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Everything posted by Michael_Brown
Need suggestions for cottage rental locations...
Michael_Brown replied to BillyBarilko's topic in General Discussion
My family had a great time last year in Picton. Stayed at Merland Park cottages. Nice cottages, good fishing close to the big lake if the weather is good, lots of fish in the Bay of Quinte if it starts to blow. Fish for everything from this spot and the owner is aa angler to boot. Good access, nice town and fair rates. We have booked again for this year. -
Rice Lake panfishTourist Ass. at it again!
Michael_Brown replied to Ron's topic in General Discussion
All right Mr. Ferguson. You win. I give up. We will go with "your" new position. Lets leave ice fishing open for everyone to enjoy and lets have a sunfish limit that supports tourism and a healthly fish population. Since your not sure about a number, how about 300 of which only 30 can be larger than 7.1 inches to protect the large males that are important to the fishery. I figure I should join with you on this issue because when I stood up to represent my support of the absurd idea of leaving ice fishing open and a sunfish limit of 300/30, I and the other concerned anglers in attendance were called anti-american racists who should have white sheets and pointy hats. I'm not sure what you didn't like about the photo in the paper. Maybe the fact that it represented the truth. That was exactly 50 legal caught perch from Rice lake that overflowed one pail. The remaining pails represented the additional 330 panfish that could be kept as part of one anglers limit. So now that we are on the same side. What size sheet do you take? I just wish that Susan Irving Coger had spent 1/10 of her time promoting her business instead of misrepresenting the RLTA at every meeting and media outlet that would listen to her. She wouldn't have time to complain because she would be serving customers. Spring is here and the panfish are starting to show up in the warm shallows. Grab a kid and a rod and get out fishing. Not sure where to go? Try Rice Lake if you can find a dock or a friendly cottage owner that will let you fish. -
1-800-268-6060 Spills Action Centre File a complaint. If you don't probably nobody else will either. Your right about the stream encroachment, missing silt fence and bank erosion. Just because they are wealthy doesn't give them the right to destry a spawning creek. There are plenty of ways to build a home along a stream and improve the view without trashing the entire eco-system. If you call they will forward the information to the proper agency and they have to respond to the complaint. You are even allowed as the complaintant to request a follow up to find out the resolution under Freedom of Information. Your duty as a concern angler.
Rice Lake panfishTourist Ass. at it again!
Michael_Brown replied to Ron's topic in General Discussion
This is crap. I have stayed out of this for a while in an effort to let it settle down. I realized the damage it was doing to the image of the RLTA. They do have some very upstanding members and fine resorts but this type of publicity is not good. I will however not lay down to the public ranting of a few. For the record: The perch came from Rice Lake, they were frozen to preserve them for later consumption. The RLTA is in favour of ice fishing, they voted for it on the council, their current president is quoted in the paper in support of it. The members causing this "uproar" against ice fishing, Susan Irving Cogar, Randy Cogar and Mike Ferguson are speaking on their own behalf but representing themselves as the opinions of the RLTA. The rest of the RLTA by their silence, act as if they accept this but if I was a business on Rice Lk I would be jumping out of the organization as quickly as possible. They have done nothing but shame themselves and damage their image. We have no more or less garbage issues than the rest of the province where all outdoor activities take place. Year-round We had very few incidents of anglers in trouble on the ice and again we are like the rest of the province. When other user groups make up most of the ice rescues, why is ice fishing blamed? Literally thousands of anglers of all ages enjoyed countless hours and spent tons of money ice fishing in the kawartha's this winter. We had businesses opening up and hiring staff as a result of the new angling oppoutunities. We had non-resident anglers visit the kawartha's to enjoy ice fishing here for the first time. The local business that benefit from angling related income had an increase of 5 1/2 months to the fishing season. We had local derbies and festivals start up that got new anglers out fishing. I have not dropped to their level of personal attacks and slander, but I'm not sure why. If having an opinion that supports a healthy fishery and increased angling oppourtunities is offensive to them. Good. Your precious sunfish resource is protected (from you), you have been given the gift of increased business oppourtunities of 5 1/2 months, you have realized an increase in your resale value of your resort due to this increased business oppourtunity, the walleye population is enjoying a nice upswing and you have some of the most researched and public reviewed fishing regulations in the province. Sorry. If a few mouthy members want to continue this effort to shame themselves and their name in public, then we should give them what they want. Negative press. I can only imagine the joy of staying at their place of business. It is also time for their members that are seeing the benefits of winter angling to step up. Other groups that are representing anglers need to get involved. I will be responding to this article in the newspaper. Please join me. I would like to think that more anglers will get involved with this crap from these people. Mike B -
Hello Everyone: If you or someone you know attended the Bridgenorth Winter Panfish Festival on Feb 13, 2010. Check out the photos that have been posted on Clearview Organizing's website. http://www.clearvieworganizing.com/24.html We handed out 590 kids prizes and attendance for the free event was estimated at over 1000. A donation of $525.00 was made to the Peterborough United Way on behalf of the festival and it's participates. Thanks to all, looking forward to next year already.
