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Everything posted by Michael_Brown

  1. We started getting fish in 7-8 feet of water Tom, even if you went through it wouldn't be over your head.
  2. Got out on a kawartha lake today and pounded the panfish. No monsters but the action was steady. You need to extra cautious but if you find the right back bay or protected shoreline you can fish. The warm weather coming will not help but it was nice to stand on the surface again. Chris Giles wrote a piece on our outing today. http://www.nationalprostaff.com/report/404/First+Ice Be careful and have fun. Kawartha's ice fishing season round 3 has begun.
  3. Looks like Lake Scugog. If he keeps using his spinning rod upside down it's going to blow up.
  4. I bought a Hyundi AWD Santa Fe a few years back. The thing is bulletproof, the single best winter driving vehicle I have ever owned and the only reason I go to dealer is for a visit. It has a 3.3L V6 and towed an 18ft Lund and then a 17ft Triton, never an issue. Averages 10L/100km for regular driving and 12.1L/100km towing the triton back from Kentucky at 120km. Great warranty, no problems, great to drive and I'm not a small guy. Well designed and seats 5. The bride will not let me sell it unless we get another one. I get a new vehicle every year at work and domestics are getting better but even though they are covered by warranty I get annoyed getting something fixed every couple of months. I owned a Dodge truck for a couple of years, make sure you get the option of the tow-behind fuel wagon. Nice looking but terrible mileage. Chevy Sierra with a 4.8L engine was a good truck but I will stick with the Hyundai. Great family/driving vehicle. Works for us. I'm sure we are just confusing you but hey you asked for advice...
  5. Well having attended the informal meeting with a couple of council representatives earlier in the fall and being told that the issue should be dealt with at the P&R committee instead of council. Then attending the P&R meeting where the same person sat idle while Ron was told the P&R committee was not the place to address the issue. I am pretty annoyed. Obvious run-around and rude waste of our time. I can assure everyone that Ron will not be the only person fishing the Cobourg Harbour on a regular basis. If it takes direct action to get a response or action than we have reached that point. If you would like to join us please grab a rod and plan on spending some enjoyable time lawfully angling in the Cobourg Harbour, a provincial waterway. If anyone harasses you call the police and the MNR and file charges. Please alert anyone you know in the municipality, the type of council they have elected. Considering anglers represent over 20% of all voters in Ontario, I'm sure the ones in Cobourg can take this issue into consideration during the next municipal election. I assume the Master Plan they would like Ron to speak to will be implemented sometime before 2025 but we should all just sit and wait to see if they find it in their plan to allow anglers lawful access to the harbour.
  6. Guys really? Somebody asked for a couple of spots and everyone has to be critical. If you don't want to post any useful info, then don't. The reply button is not mandatory. It is called a forum.
  7. I was wondering what this was. It hit my hula popper on the French River. Honest.
  8. At what point should something harsher be considered. Seriously, previous convictions, two pails of roe, snagging equipment and fishing in a sanctuary. Good job by our CO for the investigation and conviction.
  9. Cougar = Ontario Sasquatch. Coming to a bored media outlet near you.
  10. Thanks Ron but the issue and the possible resolution are a direct result of your actions. All anglers should be appreciative of your efforts regarding the Cobourg Harbour fishing issue. You stood up for something you believe in and have raised awareness of anglers rights to lawfully fish in provincial waters without threat of harassment. There has been a lot of support from other anglers and outdoor groups on this topic but the ones who will spend time and fish the harbour with their families and friends in the future will benefit the most. So on their behalf Thank You. We need an OFC award for outstanding actions of members. I nominate Ron. See you at the meeting. Proud to stand beside you.
  11. No problem Crappie. Glad to hear someone is still fishing open water. Most of the spots mentioned you will have to yourself at this time of year. I hear some good crappie are hitting at night at some of the Rice Lake shore fishing spots and probably only a few more days until freeze up. Glad you joined the festival last year, we have even more prizes coming for 2012. Check out the new website for information. http://ricelakefishingfestival.ca/home Good Luck and stay warm.
  12. I have done the drive many times when I used to work in the northern oilfields in the winter. Canada is less hassles with no border issues but you will find more stops in the US but also pay more attention to the speed you travel. Plan by the weather, the route along the lake from Sault St Marie to T-Bay is a much nicer drive(more interesting) than the northern road but only in good weather. Driving across Ontario is half the drive, I always liked driving across the prairies and they go fast. Take the Yellow Head Trail and stay on the northern route. A few tips: - plan your fuel stops so you always have lots. - Give yourself time, poor weather and accidents can slow you down, being in a hurry is not good. - Watch for animals, deer and moose are very common north and west, most will take out a honda. - In Manitoba a hamburger is called a Nip. - Load up on washer fluid. - Enjoy the drive, take a camera, you will remember the drive for a long time. - Drive safe
  13. Gores Landing, Hastings Park, Bewdley Government dock on Rice Lake. Oshawa Pier, Cobourg Harbour, Port Hope Pier, Port Perry Town Park on Lake Scugog, Belleville and Trenton town parks, Bridgenorth Causeway (santuary now), Rosedale canal. Lots of spots crappie, glad to hear some anglers are still out enjoying the fishing from shore. Most guys are snuggled up in front of their computers waiting for reports on good fishing. Let us know how your doing but don't post your hotspots. Ice fishing coming soon.
