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Everything posted by Gregoire

  1. I am so sorry for your loss
  2. Anyone know the rules of ownership on metoerites? I think some of them are quite valuable.
  3. It is my understanding that paypal deducts a percantage of each transaction from the sale price. (I think it is 3%). This amount comes out of the sellers account. I am under the impression that this is quite a profitable business; so much so that there seems to be some competition in the market. I read an article about a new company recent that charges a flat fee of 25 cents per transaction.
  4. Being a small breed owner I shudder hearing stories like this. I also feel very sorry for solo having a negative experience with a small breed. As has previously been stated the problem is the dog owner not the dog. Sometimes I think it is the owners, not the dogs that should be liscenced.
  5. NIce report. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Just a heads up; it is frowned upon to give out specific fishing locations on this, and many other forums. As someone who occasionally fishes from shore I do not appreciate people giving away good spots by posting them on the internet. I found spots by doing internet searches and reading forums, and by doing lots of leg work. That is the advice that I would give you.
  7. That ski is a beast, and that walleye looks like it would be a good snack for it.
  8. Judging by the angle of your right arm, the 38 degree tilt of your head and the expression on the fishes face I would go with 46 inches. Remember that my guess is accurate to within 4.5 inches 17 times out of 20. In all seriousness that is a nice fish to end your season on.
  9. The top one could be a juvenile bald as they have a heavy black bill. Apparently golden eagles are quite rare in Eastern North America.
  10. Nice fishes
  11. The last time I brought the reel in to Aikmans for servicing. I left it there for a few months, but the part was back ordered and never came in. I emailed several times and was given a new reel. This was at least 2 years ago. Aikmans is no longer an official service center for pure fishing products. I was told this time around that I would need to order parts from an official service center, the nearest one now being in Orillia, which is substantially further away that missisuaga. It was my fault that the reel broke in two places, and all I want to do is order parts to fix it myself. It seems like pure fishing is not in the business of producing spare parts for its reels, while from everything that I have heard shimano is more than happy to provide spare parts. If I am spending 200 plus on a reel I want to be able to order spare parts for it. Just to be clear I asked to order parts for the reel and the said that they have outsourced this part of their business. I would like to be able to order reel prats directly from the manufacturer. I would prefer to not have to send the reel in anywhere as I am able to fix it myself.
  12. I emailed pure fishing directly, and the reply was that I had to deal with a third party, as they outsource the parts supply. Maybe I will try calling them.
  13. I read the link a long time ago when it was posted on this board. I was basing my information on personal experience not on scientific evidence, as I have not tested a wide range of lines. Personally I fish with braid almost exclusively, and I am moving to mono leaders, but I do think that fluoro has its purposes. From what I have been reading lately a lot of people seem to like using it for ice fishing.
  14. Agreed, I was thinking about making the switch before, and now I am buying more shimano gear because I know I will be able to find parts for them. I do not think I will be buying any pure fishing products in the future.
  15. In the summer I had a mishap with my reel, and broke the handle of the reel and the small metal part on the bottom of the reel fell off. I contacted pure fishing to order replacement parts and the official line is that I must go through an authorized service center in order to get the parts I need. That means that I have to contact Rockey's reel repair in Orillia and go through them. While I have heard good things about Rockey's I am disappointed that I cannot get the parts I need directly from the manufacturer. I had a revo winch that I sent in for servicing a few years ago and the part was so far back ordered that pure fishing sent me a new reel as it was taking so long to get the real repaired. Needless to say this has made me a little tentative. My question is: Does anyone have any experience, of knowledge of a place where I can order parts.
  16. This is an old debate...and there have been a few threads posted on this forum on this topic. The only advantage I see with this line over mono is the low stretch.
  17. I think the 700 is on sale at Le Baron right now: http://www.lebaron.ca/pdffiles/web_spec/daiwa_nov_reel2.pdf
  18. I would guess that you will end up getting a new rod when you get a calcutta. With that in mind I would go with a lighter rod to pair up with the compre. Aything from a 7ft to a 7'6". Get a bigger, heavier rod when you get the calcutta. I have the 7ft 2 piece compre that I like a lot.
  19. That fish makes a 50 incher look like bait.
  20. That last one is a real hog. Thanks for sharing.
  21. I though about waking up early and trying for some pike...but I was lazy and stayed in bed. If this weather holds up maybe next sunday. Nice catch thanks for sharing.
  22. Sounds like a good trolling bait pattern....I've often wondered if trolling trout paterns would be an effective technique for musky.
  23. I've been loading up on reels. Planning on using a stradic a sustain a quantum accurist pt courtesy of Jose and a curado 51 that I couldn't resist on sale from tacklewharehouse. I am looking to get a x-67 ice machine I think and a survival suit, plus a larger auger, as I would like to target lake trout this year.
  24. I have an sx 40. It's a solid reel but I find it a bit heavy and did not find a rod that balanced well with it.
  25. This game just got very interesting
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