http://www.northumberlandtoday.com/Article....aspx?e=2478283 Nice article.
Rice Lake panfishTourist Ass. at it again!
Michael_Brown replied to Ron's topic in General Discussion
One thing I want to mention. Is that the RLTA members have already attended numerous municipal council meetings about these issues. We need to get going to catch up. I would recommend, if you are a member of a angling club or group (OFAH, Bassmaster, cottage assoc. etc) that you bring this topic up or call someone. They are trying to have Rice granted special status to make is seperate from other lakes in the zone. Personally I would grant this status and because Rice is showing the most signs of overharvest of the Bluegills, use this status to lower the limit to 50 or 30. Otherwise if it is granted the other cottage associations and resorts on our other great waterbodies would be left at a disadvantage. This would cause more harm than good for tourism but again they are only concerned with their pockets being full. I am hoping to draft a letter that we could post so people could print it, sign it and mail it to local council members to show our opposition to these actions. Any other ideas? http://www.northumberlandtoday.com/Article....aspx?e=2478283 -
Rice Lake panfishTourist Ass. at it again!
Michael_Brown replied to Ron's topic in General Discussion
Well four of us anglers attended the meeting along with 7-8 RLTA members and it was interesting to say the least. I presented exactly what we have talked about here. 300 sunfish is more than enough, it is good for the lakes, stops abusive harvest and offers a sustainable harvest for now and in the future. We brought in 50 perch in a pail and 7 other pails to show how many fish 1 person could harvest in 1 day under the new regulations. I used the line, it is a lake not a grocery store. I was fair to the RLTA, as I understand their concerns, and even polite in my address of them. Then as Ron has already pointed out, one of their members (aka Guardians of the Lake) stood up and stated that we were anti-american racists who should be wearing white sheets and pointy hats... I guess having an opinion that supports ethical harvest and a sustainable healthy population of panfish is the RLTA equivalent of the KKK. Never saw that angle coming to be honest but playing the race card worked for OJ so why not? They are also for ice fishing but some of them are against ice fishing....I'm confused. After the meeting Ron and I met with some of them and offered to help show them some new oppourtunities that they could work towards to improve their business. Wait and see. They can either adapt to the new regulations and drop in tourism from many factors or whine themselves bankrupt. We did an interview with the Northumberland newspaper before the meeting and I know Pete G wrote a letter on this topic. To be honest the council spoke of getting phone calls and receiving mailed letters on this topic but no mention of reading e-mails or message boards. I think to be more effective we should start mailing letters and making phone calls. 35 members of the RLTA and they all send letters and make phone calls. 1 million or so anglers and ....cricket....cricket... We need to get better or our resource will continue to be run by small interest groups who are focused. Our point was made and the council is going to review the information. The MNR staff gave a good presentation with lots of pictures. Thanks for the support and if I dig up some council phone numbers maybe we could give up a few minutes each and call about our concerns. A big thank you to Tomfoolery who took the time to show up and help the cause. Tom doesn't look like a anti-american racist but you never can tell. For the record Tom, I'm from Ontario.... just in case. I need a nap. Mike B -
Rice Lake panfishTourist Ass. at it again!
