I was fishing the south bay of Lake nipissing about 7 plus years ago. I was on the west side where the mouth of the south river meets the lake. Was trolling for "eyes" when I saw about 10 to 15 large cruisers rushing inland. By the time I got me gear locked up and moved east to see over the treeline it was to late. A major storm blew threw and I rushed with my little 9.9 hp and 16ft tinner rented from fish bay into an empty boat house. I knew the area and the one boat house was only a few years old. Good call cause the other one that I could have hid in actually was blown over. Not sure if it was a twister or not but when you are in a boat house with a tin roof in a major storm it is pretty well the scariest thing possible.
When the storm passed and I got out, it was crazy the damage. Boat houses, boats, docks and trees all over the place. Took 5 hours on lk nipissing rd to to get out because of the tree limbs littered on the roads.