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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. very cool for sure! thanks for the pics cheers!
  2. yeah that fisher boat one has been going around for sometime now cheers!
  3. welcome to the board! nice perch! Cheers!
  4. nice but sorry no more snow this year please lol cheers!
  5. great show to bad these guys dont tip there guides though. great job dave!!!! Cheers!
  6. thanks for sharing bet they were yummy cheers!
  7. yeah remember this is a clearance sale so if your local store doesnt have anything its because they already sold out. i like ctc they are a canadian company and i rather support them then there big us competitors. sure ctc isnt perfect but what retailer is? cheers!
  8. glad to hear they are safe but seriously it was like 18c yesturday and a good breeze......they should have known it was unsafe. its not thunder bay its southern ontario cheers!
  9. wow to tough to choose so im going multiple....Magnetawan, restoule, callandar, bala
  10. wow to tough to choose so im going multiple....Magnetawan, restoule, callandar, bala
  11. that is a great video. i wear my life jacket almost all the time. the only time i really dont if i am catching a nap, anhored in some back bay cheers!
  12. http://www.limewire.com/ click on the basic one/download limewire and your good to go cheers!
  13. there is a free version of limewire i use. cheers!
  14. fish in october cause there every week it seems, i havent fished rice lake in years for that exact reason
  15. yeah minus the motor lol not a deal at all anymore lol 115hp wood make that thing fly though
  16. i owuld be careful on any of the mag river lakes, there is a river flow under so the ice could be unsafe as well. check with locals first cheers!
  17. well the service that is lacking for elderly is a taxi service to drive them to the dr office or grocery store and help them out while you do it. Help walk them up stairs and open doors etc.... you woudl need a handicapped van or something of that nature as well. there is a huge market for this kind of service just trying to figure out how to make money while you do it is the key. cheers!
  18. great report! looks like a great time! Cheers!
  19. well fishing and drugs seem to be very far apart maybe it was a could cover lol like everything illegal not good enough though lol sorry about your fishing store guys!!!
  20. i agree with randy from sturgeon. I would like to ad that last year on the south shore I fished a total of 14 days. I did not see one CO the whole time I was on the water and I have not seen one for about 8 years on the south bay where i spend most of my time and most of my fishing is high pressure times such as long weekends opening dates etc.... I know they do get out there but i surely dont see them. I know its busier out by callandar and out front of north bay but they need to control the whole lake better then what i have seen. cheers!
  21. wow good report! That sure is alot of miles. Only a guy from Moose factory would enjoy the drive on that highway from timmins to sudbury lol that highway can be nasty Cheers!
  22. yep i noticed right away that is not port hope, there is a palm tree in the background
  23. no trailer, no motor, exchange gas to drive there and back. May not be a deal for someone this far away cheers!
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