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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Caffeine rules
  2. Wow! That's all I can say! Congrats!
  3. Been out everyday for at least an hour since mid October. Don't plan to stop.
  4. I think those kittens still have milk coming out of their mouths dont they?
  5. Extension cord maybe?
  6. Get a huge Rubbermaid bin and fill it with water (if you use tap water let it sit for 2 days for the chlorine to evaporate). Stick it in a cold place, like your basement and put an aquarium aerator in it. This will be your minnow tank for the winter. Just net the amount you need for the day and put them in your 5 gallon bucket and when you're done throw the live ones back in the tank. You'll have live minnows that should last all winter. The minnows will eat goldfish flakes, and lots of em.
  7. Sturgeon & Lake Trout for sure
  8. I'd ask you to photoshop me with a 22lb brown, BUT....
  9. Great report Snag. XOXOXO
  10. Best show on TV IMO
  11. While I have "fessed up" via PM over the last 2 days to multiple people, I guess I'm better off to just make a post about it here on OFC and hope that others see it on other boards. It's true. I attempted to take credit for someone else's prize catch. Within minutes of posting, I realized I had made a mistake, and removed the picture. But nonetheless, I made the mistake. IT was stupid, ignorant and childish of me to do something like that. The first person I fessed up to and apologized to was Mike, the man who caught the fish and deserves all the credit. He had asked me at the time to keep it between us and enough damage had been done, but I can see that's impossible to do. So I apologize to all for my stupid actions. It was a huge mistake, and I have learned from it. It - and nothing like it - will ever happen again from me. Mike deserves all the credit in the world for catching that brown. I was there to shake his hand when he landed it, and I'm still here to "pat him on the back".. that was awesome. I am truly sorry and hope you can find it in you to forgive me. Rich
  12. Yeeeeeeeeeeehaawwwwwwww!!!!
  13. Snag, give the obsession up. Why are you now using a picture of ME as your avatar? Geeeeeeze..
  14. Beauty!
  15. Your name should be "ZZ Trap" Great pics.
  16. Not with me around! LOL Nice WGSF, You are now eligible to be inducted into the WGSF hall of fame "The Fish Crisp Kid"
  17. I think my friend Ken actually met you guys up there! He was telling me about some hardcore young guys that were up to the Saugeen for a week, camping. lol Nice report and great fish!
  18. I have a rod holder that I made up with a metal pole and PVC pipe. I stick it into the mud, or sand, or whatever and use a heavy egg sinker. (1/2 oz most of the time) I simply cast it out, tighten the line and sit back and wait for it to bounce.
  19. Sleded and I hit a local trib this morning in search of rainbows. Right off the bat I had a huge hit, but it turned out to just be a seagull flying into the line. Later on, another big hit that we thought was just a seagull.. but when I pulled up on the rod, sure enough there was a fish on! Nice little fight and up came an 18 inch rainbow with some fresh colors. She went home for din din. The fish was caught bottom bouncing with a roe bag and yarn combo. That was about it for the morning, I ended up going 1/2 and Sleded went 0/0
  20. I agree with Grumpy Old Men
  21. *Books trip to Fraser River Lodge*
  22. We have done a couple videos together actually.. FISHING videos, sheesh
  23. I hear the browns love these conditions.
  24. Gotta love crappies! Bring on the ICE!
  25. Well the pink usually works well in the mud too but I am too stubborn to switch from my chartreuse ;D
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