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Everything posted by I'mHooked

  1. Hmmm...maybe a Pink & frilly outfit could be added to future prize draw videos to spice them up a bit. Not you T.J. Your assistant!!
  2. Wow, looks like a fun trip! Mmmmm....fried breaded protien!!! Looks good! (probably contributed to a little increase in greenhouse gas emmissions ) If you scroll through the 20-30 pictures of the guy drinking the Gingerale real quick, it looks like a little movie! Nice that you got into some swimmers too. Man, if that isn't the life...being able to lay in bed reading OOD, havin a drink and Whamo, fish on!
  3. Wow, nice report. Nice looking girl pike the girl is holding! They're all nice looking specimens. Too bad about the New Years ice. Oh well, at least you kept hydrated!
  4. Well Ontario is the centre of the universe, so an Ontario record is as good as a Universal Record Aaron! Nice looking day there Aaron & Steve. What's a little snow when you're hauling in the Chrome!
  5. Those sure are purdy.
  6. Hey that's awsome! Love the grill. I thought I was going to see a picture of a 'Chronzy' style not-on-the 'shore lunch' Perch fry! Looks like was fun.
  7. Bet it was some quality time! Working to try and get my 10 year old out for a couple of hours for the 1st time this winter on the ice. As there's no hut, if I can just get an hour or two out of him (without his Nintendo DS ) I'd be pretty happy. Even with those fast & furious Perch!
  8. Roughly how far is Snake from Innisfil?
  9. Hey thanks for that Dan!
  10. Gave a Chrome Rattl' Trap a go at the pool last weekend to see if any lakers / Steelies / Browns might be interested. Figured it couldn't hurt as roe, pink worms, flies and everything else wasn't working. It wasn't very successful either. Nice vid Simon.
  11. Wanna go fishin'?
  12. Good choice Aaron...can't pass up on precious "young family" time! So...when do you want get out on the Niagara for some of that "recreational" fishing with all this new free time? I'll even sign a note for you!
  13. Do we pass judgment at getting held up at a RIDE program over the holidays? They are after all profiling every car that drives down a particular street. I can't imagine ANYONE on this forum would be bent out of shape to have to roll down their window and say "evening officer, no, nothing to drink tonight", unless you were one of the FRACTION of people they are looking to catch! If not being common sense about not drinking after driving, how about the threat of being arrested down the street? Maybe that 'physical presence' of the peace officer is just enough little extra deterent to potentially save a life. You really can't be suprised at someone who 'lives & breathes' law enforcement from being subject to relatively normal human behaviours of forming opinions from past experiences. If talking to a couple if kids in a parking lot is veiwed as being just "crazy out of this world", then how the heck are these people supposed to interact with the general public, all the while 'searching for evil'? I was pulled over years ago for doing a little extra speed. (It was a new to me 280ZX Turbo) Anyhow, The cop had me waiting for at least 20 minutes while he was typing away in his car...Turned out there was a warrant for someone with my same name within 200km of me who was a pretty bad dude! Was I upset that it took longer to verify that they weren't going to let someone dangerous drive away just because it inconvenienced me? Don't think so. They were doing there jobs. Come on Lady Simcoe...lets get those laker grounds frozen over!!
  14. How's about battery operated Roy?
  15. Isn't this when you go to your boys and say "Do you remember that ice fishing gear I lent you? I'd like to borrow it back for 3 months"
  16. The person who made the arrangements probably did it between the 2nd & 3rd period at intermission. They figured why hang around with silver medals any longer then they had to? Was too late to change by the middle of the 3rd!! :wallbash:
  17. Damn...who said 4-2 ? Best 2 periods of hockey I've seen recently! Shame they stopped playing when it counted. Nice work out there Davie boy, gotta love chasing those predators with the masters!
  18. Saw a report yesterday stating a site was asking for upto $5k for tics. Ouch! BTW, Canada 4 - Russia 2 (in case anyone was wondering)
  19. Hey Aaron, you're ALMOST a guide! Only 10 more posts to go! You excited? ...oh, and agree with what your thoughts.
  20. See this line here? ____________________________________ I dare you to cross it! (Ok who else is going to help out here with this can of wup-ass? )
  21. Ouch...thems fight'n words!
  22. Wow, great image on the camera. I imagine water clarity is a huge contributor with any camera.
  23. I haven't had the cohones to share my Humminburd Ice 385ci purchase with my better half yet. I thought they were going to be in short supply back in October. I guess I'll just do what she does when something new shows up from her..."Oh don't be silly, I bought this last year...just haven't worn / used / displayed it yet!" How can you be upset at something bought a year ago? btw, nice case of beer! Ohh ohh! great idea!...you drill 'em & I'll mark 'em! (...and drink the beer. )
  24. Wow, that's pretty neat! Too bad about the rod not doubling over.
  25. I feel for your loss. We have a Retriever that was also born in April '98, and we've been experiencing mobility issues. I'm not looking forward to the day when I'm in your shoes. With this being my wifes 1st dog, she already knows she's going to be a mess for some time afterwards.
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