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Everything posted by Michael_Brown

  1. After reading the for sale posting I thought you had. Of course with this whole embedding a video issue, I would recommend avoiding the Internet Technology field as a possible area of expansion for Ron's Maintenance. If you can fish it, I could find you a hole to sit beside this sunday. Call me.
  2. You should avoid drilling holes in the lawn. The wife might beat you with the auger then it would be hard to sell. The auger work nicely, I've landed fish through the holes it has drilled. It will be a good deal for someone.
  3. If you owe him money he will call. Then I would explain your concerns to him about the door and the sudden non-contact. Then ask him as a homeowner what he would expect to happen if a contractor did a poor job. He will probably answer you concerns for you. Explain the people who referred him said he was a good guy and you are planning on having coffee with them next week... Get it fixed before you pay or you will never see him again. The fact he works for the town assessors office is a good thing if you need it. He probably should not be doing work on the side. Does not need to be a fight, if he made a mistake he should fix it. If you pay him without getting it fixed than you won't be happy and every time you walk through that door you will be annoyed.
  4. Hi Terry: Most would wait until they have at least 6 inches of good ice before running their skidoos on the lake. I did get your sarcasm but thought I would mention the proper ice depth prefered. I know many choose to run on less but they seem to show up in the statistics or you tube each winter. Rice lake does have some tricky spots due to current in some sections so everyone be careful. Enjoy your holidays.
  5. Join us for the 2nd Annual Bridgenorth Winter Panfish Festival on Feb. 19, 2011. Grab your family and friends and come spend a fun filled day ice fishing on Chemong lake at the largest free winter kids fishing event in Canada. The OFAH Tackleshare program would like to invite you to a fun filled day during the free family fishing weekend. Fishing equipment will be provided if needed, holes will be drilled and friendly volunteers available to make this a great day ice fishing in the Kawartha's. Just dress for the weather and bring a smile. You may win some of the thousands of dollars in prizes, provided by our amazing sponsors. Last year our over 1000 participants won prizes that included an underwater camera system, portable ice huts,fishing rods, clothing and more. Meet local conservation officers, MNR staff, professional anglers, your neighbours and friends at this fantastic community event. The festival will run from 10am - 4pm at the Bel Rotary Park on the southwest side of the causeway. Take advantage of additional parking at the Chemong Public school on the Bridgenorth side and The Causeway Christen Assembly Church on the Ennismore side and then hop on the warm shuttle bus that will bring you down to the fun. KRUZ 100.5 radio will be broadcasting from the event. For more information on the festival check the festival website: http://www.clearvieworganizing.com/22.html Any proceeds from this event will be donated to Charity. If you wish to become involved as a volunteer or sponsor for this event please contact: [email protected]
  6. Join us for the Rice Lake Spring Fishing Festival May 14 to June 19, 2011! Try your luck at catching tagged crappie, walleye, blue gill and perch to win your share of over $50,000.00 in prizes, including the grand prize, a $10,000.00 Gas Card from Pioneer Petroleum! Adult buttons are $20 each, children under 16 are $10 each, and the Family Package (max. 2 adults and 3 children from the same family) is $40 each. To get in on Early Bird Draws, buy your buttons now at RiceLakeSpringFishingFestival.ca or from participating Rice Lake Tourist Association members. See http://www.ricelakespringfishingfestival.ca/Buttons.html for button seller information. We’ll be celebrating the opening of walleye season at Bewdley Township Park on May 14, 2011, so buy your button, bring your gear, and get in the game! Make your festival adventure a family holiday! Take advantage of the Festival Packages advertised on the festival website when planning your visit to Rice Lake. See the specials that local accommodators and businesses are offering throughout the festival time period. Save on your accommodation, meals, bait, tackle and more! Have a fun and affordable trip by visiting the Festival Package page at http://www.ricelakespringfishingfestival.ca/Packages.html and make your reservations now for a fun-filled week fishing Rice Lake! Attention Families! Bring the kids to celebrate Rice Lake at one of our free Kids Days! Sponsored by Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Tackle Share Program, just dress for the weather, get your family and friends, come catch fish and win prizes! Tackle Share is loaning fishing gear to children who would like to try fishing! Here are the details: Saturday May 21, 2011 at Golden Beach Resort from 10am to 4pm Saturday May 28, 2011 at Hastings Waterfront Park from 10am to 4pm Saturday June 11, 2011 at Bewdley Township Park from 10am to 4pm Adults require a fishing licence if they wish to fish or assist at these events. See the details at http://www.ricelakespringfishingfestival.ca/Kids_Days.html and plan to attend! It’s not over until… the Last Cast! Keep your button handy for the Last Cast Draws after the festival closes. We’ll be drawing prizes throughout the summer and autumn seasons to remind you of the fun you had vacationing on Rice Lake! You’ll automatically be entered into both our Early Bird Draws before the festival and the Last Cast Draws taking place after the festival’s done! Perhaps you’ll win an outboard motor courtesy of McGregor Bay Marina and Tohatsu Outboards! Keep your eye on the festival website for prize updates! Proceeds from this festival will be donated to charity. Come fish Rice Lake – Ontario’s best fishing destination!
