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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. I tried cabelas preserved minnows... They are cheap and you don't have to keep em alive.... But they don't really work well... They are stiff so even when jigging the it looks like a twig on your hook... And the flesh is kinda mushy... They fall off the hook... I tried em one year and never got em again....
  2. I think the part of the article that hit me the hardest was that they found his glove and cell beside the hole... So he may have been hanging on for his life trying to call for help.... I couldn't imagine how it feels to be in a situation like that... And I hope I never find out...
  3. Ahhhhh My bad.... Sometimes things can be interpreted differently online.... Sorry kemper ...
  4. I didn't know it was possible to tell how thick ice is from a 1/4 mile away... Care to explain how you measure ice thickness from that distance kemper...??? I'd LOVE to here this one......lol
  5. I drove by that river today and the rapids up river were crazy.... With extra flow from a thaw like this these small rivers get chewed up fast... One of the fan boats went by me on the highway. I imagine it was on its way to search again. I drove by this area in my boat on Saturday and there was a 4 wheeler and a snowmobile parked on the ice.
  6. Local man missing.... http://www.mpcourier.com/article/20130115/NEWS09/701159762
  7. Yup... We saw 7-8 other boats out as well... There were several launches open... Regardless of the fishing quality it felt good getting out... Breaks up the winter blues... At one point I was in a long sleeve T-shirt it was so warm...lol I know my boat will always be ready to go... Just in case we get weather like this... She's gassed up and batteries charged...lol But like you said you need somewhere with access.... Luckily my driveway is huge... Fits my car... Truck... Boat... And still room for 2-3 more cars...
  8. I'd like to win 2 walleye tournaments this year... Out of the 4-5 ill end up entering... Last year we did 3 tournaments and placed 2nd 5th and 6th.... And I have 2 PBs that have been around too long... I wanna break 36.76lb on a carp and 53.5 inches on a musky....
  9. In the boat in January I was happy to catch anything.... I was pleased with our catch of 5... And any day you get a walleye over 10lbs is a great day.... Fried up the keepers today for lunch... Fresh walleye tasts soooo good...
  10. Good for you skip..... I agree.... GTG with the skipper... Lol
  11. Well With the warm temps in the forecast I starting dreaming about getting out for another winter open water day like last year... Last year we got out in January and boated 27 walleye... So needless to say I was itching to try to repeat that experience.... So I started calling around to find some partners... And it didn't take long... First 2 calls jumped all over the opportunity... And wouldn't you know it... It was the same 2 from last January.... My brother and my buddy Pat.... So in the days leading to our planned outing I began getting things ready... Charged up the batteries.... Topped up the gas tank.... Dug the boat out of the snow.... Every day checking the weather network expecting the warm forecast to change... But it didn't.... Saturday morning we all met up at the launch (which was clear as could be) around 9am like a bunch if kids going to Disney land...lol... We headed out to where we had the most success last January... Nada... Nothing.... We were crushed... Then we tried one of the other spots we had success last January... Nada... Nothing... So realizing last years pattern was a bust we start fresh.... Pat suggested we try a spot... We pulled in and within minutes we could see some walleye on bottom... The water was so clear we were spotting fish in water as deep as 35 feet... It was crazy... But that meant in 35 feet the walleye could also see us.... And they were spookin... So we couldn't vertical jig... We had to cast long range and CRAWL our different presentations back... We did this for a while without so much as a bump...Then I feel something on my line like I hooked a clump of weeds.... Then it started to move... Then it was head shakin like crazy.... It wasn't long before we could see the fish in the gin clear water... It was a walleye... Finally we had hooked one.... Then we realized it looked pretty big... I thought it was the clear water magnifying the fish... Until it was in the net.... A true pig... Then we had a pattern.... So we continued to several other spots until we located more fish... We ended up finding an active school and boated 4 more from 2-4.5 pounds for the table.... We also spotted a submarine sized musky... All and all an amazing day with amazing weather...
  12. I have a question for everyone.... I went out in my boat yesterday.... If I flipped and had to be rescued should I have to pay???? It was nice and warm and the launch was spotless... However it was 32 degree water temps... And in a boat in January in Canada..... Ice flows coming down the river... In many ways I was putting myself at a higher risk then during summer months... And many people said I was crazy.... What about all the boats on the Niagra most of the winter... Should they pay if they flip and need a life saving rescue..????? Or superdad fishing 17 miles from the closest open launch in quinte... Anglers pushing the limits and taking risks in their boats get a pat on the back but ice anglers are labeled as irresponsible undereducated idiots that should have to pay for getting into a bad situation.... I know if I pushed the limits and needed rescue I would hope that the tens of thousands of dollars I pay in taxes each year would have covered me... Considering my community has spent millions in the past few years on hockey rinks and a curling club ill probably never use... I think the occasional rescue for outdoorsman should be covered.... If not... Where the heck do my tax dollars go... To the hockey rink for my neighbors to enjoy...? And I get bupkis....? That doesn't seem right to me... I don't complain about paying taxes and insurance out the nose... But I'd like to think that the one time I might have to cash in on services and equipment I've paid for with my tax dollars my whole life... That I wouldn't have to REPAY for what I've already paid for... Mike
  13. Live well till I get home then a good whack with my "fish whacker"... I only whack em so they don't flop and get blood in the wife's kitchen while I'm gutting them.... Considering we trick em into hitting our bait then sink a hook into their faces and fight them to exhaustion..,,, being humane isn't really on the menu...
  14. Good for you guys for getting out... It was beautiful today... Fish or no fish... It feels good getting out...
  15. Looking good to go in the boat Saturday... +6 with 15km SW winds A buddy and my brother are both in... Cleaned the snow off the boat... Topped up the batteries... It'll be the "2nd annual January walleye assassination"
  16. Does page 5 not show an "auto sensitivity" option in the menu???
  17. Really.... I've never seen a unit without sensitivity.... Weird...
  18. I'm glad it's back so everyone that spends their winter on the couch watching hockey will stop belly aching....
  19. Weather is giving me another shot in the boat... Only question is should I take that shot....lol There's still an open launch...
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