd even be willing to consider a used gun if in great condition. Thanks
  2. Headed out on sunday with my cousin searching for some fall pike. We had been to this lake on several occasion throughout the summer and we were able to use the same pattern each time. We would catch them on spinnerbaits, mainly two colours, and we would also catch them on jerkbaits in similar colours. Their main forage seemed to be perch and small baitfish, thus the orange/green/chartreuse blends did extremely well. Anyways, on sunday morning it was cold, very cold. We had originaly planed on hitting them first thing, but that soon changed. We ended up making our first cast around 11 or so, it was still pretty cold and overcast, and the pike werent cooperating. Spent the next couple hours trying to find the pike as they had moved away from the shallow weed beds that at one time held all the baitfish. But the weeds were allready brown and receding, and there was no baitfish around. We were only managed one small one. By 2 or so, the sun had come out, and it warmed up quite a bit (maybe 9 degrees celcius or so). We found a large cabbage weedbed in the middle of the lake surrounded by boulders the size of cars and next to fairly deep water. Right away we had multiple follow ups but couldnt get any to bite. We tried different bait/patterns, but only managed to convince a few to bite. Then it came to me...I went into my bass tackle and pulled out a bag of gulp alive 3" minnows and used them on my trailer hook. Let me tell you...it turned every follower into a biter! Turned out to be a beautiful day weather wise and the fishing picked up! Managed to land 20+ fish. No monsters, but the average being around 26 inches. Here are a few shots.
  3. I used to fish Wiskstead alot with my dad. Will have to head up there again now that I have a boat. I remember the entrance being a little tricky. Somthing like to the left of the first ilsand then stick to your right...??
  4. Moultrie Cams shoot pretty good images. I have the same model, and if the conditions are right, ei sun, fog, dim light,... it takes amazing pics.
  5. Nice shot!
  6. Nice fish! You look familiar, have you ever lived in North Bay?
  7. Thanks for bringing that up....I have a Honda 30HP 4 storke
  8. haha...she's not getting put away just yet. Just want to get organized. Allthough I won't be fishing come November due to Hunting and Trapping, but I still have another month in me
  9. Even though most of us are in denial, its almost time to put away the boat. Being a first year boat owner, what kind of check list am I looking at before storing my boat for the winter. Remove any water inside outboard, fog the motor, anti-freeze in the live-wel and bilge systems etc ???? Is it worth my while just to pay someone to do it. Then the shrink wraped and storage would be included? Any quick tips or a good website will be very helpfull. Thanks guys!
  10. I'm a member of the North Bay Bassmasters. Fished my first year this summer as a non-boater. Was great! I learned a lot! Was even lucky enough to have a couple 1st place finishes.
  11. While ice fishing a back lake for specs, I've found frog in their stomachs. One had three full undigested frogs, and it still swallowed my minnow
  12. Count me in!
  13. I would do it in a second! I think I'd even pay for it Prob just as good as any roller coaster I've ridden.
  14. www.tacklewarehouse.com Great prices, most are better then BPS
  15. I have a Bob Izumi Pro Series bough at CTC. I put a shimano sienna on it and I love it as my walleye rod. Great for feeling thos really slow bites.
  16. I have a 6ft box with a solid tonneau cover. When I transport my rods (all 15 of them...lol) I usually just put them in on an angle, BUT make sure you put the reels towards the front. This way if you have to slam on the breaks, you won't end up with a bunch of broken tips. Good luck
  17. sad...
  18. I have a 6'6 med casting rod. I've been using it alot for crankbaits, its got a really fast action but has a good backbone as well. I know they have alot of models, but I've heard they are a really good and strong rod for your buck. The only thing I don't really like about it is that it weighs much more then my other rods, so I often find myself avoiding it. But it may just be that the reel I combined it is a little heavier as well. I paired it with a Shimano Cruxis.
  19. Thanks guys! I knew yous would come up with some ideas. Yes, I will eventually order the real thing, but until then, I think I might use your idea Michael. Thanks And if the holes are too small, maybe Highdrifter's idea. A pic wouldn't hurt, just in case im not picturing it right.
  20. I really like texas rigging soft plastics, I've even been using it on tubes with great success. However, I don't like the the fact that the sliding tungsten weight slips far to high on the line in certain applications. I know about those little rubber stoppers, but since there are none available near my location (or at least I cannot find any) what else can I use that will do the same thing. I've looked into "pegging" with a tooth pick but since I'm using tungsten weights with very small holes that wont work. Any suggestions would be great, thanks.
  21. Are these your photos? Where abouts were they taken? But most importantly, did you/he/she drop the bear? lol
  22. Drop him dead, put the antlers beside your 5lb bass, and the back straps in the freezer
  23. Very interesting...
  24. Well Roy...I think I might just wait. I fish in a local bass club and angler of the year usually wins a new electric bow mount. Since I'm a few 1st place finishes away from that, I'll offer to buy his old one, or the new one if its of lesser quality then he already has. I just don't want to waste $125 that could be going toward a brand new cable steer. Thanks guys...
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