  7. I saw this posted and thought I would place the link on OFC. Conservation Officer position in Aurora. http://www.gojobs.gov.on.ca/Preview.aspx?JobID=31728 Good Luck to anyone interested.
  8. Hello Everyone: I just wanted to take a moment to provide a quick update of the RLSFF. We have some teriffic sponosr's involved in this charitable event. Golden Beach Resort has generously donated a tagged fish prize valued at $4000.00. McGregor Marine in partnership with Tohatsu is sponsoring a 9.8hp outboard motor. If this tagged fish prize is not caught this new motor will be a draw prize at the end of the festival to one lucky participant. Other fantastic prizes are being offered by Southview Cottages, Plank Road Cottages, Alpine Resort, Highland View Resort, Whispering Pines cottages, Lures and Tours, Tower Manor Lodge, Ferguson's Live Bait, Lets Fish Guiding, Can Clean Services, and a $500 shopping spree at BJ Tackle in Bewdley. We have some very worthwhile charities being featured during the three free kids fishing days (May21, 28 & June 11) and some wonderful media sponsors. Looking forward to a fantastic festival next spring. May14-June19, 2011. This event has been designated a signature tourism event in both Peterborough and Northumberland Counties. Plan on spending some quality time with your family and friends trying your luck at landing one of the four different species of tagged prize fish swimming around Rice Lake. Check out the website for more information about prizes, accommodation packages, charity information and becoming involved in this charity event. Stay tuned for more big announcements and updates. http://www.ricelakespringfishingfestival.ca/Welcome.html
  9. Hi Everyone: I was contacted by the Bel Rotary in regards to their annual causeway clean-up. They wanted me to pass the word that they will be meeting at 5:30pm, Monday Oct. 4, 2010 in the parking lot on the Ennismore side. Any help would be greatly appreciated in this good community clean-up effort. Now I know none of us have ever left a mess and of course any garbage is someone else's fault but that does not exclude the fact that some members of our community could use a good example of resource stewardship. So no finger pointing or blame in this post, just a big thank you in advance to anyone who can help keep our waterways and shorelines clean. I would love to be there but I will be in Burlington for a meeting, so the volunteers have my utmost respect and appreciation. Roll up your sleeves and help out if you can.
  10. Actually it is a close friend who is buying a domestic boat. I just wasn't sure how the new HST applied to the purchase. Thanks for the confessions...
  11. I know this has probably been asked on here numerous times but what tax is due on a used boat in Ontario? With the recent changes to the tax rules(HST) not sure what would be due on a boat. I know before you should have listed the boat, motor and trailer seperately but does this make a difference anymore? Thanks for any help. I will look on the governemnt tax websites as well. Thanks
  12. Nice day on the water in Central Ontario. Light wind, clear sky and biting fish. Always great to spend a day setting hook, stretching lines and teasing a good buddy. We also managed to catch a few between the bad jokes. Fish are starting to heat up for the fall bite.
  13. No fish in Rice Lake? I think someone has misguided you, possibliy Ron sending you on the gamefish goose chase. The $25.00 per night is a fantastic deal and the fishing has been super hot lately. Feed bag is definately on, now the cooler weather has started. Seems like the walleye are everywhere some days and the bass always keep you busy. Mix in some of the best panfish action in North America and you might not spend much time on shore but when you do it will be in very affordable accommodations. Good for Ridgeview for making this offer.
  14. Take an old spinnerbait rubber skirt apart and get the loose strands. Use a small piece of line, go through the weight from the bottom while it is on your main line and then back down forming a loop above the weight, place 4-5 rubber skirt stands centered in the loop and pull the loose ends of the line down from the bottom of the weight drawing the rubber strands into the weight. Trim the loose strands above and below the weight and your done. Leave some extra tag ends if you wish to add extra colour or action to your bait.
  15. Easy boys. Everyone has their own opinions but sometimes it may be better to not post it. Volunteering to support the numerous fishery projects that are ongoing in the province is a crucial element to the success of the projects. We may not all agree or disagree with the funding or policy but we should always respect the time, effort and intentions of these projects. We all want quality fisheries for all species, we may just disagree how to get there. I personally applaude anyone who gives up their time to help out by volunteering. FYI - wallop breaux http://www.dmr.state.ms.us/sport-fish/restoration_act.htm
  16. Obviously you guys have not eaten catfish. One of my personal favorites, ahead of trout, walleye, large musky,( ) etc. I don't eat a lot of fish but small catfish are great eating. Granted like all species the smaller fish 1-4lbs are the best. Otherwise is you have a larger one because of damage while landing cut the fillet into small strips or pieces.
  17. Cool Trip. I have been across the country quite a few times when I used to work in the northern oilfields. When your between Fort St. John and Fort Nelson, BC, stop in a small place called Pink Mountain at the restaurant (Mai's??) and try the chili and toast, awesome stuff and some cool pictures and stories. Toad River, BC is one of the nicest photo spots I know of. Lots of big game, everywhere so make sure your headlights are good and your camera is handy. Enjoy the trip, I'm envious.
