If it's a little one I just lift them by the lure, or lip with one hand hold the lure with the other. If the lure is stable the hooks wont go anywhere.
I actually made a post about it last fall. Then I did it, all fall. It caught them when nothing else would. Bottom bouncing, not floating.
By "bottom bouncing" i mean sitting stationary in slack water. I'm lazy.
Mine constantly get destroyed by pike every September, catch lots of bass on them all summer but I have yet to get a big bass or big pike for that matter on one. Good for fast action.
I've seen it happen to so many small lakes
"My" childhood lake experienced the same changes. Recently they opened the dam. The lake is completely gone now. It's a stagnant 4" cespool. They figured that was better than the eroding shorelines silting in the lake.
On the other hand - promote the carp fishery. Putting pressure on THEM keeps the other fish in check, and alleviates pressure all around.
Wow, what are the coincidences they'd be doing a grass carp search there that day and find one! They must only get out maybe twice a year to do this, quite a small chance in all of Lake Erie they'd happen to find one while doing a "grass carp search".
Makes you wonder how many are really out there.
Or am I to simply buy this mainstream news story as 100% fact? Well since that never happens I'd say people should probably read into this more. The real story is there.
I look for whatever I'm looking for.
It's gotten to be more like grocery shopping for me. "Im out of red spinnerbaits with silver blades, better make a trip to the store" .. i rarely try new lures on the market anymore but somehow im still buying new stuff once a week.
You shouldn't have to travel this far for drum though. Lake O has lots, fish the nearby piers, slowly drag a white grub on a pink jighead, tipped with a worm. I used to catch plenty off Bronte pier in the summer when I lived out that way.
We catch a lot in the Grand between Cayuga and Dunnville this time of year. Worms on a pickerel rig oughta do it. Wherever the river is slow and wide. Right below the bridge in Cayuga is good. Lots of large suckers and some carp as well.
I have fun naming all the coves and structure in the ponds out back. Makes for easy reference points as to where I caught a fish. I dunno what I'd do if I got to 300 waypoints though, lol grab a dictionary and pick random words!
I saw the same size fish twice. Difference being, the first photo was much better. It clearly showed the color and condition of the fish to it's full extent, not just a bunch of background.
Lol, we didn't bother probing any slop for bass, but im sure its full of them.
Despite the pretty green backgrounds, I actually don't like slop fishing all that much for bass. Haha
The side effects of a nation that values money and possessions over human love and affection.
People need to learn respect for this planet. Respecting humans comes naturally after that critical first step.