Politicians are puppets, incapable of any positive change to this system. By the time they get powerful enough to make positive change, they have been bribed , threatened and brainwashed.
Steelhead are wonderful food. There's nothing wrong with keeping your legal limit of those. If you can stand shoulder to shoulder with 300 guys on the saugeen and still catch them with a worm on bottom, you wont hurt anything by taking a couple home.
Steelhead same here, but i've had 4 little stinker browns suck my roe bags right down this fall. One last thursday, was so bad i had to eat him, and he puked up 3 monster roe bags on the way home!
Dollar value and the economy I'd guess.. it's the reason someone with $80,000 here would live like bill gates in Jamaica.
As for this charity, that is just awesome. Love it!
We all pay the drug dealers already. They are labelled as "prescriptions" and handed out by unskilled, underpaid drug dealers guised by the government as "doctors".
The cheater hook above your main hook with the bead above is certainly setup for flossing under the float. I've been explained the dynamics a few times. Steelheaders make it sound better... But that is definitely what they're doing.
Well I did catch it from shore but I was on the public side of the fence, lol
Thanks everyone!! Now I'm officially done with largies for the season, bring on the esox and salmonoids!
Thanks sir, nope it was the dead slow spinnerbait death roll that was annihilating them. Couldn't rise a fish on topwater. Though I can't figure out why as they were indeed surfacing like crazy that evening.
They havent upgraded any of their old phones, simply brought out the Q qnd Z. Every other BB on the market is at least a 4 year old design. Essentially Im saying if you want one, you can get a used one for 20 bucks and have overpaid by 10.
I believe conservation areas across the board mostly close thanksgiving, so get out there! I THINK valens had boat rentals last time I was there. Definitely not mountsberg.