  18. I would think that the chance to watch Ron count out $500.00 of his own cash, would have several hundred OFC anglers out there trying their luck. Of course the down side, would be all the promotion and advertising Ron Reyns Maintenance would receive through festival promotions. Business will go through the roof and you will be forced to give up those fishing trips all over the province to tend to your work. I'll put $50.00 towards the OFC tagged fish (if they want one) because I enjoy this website and it's discussions.
  19. Hi Everyone: This event represents a new positive direction for the Rice Lake Tourist Association (RLTA). My wife Andrea (Clear View Organizing) is the organizer the Rice Lake Spring Fishing Festival. Next spring from May 14-June 19, 2011, anglers who have purchased a festival button will have the chance at catching a tagged fish from four different species, (walleye, crappie, sunfish and perch) to win a prize. All prize fish are to be worth at least $500 or more. This event has really taken off in the last few weeks due to the hard work of the RLTA and Clear View. It has been designated one of four signature tourism events in the area. It will have three free kids fishing days on May 21, May 28 and June 11, 2011, two of the three days have confirmed chairities that will have any proceeds from the days events donated to their organization. May 21 will benefit the excellent program Fishability ( http://fishabilitysports.org/ ) May 28 will help the Give a Miracle a Chance ( http://giveamiracleachance.com/ ) June 11 TBA To make this even more special the RLTA has announced that proceeds from the entire festival will be donated to charity. That's right it is a not for profit event. Charities will be able to apply for funding from the festival. Numerous accomadation packages are being offered by RLTA members for everything from reduced cottage and boat rentals prices to discounts at the local bait shops. Lots of these packages are for weekend rates to provide a great opportunity for local anglers to come and spend a few days with friends and family and hopefully catch a great prize. The festival rules and information are currently available in english but translation is underway for French and Chinese with more languages to follow (any volunteers?) to make this event as accesible as possible to anyone who may wish to come to Rice Lake to enjoy the amazing fishing it has to offer. Check out the event website for more details and updates as we confirm sponsors, prizes and charities. http://www.ricelakespringfishingfestival.ca/ Great fishing, fantastic prizes, youth angling opportunities, proceeds to chairity and discounted rates at numerous friendly resorts right on the lake. What more could you want? Well how about targeted education programs to help identify invasive species, like pike and water solder. Fishing regulations education, safe boating messages, prize draws for all particpants just for entering and much more. If some of these ideas sound familiar, well they should, they came from discussions on this board and others. This will be a awesome event for friends and families to get out and spend some quality time fishing on one of the most productive waterbodies in North America. This is moving forward in a big positive way that will benefit many kids and their families, increase tourism for the area and provide education, information and access to many anglers in our regions. Good Job RLTA.
  20. I will take catfish, panfish, cold water suckers ahead of trout or walleye. Beside the fact that they are great eating fish, their populations are strong in most waterways. Catfish are easy to clean if you have the right stuff...pliers. My grandmother used to send us out to catch them everytime she came for a visit. A pair of pliers was all that was needed to skin them and then break off the head. Great fish to feed kids as well because they have strong bones. Cook them with the tail on, then grab the tail and the meat falls off bone free every time. I have not tried carp yet but if I get a small one from a cold river, it's coming home. I have seen what they call "feed" to cows, pigs and chicken and I agree with Roy garbage in garbage out.
  21. The big waters always have a shot at the record but even there, is still has to be the right conditions. I was told years ago that if you caught a fish that weighed half of the record it was considered huge. So anything over 5lbs is a trophy in anyones book. I have been lucky to see some true pigs over the years. The biggest was a largemouth caught in the Muskoka's during the spring while pike fishing. It may have been 9lbs definately well over eight but a buddy caught her and we released her quickly. The photos are not always the best way. I make fish look small but a few lighter friends that make them look big. I have always liked the attached photo, 6lb smallmouth but Mr. Giles makes it look 10lbs.
  22. I'm heading down to Baltimore, MD for the weekend with my teenager and was thinking about packing a rod for some shoreline saltwater fishing. Anyone have any tips? I have never been there before but I am not one to pass up new water. Thanks Mike
  23. Hopefully you turned this in...sounds like evidence. Weirdest thing for me was an albino smallmouth bass, it was about three pounds and even had pink eyes, otherwise it was white, thought it was a cisco at first. Caught in Three Mile Lake in Muskoka. I never even thought to keep it, we just stared at it for a minute and dropped it back in. I caught a blind pike once, missing one eye and the other was obviously damaged, probably a bad hook job but it still hit a spinnerbait. I have also hooked a couple of fishing partners, two lunds, a triton, a ranger and a dodge.
  24. Well the weekend of catfish hunting went well, with lots of fish caught. I think Ron brought every bait suggested and soaked most of them. Lots of fish, not all biggun's but an average 3lb fish and lots of alternate species. Great weekend with fishing friends. The water levels were down 4ft from last year, so most of what we learned was out the window, no water, no current and hard to find boat launches with enough water to float off the boats. After a little hunting around to find current and deep water the bigger cats came out to play. These things fight! We caught fish from 5-40ft and everything in between. Thanks for the tips. P.S Frozen Mackeral chunks worked best for me.
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