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Everything posted by duber

  1. For a great day of icefishing just add ice I think I need some more icefishing toys Don't think this will make it out on the bay this year Can't what to get out there
  2. Wish we had ice to freeze or feet on!
  3. My favorite recipie is simple put the roast in a roasting pan , wipe the roast down with olive oil , season with salt and pepper , put the oven on grill , put the roast in close to the burner with no lid on and sear the outside of the roast (won't take long) , take it back out and add some wine and lots of FRESH rosemarie and some fresh Italian parsely , put it back in the oven with the lid on and set heat at 275f and cook till it flakes with a fork(4-5 hrs).Add more wine if it gets down on liquid when it is cooking.
  4. Hey Ron. Its about time you got on this board.I know the guys and gals on here will apreciate your reports on whats happening in our little slice of fishing heaven. Maybe I'll stop in on my way to work to chew the fat. TTFN Wes
  5. I think I just saw what my heaven looks like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Getting skunked when I have the kids out with me is the only time it bothers me.If we are not catching what we went out for I will find something for the kids to catch.Perch always seem to coperate.
  7. Good catch CH! I knew the wallys were in trouble when I heard you were coming to town!
  8. Nice report tip-up.Keep'm coming you lucky dog.
  9. Nice catch!Man I am missing the ice!Keep the reports coming.
  10. Thanks for the report tip-up.Right now the only ice we have here is in our new years drinks!May have to drive somewere soon!Love them crappies!
  11. Thanks for the report.We are still having spring weather down here on the Bay . Will be at least 3 weeks before we are on the ice.+7C here today.
  12. Now you done it!I'm going to have to drive up there to get this lack of ice depression off my back!I'll tell the wife and kids that it is all Tbay Boys fault! All kidding aside , nice report.You are lucky to be on the ice.
  13. For me the lcd unit can't compare for ice fishing.I have a vex fl8-se and a lowrance with the flasher option.I find the slight delay in the lcd unit annoying.Also my vex will run in -20C temps trouble free for 4 full days of fishing on just its little battery , the lowrance runs for half that on the same battery.One thing the lowrance has over the vex is it is quieter but my Lowrance stays in the garage when the water is hard. Either is a lot better than fishing blind!
  14. Trailer Park Boys Christmas is my favorite .But then again I am easily amused
  15. I live for icefishing.All I want for Christmas is ice.I use to just tolerate icefishing but then I got all the toys and boom it is my favorite passtime.I have 3 huts,a 10x6 hut with a woodstove,a home made 4x8 fold down and a frabill portable.All have thier advantages and uses.I have a underwater camera , vexlar flasher , and lots of ice gear.The toys make the experince.Living on the BoQ and pulling 12 pound plus walleyes out of the ice helps to.
  16. My frabrill polar express came with a tow bar.I think you can buy a universal tow bar for other huts.Not hard to make one if you know a welder .It is not legal to pull behind a atv with a rope anymore.
  17. Born in Oshawa.Lived on the shores of The Bay of Quinte for the last 34 years presently in the Northport area.
  18. Yah what they all said. Cooool!
  19. Heh raysfish.I live by Northport and I try to keep a tab on the ice on the bay from Belleville to Desoronto.I will post reports on the ice conditions when we get some.Big bay off Big Island is usally the first "safe" ice.Some of the back bays have a skim on them now but the wind is keeping most spots open. I may even be able to point you in the right direction when you decide to come down
  20. Here's a pic of our camps rifle season deer.
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