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Everything posted by ckrb2007

  1. I've been using an Abu Verdict for 2 yrs now without any problems...in fact it's one of my fav. rods to use for flippin and pitching in the milfoil patches. What about the new Rapala Concept? I heard they're pretty sweet but I'm not sure of the price.
  2. Here's my vicious Victorian Bulldog "Ozzy. LOL He does get mistaken for a pitbull because he has the "blockhead" look. In his breed he does have Staff. Terrier and bullmastiff. He's a super friendly dog and very active. Loves to swim and fetch sticks. Poor thing is having a tough go this week though.......he just got "the boys" cut off. lol
  3. So what would the best motor size for a 18' or 19' boat?
  4. Thanks for the great replies thus far guys! Making a huge checklist as to what to look for. Colin
  5. I had a Ford Taurus SHO when I was younger.....that thing hauled ass too!! hahaha
  6. I guess they're just pi$$ed off about it happening to their boats. lol I can look beyond that for sure. I've also heard nothing but good things about the Opti.
  7. Thanks for the input Stoty.......I'm just going by what people told me about Nitro. 2 guys have them where I camp and both of them said the paint or something is bubbling on the hull. I'll have to find out exactly what they are talking about.
  8. How does that work Bill?? In regards to bringing it back over? Taxes, duties..etc.
  9. Hey guys. I'm in the market for a new or new to me boat (probably a used one due to my budget). I'm looking to buy in the spring but I'm shopping around and learning what I can now before I start to agressively look. My budget is $20,000 max. I have thought long and hard about the type of boat I want and I've decided to go with a bass boat since the majority of my fishing will be done in the Kawarthas, for bass. I'm thinking I want over 90hp on it....just not sure whether to go with 2 or 4-stroke. I also know Id rather a cable steer then a power steer trolling motor. This will be my first boat purchase so I want to make sure I cover all the basics. What should I look for in regards to wear and tear? What make...boat and motor? I was told to stay away from Nitro boats. Electronics? Batteries/chargers? Hot-foot or not? Jack plate or no Jack plate? My buddy has a triton 175 with a 90hp merc optimax on it and it gets to about 45mph with 2 of us in it and our gear. I'm sure I'll think of more questions to ask when the responses start rolling in. Thanks for your input guy/gals. Colin
  10. By the way, I'll be fishing there all weekend in either a white triton bass boat w/ 115 optimax or a Princecraft 176 w/ 115 merc 4-stroke.
  11. There's also a little motel right at the turn off from hwy 28 to apsley. Never been there but I have seen bass boats parked in there from time to time.
  12. Try Jack Lake Lodge or Millers Timbersands. Yes, I know the greek orthodox church bought it but they are keeping it open as a trailer park and cabins(just not sure if the cabins are open yet). All the cabins have brand new appliances and mattresses,etc. I know this because I have a trailer at Jack Lake Trailer Park....been camping there for all of my 40yrs and will be heading up there tomorrow for 2 weeks!!! heehee
  13. I swear by those Thermocells. I use 2 of them when camping and I found they do a great job......in a windy situation you just need to "play the wind".
  14. ...or if you want a nicer but longer drive, go up and around Lake Simcoe. Turn left at Beaverton and start heading towards Fenelon Falls, Bobcaygeon, Buckhorn. You'll end up at Hwy 36 & Hwy 28 which is right near Burleigh Falls. So many options!
  15. Congrats on the new addition!!
  16. I'll be tryin' my luck on Jack Lake in Apsley. The weather doesn't look toooooo bad. A couple showers here and there but nothing us men can't handle.....right?!?! lol
  17. I spent a summer when I was 17 in the junior ranger program. We were stationed around Fort Frances (Cuttle Lake) and we always had ticks on us at the end of the work day. We used toothpaste to get them out. Apply a nice sized blob on the ticks and they back out.
  18. 10yrs ago I grabbed a lawnmower off the side of the road with a note the said "FREE...needs a new wheel". I brought it home, put a new set of wheels on it an it's the best mower I've ever had. I use regular gas, never used stabilizer in it, haven't change a plug since finding it, and never added oil. The thing is a beast and it starts every time on the 3rd pull. lol It's now my "up north trailer mower" and I used it this weekend after sitting in my shed over the winter since november.......3 pulls and away she went.
  19. Definitely picking apart weed beds, lily pads, logs, structure while flippin'/ pitchin' and topwater fishing for buckets. That brings dad and me together every Saturday and Sunday. My 14yr old loves topwater fishing with me as well. Second on my list is ice fishing for lakers and whities on Simcoe.
  20. I picked about a pound for the wife this morning around an un-named creek near Barrie while "trying" to chase resident browns. I caught 4 but I'm sure their combined weight was less then the pound of fiddleheads.
  21. Fibre Optic Splicing The "things" you see working nights in downtown Toronto. ..but seriously, I'd like to see a show about the road from being a weekend fisherman to top tournament angler.
  22. Great work! I'm still thinking up things to put on my first tat(s). Definitely want my kids name/b-days on one, something about fishing on another and my fav band "RUSH" on another.
  23. Thanks for the ideas thus far guys. Another option that the wife and I are thinking about was going even farther....say Pennsylvania or Ohio. We don't have to pick my son up until next Tuesday night and we're thinking about heading down Sunday morning. Are the shopping options better in those areas?
  24. Hi guys. I will be picking up my oldest son and his girlfriend from their trip to Costa Rica at the Niagara Falls, NY airport next Tuesday and was thinking about spending a few days cross border with the wife and other son. We'll be doing some shopping while we're down there. Does anyone know of any good outdoors stores within and hour or so of Niagara Falls,NY? Thanks, Colin
  25. I had a leaky shower tap as well and it was fixed by replacing the cartridge inside the handle of the tap. Is it a single tap which controls the hot/cold?? If so, just get the make and model and grab a new cartridge and it'll fix your problem. I also fixed my leaky bathroom faucet this way. Cheers, Colin
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