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Everything posted by Lunkerhunter

  1. also our of curiosity what other shops are there in kenora that sell muskie gear? I have a few trips planned there this year and don't recall seeing other shops on previous visits to kenora
  2. I heard figure 8 baits is out of business. if you could please let me know Manitoubass as I cant believe its gone.
  3. any updates on this? anyone buy it? I still see them in stores although stock is starting to get low. I cant find the color and size I am looking for anywhere for the slammer and mini slammer. hoping they get things back in order. I heard the company he gets his mold's made from went out of business or something and he didn't own them. who knows probably just a rumor. some of the best soft plastics out there
  4. a few of the trips out we switched it up a touch and went for some jumbos and were pretty successful. no pics of the perch as we released them all and it was too damn cold to pull out the camera for perch. haha at the beginning of the year we also hit up some pike which was a fun way to start the season. pete put up a report on them earlier but i will include a few pics again anyway. hope you enjoyed the report. i am headed out all weekend to continue the smashfest. tight lines Andrew
  5. As the season progressed the bay of quinte began to slow down as it normally does so i switched gears to Lady Simcoe for some whities and lakers. the whities were on fire from day 1 so i never left. hahah also got a few lakers thrown in the mix as a bonus. our best day was 21 whitefish and 2 lakers between 3 guys. i seemed to have the magic wiggle again and landed 12 whities and a laker myself. the slowest day for whitefish so far was 10. gotta love it when things come together. always nice coming off the water after a successful day to a beauty sunset like this a fistful of whitefish. i ended up smoking some lake trout and whitefish in my big green egg and i have to say it was delicous. a few friends were lucky enough to get a piece or two before i ate it all. haha
  6. It has been some time since I have posted a report so I figured I would put something together. (aka. its slow at work and im bored) Fall 2014 was very busy for me, my wife and I had our second child in October so I didn't get a chance to get out very often. the days I did get out I made the trek out to BOQ and put a clinic on the walleye. Many fish over 12 pounds this year and my best year for jigging. I seemed to have the hot stick in the boat this fall every trip out and cracked the biggest fish of the day every time. we fished it right through December while many were beginning there ice fishing season. it was pretty wild dodging ice bergs with the boat and boards as well. here are a couple of pictures to get the ball rolling. As the Bay of Quinte began to tighten up my itch for the big walleye remaind. I continued to hammer the walleye but instead of a boat i was sitting on the ice. our best day was a crazy 67 walleye between 4 guys. some tanks too!! more to follow
  7. Get a terrova and sell the motor guide. Hahahaha. Then you are all set
  8. awesome report pete!!! cant wait to see what 2015 brings us.
  9. my biggest walleye through the ice
  10. spend the dough and get a proper unit. I have the vexilar flx 28 and love it. used to use the hummingbird ice 55 and it was good too. I prefer the vexilar though the new Marcum units are very nice. I would check with radioworld I am sure he will ship to you. I was in there last week lots in stock
  11. we got a good 8 inches where I am on the north part of lake scugog. and its still snowing!! time for a sled ride when I get home from work. yeaaaaaahhh budddy
  12. Lew I would agree with you with regards to the fact that 40-50 inch fish are common in the kawarthas however if you were to look at the lakes with the potential biggest muskies they pretty well all have pike and muskie. I have definetely been seeing a higher number of 40 inch + fish and many in the upper 40s in the last few years throughout the kawarthas which is nice to see
  13. Good morning all, just pondering with the idea of mounting my fish finder/gps to my sled for the upcoming ice season. i like the idea of having a fixed screen to view instead of using my little handheld. anyone else out there done this already? any tips/advice? i was wondering what the best way to mount the gps to my sled would be and if any concerns about mounting a bigger unit. I have a HDS 7 I was thinking of using but wasn't sure if it would be too big and i should just go buy a cheaper smaller one. should i just go with a ram mount? I see that lowrance sells a cigarette lighter power plug cable so i would assume that would work fine. any info is greatly appreciated
  14. roy, kind of a strange question isn't it? if one is worried about tiring from a tattoo, I would suggest they shouldn't get one. I like the concept of your tattoo and I think you chose good placement as well. should you choose to do a full sleeve you have set your self up nicely. very nice.
  15. always nice when the birthday guy gets a catch. thanks for sharing jim. cheers
  16. beauty fish petey! remember to smile. lmao cheers brother
  17. I see him out there quite often. I have always noticed he launches at port perry public launch.
  18. cool idea, I would also agree that waiting a bit for the glitches to be sorted out is probably best. I can see this being very useful for guides as they can now do everything from the touch of a button
  19. Thanks mike for being an amazing host and guide! it really was a fun weekend and I cant wait to do it again. hahaha im also still afraid to go near a poutine again after that lunch on the sunday. I should have listened and stuck with the steak and cheese only. lmao it sure has been one heck of a year for Pete and I and we still have lots left in us! pretty incredible that petes last 3 muskie caught were 48.5, 51 and 53.5. overall the amount of 40+ inch fish that have seen the boat for us this year is much higher than usual. lets just hope the rest of the season continues on this pattern. ps. I love those release shots, in that clear water they turned out amazing. on a side note anyone know where to report the tag number for a tagged muskie? do we just email MNR?
  20. I have a 45 inch pike by advanced, a 55 inch muskie by advanced and two 15 inch perch by advanced. I am very happy with them all.
  21. The lexa is nice and can handle some abuse however I do not like that the level wind does not go back and forth when casting. It has dug into the side of the spool a few times on me when castings with it not centred. I would highly recommend the okuma Komodo. It is a bit smaller than the lexa 400 but much nicer in my opinion. I have put it to the test this summer and it's standing up very well. I prefer it over my lexa. Not as nice as a revo toro though so I would still say the toro is up there with the Calcutta for number 1 reel
  22. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions. that helps quite a bit! now I just have to convince a fishing buddy to tag along with me.
  23. one last question. haha as you have been to a few of the lodges at plummers, would you recommend one over the others?
  24. amazing report! seeing the smoke and reading about the ambers landing in the water around you while ashes fall from the sky sent shivers through my body. that is one incredible experience and I hope to one day experience a trip to NWT. when is the most ideal time to go? I see there is limited dates to choose from but is it better near the end of the time frames? also is the guide included in the cost?
  25. Amazing report Pete. "Another" trip of a lifetime on the books for us. Already looking forward to next years trip with you brother. Darcy knows his stuff. his knowledge of lake of the woods and his passion for Muskie are what I think make him one of the best muskie guide on LOTW right now. I have already started looking into next years trip, we need help. Lmao
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