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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. nice fish! congrats on your first musky! the muskie experts here are just giving you friendly advice, dont take it personally. they do know what they are talking about. Cheers!
  2. great report! THose markings on that pike are pretty wild looking! Thanks for sharing! Cheers!
  3. wow great fish aaron! erie sure does produce Cheers!
  4. sweet report!!! THanks for sharing
  5. nip can be dangerous in high water times, when water levels are low it can be deadly! play safe out there.
  6. hey i know where a couple launches are n the lake, pm me and i will get you the details cheers!
  7. lol ok that was one great story!!!! cheers!
  8. taylor hall to the bruins first overall
  9. awesome video for sure!!! That is what fishing is all about! im kind of with skeeter on this one though. I know its a flat bottom boat and the water is calm. I know for sure that when my son is 6 he will be wearing a life jacket. Be safe! Cheers!
  10. happy bday I hope you catch a big one on your bday! Cheers!
  11. it is always good to protect yourself anyway possible. if you know how to chuck them then no need to get dirty. However if you are not a "fighter" then do anything you can to get out of there. That is the price some bullies pay for picking fights. Cheers!
  12. about 5 or 6 cm here, its really light snow, the fluffy kind that is fun to play in lol Cheers!
  13. im really happy to hear this, when i was a teenager I used to go to valens and catch a ton of fish, fast forward 15 years it is a fraction of the qualitly it once was. (my opionion anyway) I hope they can restore this fishery so it can become a nice little gem like it was 15 or 20 years ago Cheers!
  14. Please, It does not really matter how "well" or how many "years" you have been on a certain lake for. It can happen to anyone this time of year. Lots of snow before the cold came and this will happen all over ontario My condolences to the family and friends of this guy. http://toronto.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTV...=TorontoNewHome
  15. wow great ride! Congrats on the purchase Cheers!
  16. im shocked lecavier wasnt taken. I would of had stamkos on the team as well! I guess overall it doesnt really matter, the whole tourny comes down to the best goaltending. If marty plays well we will go a long way. Cheers!
  17. happy new year to all!!!! Cheers!
  18. I am a dog lover here. Have a golden retriever and a newfoundland and babysititng a maltese for the winter. Just think for one second about this. What if that dog bites and seriously hurts or kills a kid. Then think about how you would feel by not doing anything. Dogs need to be trained and obident. They also need to be leashed while outside in a public place not just for peoples safety but the dogs safety as well. Hope your wifes stiches heel up nicely. Cheers!
  19. sorry to be the one that says it, but its pretty brutal that in a canadian city its not sold out. Guess that is why Calgary/Edmonton have the next one. Ottawa was last year and you can bet montreal and toronto will be bidding as well. I personally think it should go to the big cities if the smaller ones can't fill the rinks. Oh and by the way I love the junior tourny more then the NHL playoffs but those green jerseys got to go they are brutal!!!!! Cheers!
  20. great news!!! all the best to sue and yourself!!! cheers!
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