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Everything posted by Slop

  1. Attawapiskat. Still in rehab from Post Essox Stress Disorder. Night terrors and uncontrollable drooling almost under control.
  2. One of the best Steelhead pics I've seen in awhile. Kinda Avatar movie'esque' Good on you for getting out! Cheers!
  3. Nothing short of a yawnfest as far as my HABS are concerned. Too bad to see Toronto give up a half decent player like Pondfullofcrappie.
  4. Waay back in the day..80's and 90's there were fishermen spamming the holes with cooked Barley, roe, egg shells and various other breakfast cereals.This was on Simcoe, long before the information highway. Nowdays for me atleast it's cooked pasta and white rice on lakes other than Simcoe. I'ts pretty cool to watch the rice or pasta showers fall to the skittish whities on the electronics. At this time of year leftovers can make or break a successful whitie mission. Late ice and ice-out whities go bannas....no need to chum/spam these toothless feeders. Don't make put up the Betty White, polygrip commercial!!
  5. I've really enjoyed this thread. The scenery, banter and fish have been nothing short of spec-tacular. Thanks for sharing everyone!
  6. Very nice.. Lungezeedoodles
  7. Project Yolk Sack: Officials and investegators recently uncovered a major hatchery lab, thanks to some savvy detective work done by agents in the field. Pretty innocent looking setting until having to penetrate the first of many buildings in the raid. Once inside the TEAM found the source!! Brown Trout and lots of them. Those trays above are this falls crop that almost made their way into wading anglers nets. These guys were scheduled to hit the market in May....about 40,000 or so Browns in 2 tanks. This was a very sophisticated operation producing various strains of Lake Trout, Speckled Trout, Rainbow Trout and brood stock Walleye.....yes i said Walleye!! There were thirty holding tanks alone in the one building. Each tank contains roughly 20,000 fish and to ensure high quality yeild, each tank receives 15,000 litres of lake water per hour at approximately 2 degrees above zero. These tanks hold adult Bay of Quinte Walleye breeding stock, stricktly for the the purpose of the recreational user. The young seedlings are fed again, through a sophistcated computerized rail system. Skid loads of vital vittles are housed before they are needed. The food is manually put into large hoppers. The seemingly endless supply of food then ends up into a dispsensary system that covers 30 tanks(15 per tier) 40 times daily. Here are some Lake Nipigon strain Specks that are destined for public access lakes by truck and helicopter. There were also Whitefish that are a natural strain from Lake Simcoe. Most will end up back in Simcoe and some will go to smaller lakes to hopefully establish a sport fishery. Here is yet another tray of hatched fish. These lakers will supplement the Lake Ontario fishery. I can't quite remember the strain and origin but was fascinated by them swimming clockwise. And this is the result from over a year ago, just a handful of the 100,000 that will be transplanted this spring into Lake ontario. We never made it to the Splake building as investigators are just uncovering what could be the largest find of back-cross stash in history....and for that reason, due to the fragile nature of the investigation I find it premature and speculative in nature to comment at the present time. Your fishing licence dollars at work! Thanks Jim!!!!
  8. What a horrible tragedy and loss of young life. Very sad.
  9. Thanks for the chuckle. Back in the day we had snowball fights.....now there are drive by shootings. Back in the day we played nikki...nikki nine door....now we have home invasions. Back in the day food had real nutrients......
  10. I've been on bottled water here since moving from the GTA to Ottawa seven years ago. When I moved here and tasted the tap water, it was like drinking from a small weedy lake...the kind of lake I like to fish. I hated it!! I do'nt mind showering in it or using it for appliances but that's about it. The same applies to drinking bottled water when I'm at my little womens place in Quebec, but for whatever reason the water does not smell or taste weedy and is super cold in the summer months when I run the taps. I still visit the GTA for meetings once a month and the water is not as pleasant to drink as my bottle that came from the hills around Blue Mountain....Collingwood area. Cheers!.....to bottled water
  11. I'm still hitting water as of today. The ice is creeping in though. As far as this year is concerned, I can't complain. I spent alot more time and effort in Quebec. So many lakes and rivers to explore. Too much fun. I was really hoping for another trip to Attawaspikat with friends or Nippigon but unfortunately that did not happen. The year is not quite done yet GB... hope to be floating or tip-toe-ing around on the hard stuff very soon.
  12. Having Doug Stange on board.....C'mon man!!! It doesn't get better than that! Nice pictures and fish guys.
  13. I don't golf or own a television....my god! This can't be good.
  14. Long cast to suspected quarry. Mind set on target should be to impart injured look. Reel down on slack line. Twitch....twitch...reel up slack..twitch....twitch....twitch/ pause. Repeat.
  15. Daytime Crappies deep and night time Crappies shallow. Whities and Bass in Quebec......how fun is that, Leechman?
  16. 24/7 ....Rick, aka Admin...copy and paste wizzard and member #2 on this site is not the backyard you want to be pooping in. I think all that has to be said, has been said and then some.
  17. Would that be the canadian thanksgiving or american?. In previous years zone 18, the one I mostly fish, Bass were closed on October 15th. This year it has finally been extended to November 30th and I gotta say.....I don't have a guilty bone in my body for picking on these fish before ice up. It has been an exceptional fall for numbers and size....never having to fish any deeper than 12'. I also like the fact that there is very little pressure on these fish in comparison to summer months. With the fair weather angler, cottager and hunter out of the picture, the Bass are actually getting a rest.
  18. Yeah he's registered on this board.... Mark does'nt post often. I Can't remember his handle though.
  19. Congratulations to both of you! Would be hard to beleive this tale without pics. Get out more and enjoy. Cheers.
  20. Good shootin' in the blue zone man, enjoy the harvest.
  21. Hard not to be hungry and destroy the cupboards while taking in an epic journey. Thanks for the link man!
  22. Heres a wee tip to print a larger version of the temporary card. When logged in, go to print temp card. Put your cursor over the actual picture of the card and the right click. Select print picture. This should give you the Fred Flinstone sized version.
  23. The most ideal scenerio in my opinion, would be to have the participants take the fish they've caught and weighed to be released in the general area of capture.
  24. I experienced a similar situation a few years ago. The two fisherman I witnessed were clearly using four rods. One rod each was set up with floats(in the water) and one each for casting. These fisherman harvested fish under the slot and also kept more than the allowable two fish(each) limit, under our current regulations. Turned out they were native.
  25. I'm sorry but that comment brought tears to my eyes and put a hurtin' on my cheese locker.
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