Michael_Brown replied to Ron's topic in General Discussion
I'm not sure where you are getting your information, the 500 limit with none over 7 inches was proposed by the member from the RLTA on the council. It was not a number brought forward by the MNR or OFAH. In fact the number prefered by the angler stakeholders on the council was more in line with the other panfish limits of 30 or 50. The 300 number of fish under 7 inches was a pure concession to the cottage associations and now they want more. No happy medium? The anglers wanted a limit of 30 and the limit is now 300 and the cottage associations wanted a limit of 500 and the limit is now 300, that would be considered a compromise. I think we should take the same approach as the RLTA and we will start to lobby the MNR for the limits to be reduced to 30 to represent the opinions of the resident anglers who outnumber the RLTA by tens of thousands to 1 (approx). The unfortunate part of this arguement is that is works against the role of the council. A lot of work was done over three years by the MNR staff, stakeholder representatives and volunteers to bring forth one of the most up-to-date and well researched set of regulations in the province. The MNR shared their information with the skakeholders from 20 different groups that have interests in the local fishery. Hundreds attended public meetings held on these topics, even more completed surveys about the issues, the council recommendations was only one part of the information reviewed for the new regulations. It allowed a venue for groups like the RLTA and recreational anglers to contribute their ideas and concerns about the fishery resources in FMZ 17. The fact the one group is now undermining that work and research because they didn't get exactly what they wanted is discouraging. I believe it is in the interests of all stakeholder groups to support this kind of a public process with any government agency as it is far better than not being involved in decisions that affect the resource. Big brother as they are being referred to is trying to listen and provide regulations that meets the needs of the resource and the best interests of the stakeholders. I am done with this he said she said on this topic, all of the research, minutes of meetings and other information is available from the council process. I fully support the work of the council and all of it's stakeholders. I will be at the meeting tomorrow in Grafton to defend the rights and interests of the anglers of this great area and if needed other future meetings. Please join myself and other anglers who support a healthy fishery in Rice Lake and every other lake in the province. -
Rice Lake panfishTourist Ass. at it again!
Michael_Brown replied to Ron's topic in General Discussion
I thought we had with a 300/30 limit. I am perfectly comfortable accepting the limits and regulation changes as they are. I will however stand firm on recreational anglers rights and the protection of the resource. -
Rice Lake panfishTourist Ass. at it again!
Michael_Brown replied to Ron's topic in General Discussion
"Check page 19, it says Black crappie and bluegill are not native to lakes within FMZ 17, but have become well established. These populations are now considered naturalized and it is unrealistic to expect a significant reduction in these populations at current levels of angler harvest." So, if there are far fewer anglers out there, won't the population increase ? You must think if we stopped all fishing for bluegill in Rice Lake that they would start overflowing the banks. If we did not harvest a single fish from Rice, guess what the populations will find a sustainable level and balance. Harvest is only one factor in the fish population health in the lake. To think that you are doing the lake a favour by taking as many as you can catch is wrong. Also "it was the RLTA representative on the FMZ 17 Council that proposed the ZERO over 7". I agree with this but the problem is that any child fishing off their dock who caught a sunfish larger than 7 inches would be breaking the law. These fish are responsible for helping to recruite new anglers that the entire industry/sport needs. This would have been unacceptable. -
Rice Lake panfishTourist Ass. at it again!
