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Everything posted by duber

  1. I would say you are rite on the money Lew- bad battery.When you are cranking your motor over the voltage spikes down under 10 volts and shuts the toys down.
  2. duber


    Been a machinist for 19 years at the same plant.Started right out of highschool as a apprentice.I took a liking to the CNC side of the job and worked to be very versitile on all machines in the shop,requesting to be moved around alot.Did some programing for a while and now I am a lead-hand/set-up/problem solver.The money is good for the area (Belleville) and up till 2 months ago you could write your own paycheck as OT was only limited to what the goverment would let you work.The Americains are our biggest costomers so this down-turn in the states has slowed us down.I have been offered management positions but have turned them all down as there is more security and less back stabbing on the floor.All in all i'm happy with my choices. I do get frustrated with the waste and miss-managment of a big plant like ours but when your on the floor your voice falls on deaf management ears.
  3. We had some bear activity around here and the tree-huggers just loved it.One lady even wrote a large editorial in the local newspapers.She started out with the usaual treehugging jibberish then buy the end of her story she was complaining that the MNR wouldn't come to her property to trap and remove the bear.So the moral of the story is: "I love all animals-------------Just not in my back yard." Hipacrete.I hope that bear eats her little ankle bitting dog! (you just know she has one)
  4. Wow what a haul!!!! You will love that 522.
  5. It's all good and all have different pluses and minuses.I find each person I fish with have different enjoyment factors for me . I have buddies who like to reel fish in but thats all they put into it.When I take them out it's more of a social event , but I also feel pressure to put them on fish. I love to take my girls and family out but I really feel pressure to but them on fish and make it as good of a expierince as possable.So the fishing is limited but the family time is priceless. I have a couple buddies that are really into it and I really enjoy fishing with people that are really into it.I feel that when we hit the water we will put out a 100% effort and will be succesfull.I know those two guys will put up with ,bugs,heat,cold,rain etc. to do what we set out to do.I learn from them and we figure stuff out together,its not a compitition all the time.We are not afraid to get skunked to learn something new or fish somewere new. I also fish alone once in awhile witch I enjoy and usally take that time to try something new or a spot that is new to me. All in all I like to get out on the water period!
  6. I'll be out on the Bay of Quuinte watching 75 bass boats go whiz'nn by while I'm reeling in the hogs.
  7. Fish are food not friends I grew up fishing for food so I still keep my share. I love a good feed of fish. Pike 3-4 pounds,walleye under 24 inches,2 pound bass,crappie 10-12 inches,bullheads and 10-12 inch perch are in a heap of trouble if they get pulled into my boat and I gots a hunger on. I don't keep fish on every outing but I do take a few.
  8. To learn something - Al Linder To get entertanied - Jimmy Houston To get a hunger on for a shore lunch - Cronzy all the way
  9. I would check your line guides first.PP is not real abrasion resistant.It would seem uncharactoristic of pp to break like that.I swear buy the stuff and have used it for the last 4 years with no issues.Run a Q-tip all around your line guides and see if they grab some cotton of the soft end. Good luck and let us know how you make out,
  10. Next time I'm going there I will be sure to get in touch with you BPSBASMAN and find out when you are working.It sounds to me like you know what it takes to keep a customer happy and are willing to go the extra mile to ensure it.If BPS had more employees like you these posts would not be floating around all the time.Good on ya for going the extra on your job!
  11. No problems with my motorguide yet.
  12. They should tell ALL of their employees about the price matching policy.I went there with a print out of some prices of gps-sonar combos (Lowrance 520 was $130.00 cheaper somewere else) and was told that they would not price match that because they couldn't verify when it was printed off.When I told him that he could go to the website right now and verify that it was accurate, I was told "We don't have internet access".I have never been to a department in there that is as useless and over priced as the electronics.Guys in the fishing department have seemed good but they have a real issue with stocking baitcasters with left hand retrieve.The last time I was there I was going to drop over a thousand bucks on 2 baitcasters and a sonar.I walked out with $15.00 worth of crappie tubes.
  13. I have never fished it myself but have heard good things about the early pike fishing.
  14. I prefere my own , 1/3 flour-1/3 cornmeal-1/3 bread crumbs with Italian seasoning and pepper. But I have nothing against Original Fish Crisp. I will have to try Cronzeys mix sometime. Will the MSG will make me taste better to the worms when I'm gone?