  14. The companies take the tax break. It use to be large companies supported local activities and events. I played for a youth teams sponsored by McDonald's and other businesses. Now they collect money at the local stores and do not support any local groups. One reason I think Tim Horton's has done well. They still support the communities and people who support them. Lots of Timbit hockey teams, free swimming days and other events. Make your donations directly to the charity you have chosen and get a receipt for your own taxes. The more hands the donation has to pass through to get to the intended source the less will be directly applied to where it is needed. Having dealt with this volunteer group directly. I can honestly say the money donated ends up helping directly where it is required. http://emmanuelswish.org/gift-catalogue
  15. :stretcher: That obviously is a factory defect. They should have predicted that you would slam a truck door on your delicate trout rod.
  16. Thanks Ron. I'm glad to see the OFAH becoming involved in this issue. We have also been offered support from several other organizations and appreciate any support on opening access to public areas and anglers rights. I would still like to see the by-laws removed, so this issue does not re-surface in the future and I believe the signs are still up at the harbour. The test will be when someone other than Ron drops a line in the harbour and is allowed to fish unmolested. If the days of yelling at kids for fishing in the harbour are over than it will be a more enjoyable place.
  17. The Rice Lake Fishing Festival and the Bridgenorth Winter Panfish Festival will be writing letters of support. With over 2000 kids attending our free events last year to enjoy fishing with their family and friends, I hope it means something to them. It is in everyone's interest to have our youth engaged in positive activities with their families instead of standing around a street corner or at home on a computer.
  18. Not sure of their official position but if the access is blocked it will negatively affect tourism and employment by reducing tourism visits to the area by both resident and non-resident anglers and other lake users. Losing access to public angling areas is something we all should be concerned with.
  19. Gores Landing Boat Launch possible closure The Hamilton Township council is holding a meeting tonight in Gores Landing at the hall to discuss closing the Gores Landing boat launch and public dock. If you are nearby tonight and can attend this meeting, please do so. The proposal to close the ramp is a real concern as they are also proposing closing the dock access. Lots of people use and enjoy this area of Rice Lake and if they close it everyone loses. The parking is a concern but they have options. According to the report they feel few people would be impacted by this decision and it would have limited impact on local tourism. It is up to anglers to let them know this area is important to us. They receive a few complaints on parking every year and this is what they are responding to. Time for the silent majority to be a loud squeaky wheel. 7 pm Gores Landing Hall. Just up the street from the ramp. This same group is looking to collect fees for the Bewdley boat ramp, parking area and possibly the township park. If you fish Rice Lake and enjoy good access to the lake and spend money in the region, you should have your opinion heard.
  20. The deer was shot from the ground and the way I hunt is to do a lot of scouting and find the right spot and let the deer come to me. No drives, no dogs but finding the core area of good bucks and getting in without spooking them. The value of scent reduction is very important to me because I scout 3-4 days for every day I actually hunt to be in the right place at the right time. If I push the deer or try to move them by driving they usually leave the area I hunt. I find my luck directly increases by the amount of time, effort and attention to detail. This product has a place in my bag every day. The rut is just getting going and the neck of this buck was swelled up like a bull. Now I have one more big buck set up so my success with NokOut may be only half told.
  21. Well the first day of gun season went well with a big body 8 point making his way to my freezer. I just wanted to Thank Big Cliff for getting me on this new product called Nokout. This stuff neutralizes all orders and is a hunters dream product. I spray my hunting clothes and seal them in a bag before going out and well the results speak for themselves. This stuff works on anything. I was going to spray my buddy with it to reduce his smell but afraid he might disappear. Thanks Cliff. Awesome product.
  22. BJ Tackle in Bewdley or McGregor Bay Marina on the north side of Rice. Most Rice lake resorts are still open for the long weekend and have boats for rent. The fish are cranked with good walleye and smallmouth bites on crankbaits around hard bottom drop offs. Largemouth are a little tougher but look for deep green weed and you can find bunches. A couple of Rice Lake fall fatties (the fish). Good Luck and have fun.
  23. http://www.gojobs.gov.on.ca/Preview.aspx?JobID=39025 Good Luck to any who apply.
  24. It sounds like things are moving in the right direction with the Town of Cobourg but we are not sure they understand how many anglers support Ron and his actions on this matter. The businesses of Cobourg enjoy the benefits of angler related tourism and we feel the restriction of access to public angling areas limits the tourism dollars spent in the region and attracts negative publicity to the region. Lets show our support for anglers rights in Ontario.
  25. I don't think we are quite done yet. The by-law is still on the books and until we have signs taken down and by-laws removed, I would suggest we continue moving forward. Actions speak louder than words and I'm looking forward to the day when families can enjoy fishing in Cobourg Harbour if they want.
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