Michael_Brown replied to Ron's topic in General Discussion
I would like to respond. I will use the same format. "Exactly, locals contribute nothing to tourism on the lake." Really? So the tens of thousands of local anglers who fish Rice Lake every year contribute nothing to the economy? I think what you mean is they don't book a cottage therefore you don't care. In fact I would confidently say they contribute far more than the non-resident anglers but I do appreciate the contributions of both groups. Here is a quote from a recent STATS Canada article; "In terms of direct expenditures, resident anglers spent over $1.6 billion on recreational fishing in 2005 (Table 2). Three quarters of these expenditures were spent on food, lodging and transportation costs. Less than 10% of the direct expenditures were for actual fishing supplies." Still think we contribute nothing? "Strongly agree, that is why 5 years ago the RLTA, with the MNR's assistance, started a voluntary "throw back the big ones" campaign. It has started to work. There IS a shortage of large bluegills, so why do the new Regs allow 30 of any size. For sure, these will be big ones, the exact opposite of what the lake needs. The Reg implies that bluegills are a less important fish. There is a new size limit on walleye, why not on bluegills? The FMZ 17 council recommended a quantity limit of 500 and ZERO over 7. This would have been a much better solution to the problem and the majority of the US guests would still keep coming." The voluntary program is exactly that voluntary. I also have been looking into the non-resident angler responses and the majority are upset with the 7 inch size limit. The 300 number is a concession to the tourist operators and now you are complaining because it is not more. Only 10% percent of the non-residents coming to Rice lake are taking more than 300 home and some of those are taking several thousand. Your clients are leaving to go to other area lakes where they can find larger sunfish. Regardless of what lake they are on the cottage rental owners that have been allowing that kind of abuse to take place in there resorts should be ashamed of themselves. What would you suggest, I am open to suggestions. BTW, don’t suggest carp anglers from Europe, this has been tried before with negligble results. I am considering promoting walleye; rent a cottage for a week, catch 4 and eat them, catch 4 and eat them, catch 4 and eat them............. What do you think? Nice attitude but as long as the 4 walleye are inside the slot limit, it is legal. How about embracing the new winter angling oppourtunities. Those thousands of local anglers out there enjoying themselves this winter on Rice Lake, besides adding lots of dollars into the local economy during a slow period, are potential clients or at least a glimpse of the potential. How about a advertising campaign inviting your US guest to come and enjoy the best panfish lake in Ontario during the winter. Lake Simcoe operators are doing well with US clients during the winter months. Unless the RLTA is against ice fishing? Depending on what article you read some like yourself are in favour of it others have been doing a lot of complaining about it. A good example of how little locals know about the bluegill fishery on Rice Lake. BTW, 45 years ago it was the MNR strongly encouraging the Rice Lake resorts to attract US bluegill anglers to prevent overpopulation. I have owned my resort for 12 years and in that time I have had TWO Ontario residents stay and catch bluegills. Other resorts would report similar low numbers. Canadians do NOT target bluegills. This is interesting. So you would like to use 45 year old data suggesting keeping as many as possible. If you wipe them out, you will have no business. The practices that have been allowed to take place has damaged the resource. Instead of fear mongering and complaining that the about the MNR....maybe you should look in the mirror and ask yourself just who is responsible for this abuse of the lake resources. Like you said, Canadians do NOT target bluegills and the glutanous persons causing this problem are not staying at my house! Also a quote from the recent article: "During the Zone 17 advisory council meetings before the Jan. 1 change, no information ever suggested that "sustain-ability of the sunfish population" required limits, Brough wrote. I disagree with this statement. We sat through hours and hours of meetings and read numerous reports and heard presentations from sunfish experts from all over North America. To ensure a quality fishery and a healthly population of sunfish, limits were absolutely suggested as an option. The RLTA represents it's own interests only. If you don't want to look like money grabbing people with no consideration for the health of the lake, then start acting like responsible resort owners who understand that a healthly well-managed fishery benefits everyone now and in the future. The non-resident anglers will come to enjoy the experience and the quality of a great fishery, harvest is secondary. This arguing will do nothing to enhance our tourism but if the RLTA wants to continue to present false information to municipal councils and local media, I and other like me, will be there defending the rights of local anglers and our fishery resource. Anyone who wants to join me....I take two milk in my coffee. Rice Lake is a fanastic fishery, there is enough for everyone to enjoy if we manage it properly. -
Rice Lake panfishTourist Ass. at it again!
