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Everything posted by Michael_Brown

  1. Results for Ben's Panfish Bash. Perch 1st - Darren McAathy (Michigan) 2nd - Chris Giles Sunfish 1st - Dave Burns 2nd - Steve Hatton Crappie 1st - Michael Brown 2nd - Chris Gilcott A fun day had by all 63 anglers who took part in todays derby. 43 adults and 20 kids enjoyed a wonderful day of panfish fun on Rice Lake and some great chili and hot soup after the weigh-in at BJ Tackle. Thank You to everyone involved. Chris Giles and his second place perch.
  2. http://www.chextv.com/News/LN/11-02-21/Bridgenorth_Winter_Panfish_Festival.aspx Andrea is adding up the final numbers but between those who showed up at Chemong Lake and the families who attended the OFAH Heritage Center we had over 1000 people join us this year. Considering the weather that is pretty amazing. http://www.thepeterboroughexaminer.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2987871 Thank you to everyone involved.
  3. I'm heading down to the Spring Fishing Show today and tomorrow. We are hanging out at the Rice Lake Tourist Association booth providing some information about the Rice Lake Spring Fishing Festival. Stop by and pick up the festival guide book, get your button, book a spring vacation at Rice Lake during the festival(big discounts) or just to say Hello. Would love to meet some of these internet names that are sometimes difficult to put faces on. ?LOL
  4. Quite a Day First off let me say Thank you to everyone who attended today and a special thanks to our volunteers and the OFAH staff. We had to cancel the event due to excessive wind. Ice Huts were blowing down the lake with wind gusts to 75km, this morning. Not a nice place to introduce new anglers to ice fishing. The OFAH opened up their new Heritage Center (beautiful facility) for the families that made the effort to join us. Hundreds of kids and their families took advantage of this generous offer and enjoyed a day learning about fishing and outdoors, inside out of the weather. We tried spread the word as best as possible through the media but lots of people still made their way to the causeway, some even bravely ventured out on the ice for a little while. We worked to ensure that everyone who attended at both locations received a prize. Minister of Natural Resources, Hon. Linda Jeffrey dropped by to enjoy some time with the families at the Heritage Center and even came out to brave the elements on Chemong for a fish. No warm ride for her. She walked out to join the people on the ice. With the hard work of all of the volunteers, we tried very hard to turn lemons into lemonade. Thank You to everyone.
  5. http://www.gojobs.gov.on.ca/Preview.aspx?JobID=34191 Good Luck to anyone interested.
  6. We are proud to welcome the Minister of Natural Resources to the Bridgenorth Panfish Festival. “Family Day weekend is a great opportunity to try ice fishing for the first time, learn about safety on the ice and take part in a wide range of events being organized in communities across the province. I am looking forward to attending this family day weekend the Bridgenorth Winter Panfish Festival – the largest fishing derby and I hope to see many families out enjoying this great outdoor event.” – Linda Jeffrey, Minister of Natural Resources Please join us would love to share a great fishing day with you. Plus you can then brag to your friends that you spent a day fishing with Ron.
  7. http://www.chextv.com/News/LN/11-02-09/Ice_Hut_Accident_On_Chemong_Lake.aspx Gee, I hit a stationary object that was well marked and exceeding all compliance requirements. It must be someone else's fault. The ice hut owner should receive damages for his equipment loss.
  8. I thought the little line at the end of the article was unnecessary. Just wait and see if they blame ice fishing for this, in the media. They won't mention the hundreds of snowmobiles flying around the lake or driver error. The ice angler is a victim in this, their ice hut and equipment has been destroyed. The expense of replacing it will be theirs. I feel sorry for the persons hurt in this accident.
  9. Hi Everyone: I thought you might enjoy these two articles from Gordon Pyzer on Winter Panfish action in the Kawarthas. http://www.worldfishingnetwork.com/users/gord-pyzer/blog/southern-ontarios-pumping-out-the-pannies-part-1-63018.aspx http://www.worldfishingnetwork.com/users/gord-pyzer/blog/scugog-crappies-and-rice-lake-pannies-part-2-64040.aspx
  10. I think I still have one or two stuck in jackets and wool gloves.
  11. There will be a Volunteer Meeting for the Bridgenorth Panfish Festival this Tuesday, February 8th at 6:30pm upstairs at the Junction on George Street in Peterborough, with thanks to the Kawartha Chapter of Muskies Canada for their support. Following the meeting, you are invited to stay and enjoy the Muskies Canada Kawartha Chapter meeting which starts at 7:00pm. Please pass the word along to anybody who might be interested! This meeting is strictly optional! Do not feel obligated to attend. We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you on Saturday, February 19th at BEL Rotary Park at 8:00am! Kids and families are expected to start arriving at 10am. Yours in fishing, Michael and Andrea
  12. It was $50.00/pp to rent the huts. If needed all rods, tackle and bait are provided. You don't need a flasher in the shallow hut it was only 7 ft deep and clear. It is like fishing in an aquarium. He might have some electronics if you go out to the deeper huts, I'm not sure. You would have to ask. Good Luck.
