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Everything posted by Rich

  1. No seriously I remember leaving them in the garage. Not a big deal though, lol they were 20 dollar shoes
  2. Why buy off E-bay? You can get a boat here in Ontario for a real decent deal and dont have to deal with customs, shipping and all the other Bull.
  3. I just went out for a walk about an hour ago and it was awesome to be walking through snow again, seriously. The non-fun part was shovelling my way to the street... a sign of things to come :S
  4. And I'm just working on catching a fish
  5. I also caught a perch on one. Perch! PERCH! PEEERRRCHHHHH!!!
  6. I've caught walleye and bass trolling with them. Hooked into pike too.
  7. Perch Perch Perch!
  8. "Chicken Soup for the Fisherman's Soul" is pretty good as well
  9. I was out today for a couple hours. The river looked PRIME for steelhead or browns. Good flow, perfect stain.. but seemingly no fish. Had to leave after a couple of hours to work.
  10. Not gonna find much down there for at least a week after the recent weather blasts
  11. Well I guess the local wasnt around the first year I moved here when water was at least 3 feet deep downtown, almost to the top of the stairs at the Callahans entrance and about 2 feet deep at the Arbor, they put road block signs up by the road at the pier there and they were washed away in minutes.. it was actually worse! But also the water was a lot higher at that time normally
  12. You pansies! jk.. the weather has even kept me indoors today.
  13. Havent seen anything like that downtown since about 7 years ago
  14. It's happened twice in the Filth Hound when we got caught by surprise by huge Lake Erie swells! Only thing to do is spin the boat around and let the wind take us to shore while keeping the bow in the wind.
  15. I have been praying for this weather for a few weeks !! Bring on the steel!
  16. It is cracked beyond repair
  17. Nice one man!
  18. Man I must have had a brain lapse considering your username is ShaunB LOL
  19. Great pics & video Your last name isn't Pineo is it?
  20. If you must remove the smell, comet (the bathroom cleanser) and warm water will get rid of it.
  21. I cant imagine the stink being a bad thing ?
  22. All I see is rain in the forecast here, and I hope it's right! Steelhead fiesta!
  23. I'm sorry bass. It's been months since I fished for you, and today the season closes. I tried this morning, I really did. You were nowhere to be found. Are you mad at me for leaving you for so long? I confess. I've found someone else. She's bigger, stronger and meaner than you. Her season closed 15 days earlier however, and I moved on to yet another. She's very pretty, strong and extremely intelligent. She's only around in the fall/winter/spring though, then she's gone out to where I cant find her anymore. That's when I come back to you bass. Please take me back. I'll come by your place again tonight around 4pm.. but if you're not around again, I'll be brutally honest. I'm going to see if that pretty, strong and intelligent girl, trout wants to mess around. Goodbye bass. I love you.
  24. It weighs as much as a 100hp tho!
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