Michael_Brown replied to Ron's topic in General Discussion
Don't misunderstand this issue. It is not a non-resident angler problem or a local angler problem. We appreciate people travelling here to enjoy this fishery. There is enough for everyone to enjoy, if we manage it responsibly. The people that are abusing this fishery need to be stopped. It is not a large group of anglers causing this problem but on a lake that sustains more angling effort than the rest of the kawartha's combined, it is an issue. Quite frankly, if your business cannot adapt to supporting a healthy fishery maybe you should start targeting other groups to fill your cottages. -
Rice Lake panfishTourist Ass. at it again!
Michael_Brown replied to Ron's topic in General Discussion
There was not limit before. That was the problem, some abusive anglers were taking thousands of fish and nothing could be done to stop them. It was well known that every spring, anglers with were stopped at the borders with several thousand fish taken from Rice Lake. The unchecked harvest of sunfish has started to show damage to the size structure of population. In sunfish communities large males are very important to the population, not enough of them and the smaller males become sucessful spawners dedicate their energy to reproduction not growth. This causes the population to stunt. There is no question the lake has a good population of sunfish but the need to protect the fishery from overharvest of the larger members of the population is important. Most of the harvest is by non-resident anglers. Nobody is blaming all non-residents anglers but the need to stop the ones abusing the resource is very real. The RLCA blaming the panfish limits to the problems with their business is concerning. The increase in the Canadian dollar, price of gas, US Border security and numerous other factors are far more of an issue limiting their business. Maybe effort towards effective marketing would be a better idea instead of blaming their problems on the MNR. The simple fact that some of the RLCA members have based their business on catering to a small group of abusive anglers, should have all anglers upset. As a business owner they should be upset when someone staying at their resort is glutanous and harvests excessive panfish. It is also true that over the last few years clients from Rice Lake have been switching to other Kawartha area lakes due to the decrease in average size of the sunfish on Rice. We need to protect our resource, to ensure it remains a top quality fishery for years to come. -
Rice Lake panfishTourist Ass. at it again!
Michael_Brown replied to Ron's topic in General Discussion
The upcoming council meeting is Thurs., Mar. 4, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. Grafton Municipal Office with this topic to be discussed at 2:30 pm. I have sent an e-mail to the council requesting to speak to this topic and provided my opinion of the tactics of the RLCA. If you wish to send your comments to the municipal council here is the e-mail form link. http://www.alnwickhaldimand.ca/en/council/...form.aspx?id=75 Get involved or accept what you get. -
Rice Lake panfishTourist Ass. at it again!
Michael_Brown replied to Ron's topic in General Discussion
This really annoys me. A small group is trying to influence how we as anglers are allowed to enjoy our resource. After years of MNR meetings, reviewing the latest science, speaking with as many related stakeholders as possible, public surveys, public meetings, etc. This kind of backdoor fear mongering crap has to stop. It is time for the anglers of the area to step up and let our local politicians know how important our sport is to the tourism of the area. Consider that the person leading this from RLC is only interested in lining her pockets and could care less about the fishery resource. Their target market are the few anglers who were causing the problems by taking thousands of fish during their stay. This abusive group is exploiting the resource, period. One group of 30 or so members likes to put off that they represent all of Rice lakes interests. I tend to think that the tens of thousands of anglers who enjoy the fishery would have a better opinion. I take offense to the comment about the sunfish limits were not discussed at the FMZ 17 meetings. Considering I was at all the meetings since the council started and the person making the comments was at zero. I can tell you that she is completely wrong. In fact it was shown that Rice Lake in particular was showing signs of stress due to over-harvest of the larger fish. I will be at the meeting and I will be speaking up. I for one will not tolerate this. Any other kawartha area anglers who would like to stand up and defend our new angling oppourtunities, please join us. Get involved or accept what you get. -
