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Everything posted by duber

  1. Caught 3 full cans of Lakeport on the BoQ last Monday.Not as exciting as a bear or a dead body but more refreshing.
  2. Wow thats a good one.Good going fishergirl72!
  3. I live on the Bay of Quinte so you know what my vote is.
  4. I don't know much about Brighton Bay , but welcome anyways.
  5. That dealer treated you very well.Let the world know that.Service like that is hard to come by nowdays.You should be set for years of enjoyment from that boat now.Get out there and get her covered in fish slime! Wes
  6. My batter is 1/3 flour , 1/3 bread crumbs , 1/3 cornmeal , onion salt , garlic salt and pepper.Throw it all in a bag.Take your fillet and dredge it in flour then in to some Franks Redhot then into the bag and into the frying pan.I save the beer to drink with the fish Wes
  7. Well I fished constantly when I was a kid.I would spend the summers with my grandfather at his trailer on Kennebec lake and I was in my canoe all day every day.When I got old enough to work , money beer and girls took a huge bite out of my fishing time.Fishing was something I done once in a while and usally involved beer and girls.Then I got married to a great women like fishergirl.I had to narrow down my hobbies and intrests as I was into way too much.So I narrowed it down to fishing and hunting.I now fish alot and have kids that love to go out as well.My wife dosen't tell me I can't do this or I have to do that.But I also don't skip out on important stuff with the kids or her.She doesn't care what I buy as long as the bills are paid and the kids have what they need.So I would have to say I got luck and landed a good woman. I do more fishing now than ever. Wes
  8. I had the same thing happening last december on the bay . No fish on the Lowrance x97 but caught lots.Next time out I took my Vexlar fl8 flasher and had no problem seeing the fish that were laying right on bottom.
  9. I had lots of action on Monday but none on Wensday in big bay area.
  10. I was using about 6 feet of 12 pound flouro between the bouncer and harnness. Bitsmith2k, I've got big shoulders. Wes
  11. I used worm harnness and bottom bouncers yesterday for the first time.Had a limit of walleye in less than one hour.You can bet I will try them again.The ones I used had a single coloradoe blade , 6 beads , two hooks and a swivel to tie them on with.Give them a try. Wes
  12. Nice job ch , got to love them carp.Haven't been out yet myself (been to busy with those peskey BoQ walleye).Hope to get out in the near future.That has to be a blast on a fly rod.Keep up the reports. Wes
  13. My deepest sympathies to you and your family Lew. What a great tribute to your brother you posted.I had to wait for my eyes to clear before I could write this post.You have some awsome memories together and that is something that will last forever.You sure have had a ruff few years.Take care and remember you have a extended family here on OFC to lean on if you need us. Sheri, It sounds to me that you have a heart as big as your dads and he is lucky he has you to help get through this with.You take care as well and this OFC family is here for you as well. If there is anything I can do for either of you please contact me. Wes
  14. What a cutie! Thanks for sharing your outing with us . Hope to get my daughters out this weekend. Wes
  15. Heh Lew, The leading walleye is currently 13.47 pounds caught in Hay Bay last I saw the board.Definently not caught by us.We got 2 and lost 2 along with a sheepshead,some perch and a couple oos fish.Our walleye were both at the 4 pound mark even the 2 we lost were around the same size.We were at Fosters and saw most people were catching 1 or 2 each time they went out.Yesterdays wind grounded alot of boats.We got caught in big bay when it really got bad.We limped our way in to the Big Island boat launch (3.5-4 foot waves crashing over the bow of our boat) then got a ride to fosters and grabed the truck and trailer.It was crazy. Still had a good time.The bite should be better buy the time you come down. Wes Oh yah , the water level is up to almost normal , at least a foot higher than last year.
  16. Man more amo for the antties .Carelessness is the only reason for this to happen.I don't need to know the rest of the story to figure that out.We as hunters have a duty to put safety above all else.Nothing else realy matters in the big picture.Chances are that in time you will forget about that big gobbler you stalked or called in with a gobble call (both are unsafe practices) but you shoot your buddy and that will haunt you the rest of your life.Lets all please put saftey aboue all else!
  17. I was out looking for crappie on the bay today and went into this one big back bay and it was just loaded with carp.Had to number in the thousands.We switched over to a hook and a worm (had no corn) no takers but sure was fun to see.There were some monsters in there.
  18. Heh Lew, The water level in the bay is a little higher than it was last year but still is lower than normal for this time of the year.With all this rain in the last few days the rivers and creeks have came up a little which is good news for the spwan cause the level in the rivers was way below what it should have been.The walleye run should be wrapping up soon , they have been running for about a week now.With the spawn being a little late I would imagine the river mouths will be a little busy for the opener.They will deffinently be biting better when you come down. Wes
  19. After geting set-up on Friday I don't figure I will be able to drive anywere , if you know what I mean
  20. See you there fishingguy28.I will be in a 26 foot Golden Falcon (mid 80's) towed by 1996 white Chev extenedcab 4x4 and fishing out of a older Lund Mr Pike with a Suzukie motor.I'll be with two other guys.One will be driving the boat and one will be whinning "theres no fish"or"why can't I catch anything" . Should be a blast. Wes P.S. Lew, I usally don't hurt the population too much
  21. Just wondering who is coming down for opening day on the bay. Although I only live a couple miles from a boat launch on Big Island I will be camping at Fosters Fishing center for opening weekend with a couple buddies.Should be a good time.Everything we need is right there.They have bait,a weigh station for the derby and are having a fish fry Saturday evening.We can dock the boat for the weekend and don't have worry about driving anywere so we can have a beverage or two and meet up with some fisher folk to exchange a story or two.Can't wait! I do think it is going to be tough fishing thow as the walleye are just starting to spawn cause of the cold weather. Anybody from the board going to Fosters? Wes
  22. Looks like fun to me! Nice action shots on the net job. Good to hear from you again Rich.
  23. Yah I think your right Lew the Lowe is the best boat.I'm not sure of were I can go with the motor but I am going to check it out.I will need a good motor if the girls want to go tubing cause those heavy wool ankle length swimsuits get heavy when wet Wes
  24. Wow thanks for all the input guys The max hp on the Legend is 75 so I think the 50 hp 2stroke would be ok.I'm not sure of the max on the Lowe.The dealer I was talking to doesn't charge for set-up but there is frieght on the Legend and the Lowe.I'm kind of leaning towards the Lowe for a couple reasons.The 2" wider beam,it comes with 3 seats so I only need to buy one more seat and the Lowe has a built in gas tank in the floor for added stability.As for as either boat being to small for the bay the boat I fish in the bay with now has a 55 inch beam so a 80 inch boat would seem like a small tugboat to me.The Lowe is a little heavier and wider so I may have to up the hp on it if that is the one I buy.I'm going to see if I can take both out for a spin before I buy as well.The Lowe is definently going to cost more money and that may be a huge factor for a guy with 3 daughters coming into their teen years .Maybe I will have to finance it over 40 years . Thanks again, Wes
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