  15. Hey danbouk I have the same boat as you bought and launching and loading is a breeze.The dealer will go over that with you.To launch ,I get the boat ready (putting in plug,taking off straps ect.) away from the launch.I have a rope tied to the front cleat of the boat that I tie with lots of slack to the tie downs on the bed of the truck and undo the winch strap.I back in the boat till it just floats.Put the truck in park,hop out and grab the rope that was tied to the bed of the truck.Give the boat a push and gide it to the dock to tie it up out of the way.Pull the truck out and your good to go.To load just back the trailer in till 1/3 of the bunks are out of the water.Get in the boat and go slowly into the trailer.Don't worry if your not totaly straight because the load giudes will put you straight.You will feel when you touch the bunks and the boat will straighten out.Now that you are touching the bunks and straight burp the throtlle till she sets right up against the bow roller.Shut off and tilt the motor.Go to the front of the boat , reach over and hook up the winch,climb over the bow into the truck and climb out using the rear tire as a step.Pull the boat out and away from the launch,make sure the boat is winched up tight and do the straps up ect.Your good to go. Of course if you have a partner it saves alot of time but it is still easy by yourself. Just a note too: Pick up some of that gritty traction tape and put a couple strips on the wheel fenders of your trailer as they are the step you use to get in and out of the boat when its on the trailer and they get some slippery when wet.I had big bruises on my both shinns till I put that stuff on.
  16. Just ordered from cabelas. Vexilar site wanted 109.99 plus taxes,duty,shipping. Got it from cabelas for 111.00 all in! Thanks guys!!!!!!
  17. Thanks for the info TroutnMuskieHunt. That is a very resonable amount for shipping. I'll give them a look.
  18. Were do you want to fish? There is a B.A.S.S. afiliated club on the BoQ called the Quinte Bassmasters.Although I am not a member I went to their last meeting and they seem like a real good bunch.Just do a google for them and you will find their website.
  19. MMMMMMMMM bullheads (mudcats to me)!! Nautifish your making me hungry with a pic like that.I prefer to just coat and fry them just like that.A feed of mudcats is the first sign that fishing season is here.They are a fine eating fish.I posted a thread last spring or the spring before with pictures and a step buy step process on the easy quick way to clean them.I tried to find it but I can never get the search engine to do what I want. As for worms,they were parisite free every were up intill a few years ago.Now in the Bay of Quinte 7 out of 10 have these small little worm like parisites just under the skin.They are completely harmless to us.As a matter of fact if you have ate bullheads in a resteraunt then you have allready ate them.My niebourgh is a commercal fisherman and he ships 2 tonne of bullheads past my door on there way to the US every 2 days.Personally after seeing the parisites I can't eat them.You can't see the parisites till after you clean them so i'm not going to kill 10 fish just to get 3 to eat.What I do is catch and release them for fun , then I go to the commercail fisherman and order a dozen worm free bullheads. That all said the best eating mudcats come from the more northern cooler lakes.They are smaller,worm free,and oh so tasty. Buy the way the parisites showed up around the same time that the over population of comerants started and are believed to be carried buy them.
  20. Hey rickster,thanks for the reply. Do you buy any chance remember what it cost you to get it across the border?Also how they shipped it to you.
  21. Just wondering if anyone knows were I can purchase a open water boat mounting kit or even just a puck transducer so I can mount my fl8 on the front of my boat.I would rather buy it from somewere in Canada if I could.I can order it right from Vexilar but they only ship UPS in Canada and UPS realy socks it to you on customs processing fees.I would really like to have my flasher up front on my boat but if it costs to much I will just buy a cheaper sonar to put up there. Thanks to all who replie.
  22. I'm a member of the OFAH.I renew every year.I figure for 47.00 dollars I get a good magazine to read and if 2 bucks makes it to the "right cause", I'm ok with that.
  23. Yep same here , Vanish sucks! Bought it once and only once.I'm going to try there new 100%florocarbon.Hope it is a better product.I currently use Power Pro braid,Seagur florocarbon for leader and Trilene XT for mono.
  24. Well , had them for lunch yesterday just pan fried with my normal batter mix. All I can say is "yummy". I'm going to try them different today,maybe in the oven or just fried in butter. The last time I had lake trout was out of Lake Ontario and I was not very impressed but these small lake ones threw the ice are very good. Thanks again to all repies.
  25. Pink white and blue is my goto colour on spinners and a purple crankbait can be hot on the BoQ in the spring and fall. So I would say yah those colours work here in Ontario.
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