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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. 18cm of snow in July!!!!! I dont care how pretty the view is out there. Im sticking with the heat in Ontario and I promise i wont complain about it anymore either! Cheers! http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/storm_watch_stories3&stormfile=jaspersnow_13_07_2010?ref=ccbox_weather_bottom_title
  2. yeah poor pooch, nice to know if your ever in the bush alone you have protectors! cheers!
  3. wow that is a great fish!!!! cheers!
  4. awesome fishing! better if your in a rental boat though lots of rocks. If water levels are low it is crazy dangerous so go slow. Cheers!
  5. seriously a great report!!! however I think your boat maybe a bit under powered haha (jk) Cheers!
  6. georgian bay is a fish factory but you need to be careful of rocks. Lake nipisisng, Simcoe, Kawathas, rideua lakes, Ottawa river are all excellent areas to fish! Cheers!
  7. Thanks for the advice John, We always have a big rubber maid bucket of clean water for her as well as a kids pool she jumps into once in a while. She pretty well lives under our deck in the mud in this weather. We have tried to get her to go inside and sit on the ac vents or basement floor but she never lasts to long in the house before she is at the door wanting outside haha. I only walk her early morning or late at night as well. I read a ton about the breed and talked to many breeders so I am well aware of the issue the breeds have and heat is one of them. Thanks for the heads up though it is much apprieciated! Cheers!
  8. wow im seriously jealous right now!
  9. wow your little girl is such a cutie haha, i just showed my 4 year old son how she picked the fish up and threw it back into the water. and he know says he will do the same thing cause of that little girl can do it then so can I haha great video. something to remember forever! Cheers!
  10. wacky rigging a senko bait is one of the best ways to catch them. I highly reccomend it. you can also get walleye on weedlines using this technique. cheers!
  11. what ld17 said about looking at shorelines. You can often find steep drop offs, rocky areas if you match up with the shoreline. Another way is to drag a heavy lure or weighted lure along bottom until you get snagged. if you feel pulling on yoru line its weeds, if you get a montser snag then its rock most likely. or some kind of structure anyway lol a fishfinder is the best most time saving method if you dont have a lot of time cheers!
  12. nipissing can be frustrating. especially on windy days haha, start with doing what worked last time and take it from there. I have never met Rob H. before but everyong on the area says he is the best expert on the lake. Im sure he could get you into fish if the bite slows down I heard from family that the bite has been on for walleye in front of the north bay beaches/gov dock. Have nto heard to much from calandar bay though Good luck! Cheers!
  13. great report! Looks like a great time!\ Cheers!
  14. Her Dad was 185lbs and her mom was 140lbs. However compared to some of her litter mates she is smaller. Her one brother is 110pounds already. I think she will max out at about 130 if we can control her weight well enough. She is slim now and I plan on keeping her that way for obvious health reasons. She is one powerful dog though! we have a neighbour who has a 120lb sheppard and she is twice as strong already then he is. Super friendly dog though, not a mean bone in her body! Cheers!
  15. nice smallie you got there! Cheers!
  16. or the niagara river, maybe a bit more then an hour but it has every fish possible. Cheers!
  17. If you take a look at my avatar pic that is my girl Molson. Sadly we had to let her go a few weeks ago as her back end gave out. She was 11 years old and the greatest dog I have ever had. We do have an 8 month old puppy that Molson passed on a few things to before she left us. This is a video of today down at bronte of our 8 month old 85lb Bronze newfoundland. Her first time swimming. she was pretty nervous in the water and did not want to be more then a few feet from me at all times haha. She did very well for her first time and I am sure at the very least she got cooled off! I plan on a fishing trip next month for a couple days and I think I am going to bring her with me and see how she likes that and how she likes swimming up north! Here is the video. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpEMSVRTyxk
  18. good collection of pics for sure! As for the weather?? when you live on the east side of the great lakes that should be expected right? Cheers!
  19. imagine how bad it would be with out them?????? Imagine the G20 black hooded chickens if the force wasnt out in full force? Now imagine areas like scarboarough, Detroit, St louis, miami etc..... if they where not patroling our streets? Also imagine how many cases like bernardo would still be on the street without them. For your case, yeah it sucks but for everyone of the cases you posted there are 30 cases we never hear about that the cops do deal with. Lets cut our boys and girls in blue some slack and appriciate the fact that they put there own lives at risk everyday they step out there front door to go to work! Cheers!
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