  13. Ice fishing in style. Mission - carp on the ice in 2011 season - possible broken rod -spooled reels = fun
  14. I have ice fished all over Ontario for almost everything that swims but I had never tried for carp. After speaking with Jim at Dodd's Rice Lake Hut Rentals earlier this winter he commented that they had been seeing carp around one of the huts he had set up. Being the fine ice hut rental guy that he is, he baited the area with corn for me to try. First you need a spot known to have wintering carp, Check. Then you need a big hole. Check So not knowing anyone who has intentionally targeted carp through the ice, the rest was trial and error. I drilled a boilie and free lined it on bottom alongside the bait corn. Next was sit and wait. While I'm watching and waiting I noticed some perch swimming around and the hut did have two holes...so now it is a combo trip. Of course I'm working a W2 jigging rapala for perch and a 3lb walleye comes flying in and drills it. Released in the hole, nice fish but not what I'm looking for. A few minutes later, I see the weeds move off the the side of the hole, so I drop my jigging rod and grab the boilie rod hoping for a big carp. You guessed it the jigging rod fly's off the seat heading for the hole, I grab it and land a 5lb walleye, released in the hole. Nice fish, it's hard to be disappointed with fat walleye but I'm looking for something bigger. Now this is not an action game but the rental hut provided by Dodd's is something special. Jim really makes them fancy and lots to look at and read when your not fighting fish. The picture files are too big to load in this post so I will post a follow up with the hut photos. Around 10:30am I see a nice carp slip by the hole, looks like a culvert with a tail, I wait hoping he comes back but nothing shows. At least they are around. A little later after watching the ever present perch and a small largemouth, I see this big sucker come into the bait. He nose around the boilie but moves off without a hit. Near noon Jim drop's by with a hot pizza and coffee. Service! I decided to pack it in around 2pm. No carp but they are around. Now I have fished a long time and this was something completely new. I had a blast even though I didn't catch my target species. Just the thought of hooking a tanker of a carp on a 24inch ice rod, kept me interested. I'm not sure you could control a 30lb carp with that small a rod, possibly even get spooled...sounds like fun to me. I know the shimano reel won't melt down but my forearms might. The recent snow might restrict access to this hut for a couple of days but if anyone is interested, contact Jim at Dodd's Rice Lake Hut rentals for a chance at something very unique in Ontario ice fishing. Jim's not making any promise's about catching them but they are around. If you go and do manage to catch or even hook one. Let me know, what your using, because I'm pumped to try this again. Dodd's Rice Lake Hut rentals 905-797-2132. Also if anyone is interested in perch/crappie action on rice lake. It has been slow the last couple of weeks but things are reportedly picking up out a little deeper than they were catching them earlier in the season. Also you could try BJ Tackle as they are renting huts out from Bewdley as well and they have a well stocked shop and bait. 905-797-2632. Good Luck and I will keep posting about my ice carp quest in 2011.
  15. Hi Everyone: Thanks for posting the info Ron. Things are looking very good for the festival. Our fantastic sponsors have really stepped up this year, once again allowing us to offer this festival, free to all participants. Special thanks to the OFAH Tackleshare program for supporting this event and loaning fishing equipment to anyone who wants to try ice fishing at the festival. Come out with your family and friends, join in the fun, catch some fish and win some prizes. Check out the festival ad in the current issue of Ontario Out of Doors, listen to 100.5 KRUZ fm in Peterborough for festival commercials and updates and watch for the tv commercials. Come out and meet your fellow OFC members, professional anglers, Minister of Natural Resources, Hon. Linda Jeffrey, your friends, neighbours and a lot of smiling young anglers. Starting next week, keep your proof of purchase from Bridgenorth Sports for a chance at a great draw prize to be awarded at the festival. Frank is hinting that you might win a portable ice hut.
  16. They work great. I have caught big pike, lakers, smallmouth, walleye and catfish on mackerel. Most big fish are scavengers to one degree or another. Big easy meal with little work = growth. It will look like an oil slick in your hole but they certainly are worth trying. Interesting to see the size of fish that will attempt to eat a whole mackerel. We don't use the little ones for pike. I have tried bait up to 18 inches and still caught fish. Just don't tell anyone.
  17. Here is a post with some Rice Lake info. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=49004 The perch bite has been great on Rice Lake lately with good numbers of 10-13 fish.
  18. It is a sideboom. They are used in pipeline work. Not the sharpest knives in the drawers at work on this one.
  19. Soya sauce. Good luck getting rid of it. If you find a legal way, you could get rich. Makes good duck hunting.
  20. Always family first. If your kids remember fishing with you when they are older....then your famous. I have fished with Aaron quite a few times....the automotive sector is a good choice for him. A Canadian Freshwater Drum Masters series might bring him out of retirement. The LCBO has requested that you continue to visit the Haliburton fish camp each Oct. Keep in touch Aaron. Take Care
  21. Now this is topwater action. Not sure how you land it but it would be fun trying.
  22. On behalf of the Bridgenorth Winter Panfish Festival and the Rice Lake Spring Fishing Festival. Merry Christmas to all our friends in the fishing community, enjoy this time with your family and friends. Michael, Andrea and Family.
  23. I really like what they have printed at the bottom of page 3 in the zone 17 section.
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