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Everything posted by mepps

  1. I do one thing different then some of these guys, I leave the lure in the fish for the photo. If the fish thrashes I let go of the fish back into the water. I still have it on the line to pick up again for a quick photo if I didn't get it the first time. When shore fishing I stay as close to the water as possible, or go in the water so if I have to release it when thrashing it hits water, not rocks. I try not to have a big fish out of water for more then 5-10 seconds.
  2. 1991 For Escort hatch (black)
  3. Cant get much better then that!
  4. I got a Georgia license at Walmart. Their Walmarts are so much better then ours.
  5. Awesome stuff, thats a solid day of topbogin'n!
  6. 1leg - weather has been terribly inconsitent in Nova Scotia. Getting warmer though, if this rain would go away we'd be great!
  7. Now if only that had the Toronto Sun in Nova Scotia I could see it in person! They interviewed my fishing partner Jon for the article, then used my pic
  8. incredible! That trout has a huge head!
  9. for casting, inline spinnerbaits are my favs. For trolling 10 inch Jakes are great.
  10. Great report! Looks like soem solid fishing!
  11. Incredible pike! gotta love those Mepps spinners
  12. Glad to hear the lures worked well for you!
  13. very impressive, those are some quality fish!
  14. great photos, feels like I was there
  15. Thanks everyone! Hey Fidel, Im hoping for an August/Setmeber visit to Ontario, but im getting married in July, so it probably wont happen till next spring.
  16. My son Ash is now 9 months old. He loves playing with my fishing equipment lying around the house and I've donated a couple of old reels to his toy box for him to play with. The weather here in Nova Scotia has been very inconsistent, but recently has warmed up quite a bit. After waking up to a nice sunny day, I decided this was the prefect day to have father son fishing trip. We headed to the a nearby lake that is stocked regularly with trout. It happens to be the closest lake to Halifax, and is on a bus route, so needless to say it receives heavy fishing pressure. Early visits to the lake in April resulted in a severe skunking, but recently we have been catching smallmouth bass constantly - all under 11 inches long . We didn't fish long because Ash got upset everytime I let a fish go, but I managed a few nice little bass.
  17. Nice job gentlemen! I commend thee.
  18. Lol, nice catch! I caught one on Jack Lake a few years ago, but its was snagged in the leg. Got the hook out, but he wasnt happy about the ordeal.
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