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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. I was recently followed from the local boat launch... The car in question was waiting at the launch after dark for me to return... And left right behind me... Luckily I was paying attention and noticed this right away... So on the way home I took a few turns that make no sence and the car kept following... So we decided to go down a one way street so I could stop and block the road with my truck and boat to confront this skumbag... That was the turn they didn't make... Either they figured out we were testing them or they knew my boat would be somewhere in the next few blocks... They almost came to a stop watching us drive down the road... I thought I'd share this with everyone I was lucky enough to spot these losers... But in the summer with a busy parking lots at the launch... I never would have noticed... In the past couple years I've had fishing gear stolen a couple times including my bow mount trolling motor and over $500 in lures... As well as my digital camera with all my fishing pics... So consider this a heads up... Look both ways and over you shoulder when you leave the launch...
  2. All cards are 3 years... Tags are different... My card expires this year so now I can get a 3 year tag... I wish we had lifetime licenses like you billy bob...
  3. The last couple years have been better and better for me... But this was a banner year for me... I'm at 946 walleye in my boat with a 10.5lb being the biggest and a 105 walleye day setting a numbers PB and 44 musky with a pair of 52 inchers being the biggest... A bunch of accidental smallmouth... A whack of nice carp... Also tried pike fishing this year with a 16 fish day... Had a great bullhead season... Most days we all put $5 in the pot and biggest catfish wins it... Marissa managed to win it most days...lol Got to meet some fine people from this site... And made a couple friends... Especially Paul/Mercman... Talk about a nice guy... And the 2 week forecast is saying I will be fishing till at least christmas in the boat...
  4. i wish i knew what my situation would be then... trip of a lifetime for sure.... ive thought about doing the school for a couple years now... and i love driving on road trips... some day... have fun
  5. whats the shelf life like on these boilies.... couple days? week?
  6. mainline dye and flavors from carpkit tables were gardner from big carp tackle... i got a sausage table to roll 20/22mm sausages and 20mm boilie rolling table... i know you said sausages dont need to be perfect but i need my boilies as round as possible... i bait long range with a baiting stick... and if your boilies arent perfect your never gunna hit the marker float...
  7. no problem.... loads of carp for everyone down here... and some gf friendly swims also... bathrooms close by... picnic tables... cut grass...even permanent BBQs... im spoiled.... just ordered some dye and flavors... and a rolling table... gunna try pineapple in yellow as well as shellfish in yellow...
  8. Sorry... Another question... The garlic oil... Do you need oil or is that for flavor...? I was thinking about doing some tiger nut boilies and if the oil is a key ingredient... I was thinking about switching the garlic oil for peanut oil... and how much dye went into that batch...? 1/2 container... whole container?
  9. Very very cool video... I really like the fact that you left the shells from the eggs in... Texture is important... Carp eat zebra mussels... So crunch in a fishy flavored boilie is nice... I am wondering... If you don't mind me asking... Ballpark... How much $$$ does it cost you per kilo... This recipe is very simple and easy to follow... And I can order any dye or flavors I need... This could keep me busy this winter...
  10. I have a cabelas camera I got on sale for 89.99... Fun toy... Found a stump I didn't know was under my shack Used it 2-3 times... Pretty hard to spin the camera in 20 FOW to show you lures... The days I used it it took a long time to set up... I could see really far in clear water... But the camera spooks fish... I had a couple perch around... Pulled the camera out of the water... Then the vexilar lit up with fish... Started pounding perch... Dropped the camera back down... Vex went blank... In the end it's a fun toy if you get a deal... But in retrospect I'd spent the $$$ on other gear...
  11. Really depends on fishing styles... But a lot of vexilars are coming with a TRI-ducer And the ultra pack option is nice... I have a fl-8 ultra pack and it's perfect for me... I usualy fish 5-50 feet of water and it performed fine... Only thing I wish I had was zoom on the bottom... But I think the higher end models have that...
  12. Very cool... Sometimes a snowman is the only other cowboy available...
  13. On the st.lawrence... You can take your pick of boat or ice... Alot of the river stays open most of the year... Usually the switch from boat to ice is seamless... 1 week tops...
  14. That sucks.... I'll give u an A for effort....
  15. Read the quote... I am not attracting fish with my light... Just seeing the eyes glowing behind my lure...
  16. I had a musky nail a Topraider that was tangled and coming in backwards... Missed it... Recast... Caught it...
  17. I can see walleye coming for my lure when fishing from shore at night... Just keep the headlight on low you can see your lure and the fish eyes... Even got a walleye on a figure 8 one time doing this...
  18. Yeah... I gotta get the "trolling bible" so I know how deep I'm fishing...
  19. every time i put the charger on to keep it charged... always shows full charge... i put the charger on 2-3 times during softwater..... every time it showed full charge... my vex ultra is stored in my house where its warm... dont know if that help the battery or not... why dont you try letting it run all day and see how long it lasts? ive heard its bad to run your transducer dry... so id hang that in a bucket of water maybe? or buy a new battery... dan bouck has some for sale for 20 bucks... if your really worried just buy a new battery... 20 bucks isnt much... http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=57768&st=0
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