Hi Everyone: I would like to take a few moments to thank all of our amazing sponsors and volunteers who helped out with the 1st Annual Bridgenorth Winter Panfish Festival. It was by all accounts a huge success. The original idea was to encourage youth to try angling and spend quality time with their family, friends and community. On Saturday Feb. 13, 2010, over 1000 people attended this six hour free fishing festival on Chemong Lake at the causeway between Bridgenorth and Ennismore. Our title sponsor was the OFAH Tackleshare Program and the OFAH was a huge part of this event. With a special thanks going to Leslie, Randy, Marc and Mike Reader. They understand that unless we get today's youth involved in angling when they are young, they are not likely to become involved in the sport as they get older. This fishing day also was part of the free Family Fishing Weekend, a fantastic program. Youth angler recruitment is one of the largest limiting factors in the fishing community that we face. Quality family time is rarely achieved on the couch. This festival would have not been possible without the massive amount of time and work by Clear View Organizing. There is nothing else I can say, Andrea did an outstanding job. She is amazing. Not only was this event free, well organized, well publicized but it also managed to include a raffle which raised over $500.00 for the local United Way. We handed out just under 600 children's prizes, everything from tackle to portable ice huts and dozens of adult and raffle prizes worth thousands of dollars. This letter could go on for pages so I would like to thank all of our remaining sponsors for their donations to this festival: The Government of Ontario, CFWIP Bridgenorth Sports and Marine Lucky Strike Chex Television Kids, Cops and Canadian Tire - Izumi Foundation Kawartha Lakes Chapter of Muskies Canada Student Transportation of Canada Inc. STC Shimano John McGoey Fishing Chris Giles Outdoors Currie Tire Ferguson Electric RoseGlen Village for seniors Country Blessing Bed & Breakfast Lakefield Bait and Tackle Lures and Tours Sport Fishing Directories Cat Rental Store Mark and Maria Shuwera Drain Bros Excavating Mark Hunter Sippin Dip restaurant 135 North Fine Dining Rice Lake Hut Rentals The festival had almost 100 volunteers who gave up their time to ensure a great day for the kids and families. I want to thank everyone who volunteered before, during and after this event. We required everything from drilling holes, selling tickets, youth angler support, clean up and tons of other jobs. I need to mention a few groups and people who made this day extra special: Kawartha Lakes Chapter of Muskies Canada members Natural Law Program of SSFC students Georgina Fishing Series Delta Phi Nu sorority sisters Also, Gerry, Paul, Ron, Mark, Maria, Jeremiah, Dan, Dave, Evan, Todd, Tom, Mike, Chris, Bruce, Jack, Jamie, Matt, Steve and everyone else who helped out Thank You all. You made this a special day for many kids, adults and families. This festival was more than we ever expected with some absolutely incredible people and organizations doing far more than we ever asked to make this a great day for the families that attended. On behalf of Bridgenorth Winter Panfish Festival, Clear View Organizing and myself. Thank You
As someone who spends his day, checking on workplaces and skilled tradesperson work and licenses, you need to invest some time in learning your choices. If you choose to follow the trades, do it properly. There are no short cuts to big money in this field. You must be willing to work, study your trade, accept that your starting at the bottom but you can and will move up as you gain knowledge and experience in the field. If an employer needs to choose between a young worker they are unsure will be committed to the company or a hard working dedicated worker who doesn't complain, works hard and is excited about the trade, they will be far more inclined to keep you around in slow times. Sometimes if they don't have any work they will help you get in with another firm to keep you working. Look into the different options of trades, pick one and stick to it. Time at a job is the best way to increase your rate of pay. The sooner you complete your apprentice training the sooner you will make the better money. Take your course as soon as you can, study hard, ask question of the more seasoned guys and avoid the sour guys who will provide you negative info and discourge your path. The single biggest complaint I hear about young workers (under 25) is that the employers are fed up with bringing a kid in to apprentice, teaching him some of the trade and then the guy bails on them at the first chance for better money. Realize that these employers are investing a lot of time and money in you. If you want a job when times are tough, show them you will stick around. My grandfather used to tell me, when you think your good-you still have a lot to learn. When people tell you are good- your getting better. When people tell other people your good- then you are. Get you ticket, keep it up to date, follow the rules of the company and work hard. The big money and work is out there but if you try to cut corners or skip the system than those future high paying jobs will go to the ones who earn it.
All I can say is WOW! We had a fantasic day for the Bridgenorth Winter Panfish Festival. It was cool due to a NW wind but over 1000 people attended the free fishing event. I will write up a full report when I have a few minutes to sit down because we have so many wonderful volunteers, like Tom and all of our sponsors to thank. We handed out just under 600 childrens prizes for every child that caught a fish, one prize per child. They actually caught far more fish than that as the mostly perch, crappies, rock bass and sunfish were in a biting mood. We had a hard time getting kids to stop fishing to come and pick up their prizes due to the fact they were catching fish. In addition the parents were holding their own out there. We had lots of families having fun all day, most spent an hour or two, some stayed all day. Our St. John's Ambulance attendant was bored with not one problem. There was lots of media coverage with all the local newspapers, chex news, radio and Angler & Hunter TV. We have close to a thousand picture to sort through and will post a few soon. We raised over $500.00 for the local United Way with the Grand Prize of an Aqua Vu camera system donated by Bridgenorth Sports being won by a happy young angler from Janetville. My wife Andrea and I stand in awe of the volunteers that made this happen. What a great angling community. Thank you so much.
Ice fishing carp and feb 9 ice fish pigeon
Michael_Brown replied to jay27fish's topic in General Discussion
I have a spot picked out on Lower Chemong. It meets the profile I researched in some europeon carp articles. I have 30lbs of corn that I plan on using for chum. I am going to start chumming the area next week every couple of days using three holes 10 feet apart in a triangle. I think this should bring the fish in to feed. The plan is to set up inside the triangle. I don't think my 6 inch auger will work but hey I'll try anything once. I am going to use my portable hut so I may be able to see fish moving around. My set rod will be balanced with the bail open to allow smooth line flow when the fish takes the bait and then...well I guess I will hold on and probably do a lot of yelling. I love a challenge. I found this picture posted by Beans a while back. It is one of the coolest photos I have seen in a while. Insert me in the photo hopefully next week. -
Ice fishing carp and feb 9 ice fish pigeon
Michael_Brown replied to jay27fish's topic in General Discussion
Funny you should mention the carp through the ice topic. There was a thread about this a while ago on this board. I have been doing my research on the topic and have an area picked out to fish. The concept of a 20lb carp on a 24inch ice rod sounds like a lot of fun to me. When the festival is over and life slows down a bit for me this winter I will be spending a good week fishing for carp. I have never caught one in the winter and don't know anyone who has targeted them through the ice, so kind of unknown territory. Your allowed two lines some one will have a boilie an the other will be catching panfish to pass the time. Feel free to join me. -
Bridgenorth Winter Panfish Festival Update
Michael_Brown replied to Michael_Brown's topic in General Discussion
Thank you to the volunteers who were able to attend the meeting last night regarding the festival. It was nice to meet everyone and put some faces to the names. Looking forward to a great day this Saturday, looks like the weather is going to co-operate us. Hope to see everyone with their friends and familiy having a fun day outdoors. Here is a couple of photos of of Polar Plunge victim. Jamie. -
Cash business actually lose money. If you run it above board you can use all of the tax deductions available. Of course there is always the chance of getting caught, spending thousands on legal fees, hanging out with Rev Canada auditors, being back charged for every cent you cannot account for over the last seven years, then they go to your suppliers and audit them. If you paid any employees over that time then they will have WSIB get involved and they will back charge you five years. I should mention that most people trying to do this do not incorporate their business and then they are personally responsible for the fines. Life can be stressful enough without trying to give a guy a quick deal for cash. Most companies prefer doing things right. 1.9 billion dollars was recovered from ontario underground construction activities last year. It has become a priority to follow up on these issues. Good Luck.
Nice! You have earned it.
Bridgenorth Winter Panfish Festival Update
Michael_Brown replied to Michael_Brown's topic in General Discussion
The same one Ron. Jamie offered the other day when we were filming the newswatch spot for chex about the festival. I told him I would start the donations with $20 if he did it and he actually raised $280. for the heart and stroke foundation plus he spoke to the crowd about the panfish festival. He did a great job.